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1. An organization purchased 64 addresses from ISP. Starting address of the block is

But, It wants to create 5 sub networks internally? (5)

Sub network-1 contains 30 addresses,

Sub network-2 contains 15 addresses,

Sub network-3 contains 3 addresses,

Sub network-4 contains 3 addresses,

Sub network-5 contains 9 addresses,

Design IP addressing scheme for each sub network by specifying NW ID with suitable prefix, Starting
address and Last address. Draw a network diagram showing how sub networks are connected using a
router and mention each router interface IP address clearly?

2. Consider the Link State Routing//Dijkstra Algorithm and find shortest distance path to all other nodes
from node u.

3. Consider the distance-vector/bellman-ford algorithm and show the distance table entries at node z and
node u.

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