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Tabuk City, Division

Tuga National High School

Tuga, Tabuk City, Kalinga
Summative Test
Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century
Summative Test (Quarter I)
“May He give you what you desire and make your plan succeed.”_ Psalm 20:4
a. Read and analyze the given marked with the letter of your chosen
instructions and questions, choose answer.
your best answer. c. Erasures means wrong.
b. On your answer sheet write your d. Cheating is a grievous offense. Once
name and date, and shade the circle caught, consequence arises.

1. What is the distinction of fad and trend?

A. Fad is transitory and very limited in scope, while trend spread quickly.
B. Trend is a change that affects a wide range of people, while fad has effects in a very
limited in scope.
C. Fad has a long-term implication in our society, while trend has a short-term.
D. Trend spread quickly in a region, while fad spread quickly in a global aspect.
2. What do we call the people who engage in trendspotting in which they immerse
themselves directly to the people, places and events where significant events may be
A. Driver B. Enabler C. Blockers D. Trendspotters
3. Which of the following is a characteristic of a trend?
A. It overlaps and interlocks with other trends.
B. It widen the gap with other trends.
C. It sudden makes surprise and also suddenly it disappears.
D. It interlocks with other trends but can also create a gap.
4. What do we call to an emerging small trend forces behind tomorrow’s big changes.
A Trends B. Megatrends C. Microtrends D. Macrotrends
5. Which does not belong to the group?
A. Facebook B. Pokemon Go C. Twitter D. Instagram
6. What do we call to things that spread quickly, but disappear equally quickly.
A. Trends B. Megatrends C. Fads D. Macrotrends
7. What attribute to change may take the form of new law, politicking, street protests and
other factors?
A. Blockers B. Enablers C. Friction D. Drivers
8. Angelica is a trendspotter who has been working on the present issue on online gaming
among adolescents that could affect the future on their academic performance. What
spotting a trend is reflected in the situation?
A. Cool hunting B. Trend analysis C. Overlooking D. Trend projection
9. What word refers to a sequential pattern of change in recorded data- a change evidenced
by a rise or fall or variables when measured between at least two points over time.
A. Climate Change B. Fads C. Global Warming D. Trends
10.Why is Megatrends important to the lives of people?
A. It shapes and transforms the social, economic, political and cultural lives of the
B. It creates gap between the people.
C. It builds unhealthy relationship among the people in the community.
D. It does not ensure survival in the global competition.
11.Which of the following statement on trends is TRUE?
A. Trends has the capacity to make us sudden surprise and reveal about the things in the
B. Trends are interlocking but they are not interdependent.
C. Trends are interlocking and overlapping because they are interrelated.
D. Trends come and go in an instant manner.
12.Which of the following is CORRECT about network as emerging force of trend?
A. Network is a group of people whom we interact every day without constituting meaning
and action.
B. Networks are set of nodes and ties that will detach us from the people.
C. Networks are everywhere that connect people that constitute meaning and action.
D. All of the above
13.How do people benefit from social media as a form of network?
A. Causing more relationship problems. C. Addiction is real.
B. Staying connectedness. D. Cyberbullying is a growing problem.
14.Megatrends are small social, economic, or political changes that are slow to form;
however, once in place, their influence can last for decades. What makes the statement
A. Slow B. Form C. Small D. Decades
15.When do we say that social network has negative impact to human lives?
A. When it perpetuates unreliable information.
B. When it stays connection to everybody.
C. When it establishes a good relationship
D. When it spread information quickly.
16.How do we spot a trend?
A. Through trendspotting or cool hunting.
B. It begins with the environmental scanning or engaging in the process of gathering
C. Through looking at the future through the lens of the present moment.
D. All of the above
17.Which of the following is the distinction of intuitive thinking and strategic analysis?
A. Intuitive thinking starts form an idea or concept and moves on to what can be
associated with it, while strategic analysis focuses on the idea or concept and its
B. Strategic analysis is brain-centered, while intuitive thinking is heart centered.
C. Strategic analysis is based on gut-feel, while intuitive thinking is based on facts.
D. Intuitive thinking is structured and step-wise, while strategic analysis is complex
matter and so, unstructured.
18. Which of the following is BEST supporting details of strategic analysis?
A. Strategic analysis is structured and step-wise and so this is basically objective.
B. Strategic analysis is complex and multifaceted and so this is time efficient.
C. Strategic analysis is based on facts and reliable data that is subjective.
D. All of the above
19. Which of the following is an example of intuitive thinking?
A. A doctor attending to the patients in the emergency room.
B. A firefighter rescuing victims from a burning building.
C. A lady trying to figure out whether to bring or not an umbrella in anticipation of rain.
D. All of the above
20.Which of the following is an example of strategic analysis?
A. A mother attending to the whining of her child.
B. Fred feels that he is being admired by Kath.
C. A scientist finding a cure or an infectious disease called COVID-19.
D. All of the above
21.Why do we say that strategic analysis is based on logical thinking?
A. because this is based on intuitions or feelings.
B. because it usually attempts to break a problem or issue into its constituent parts both
to understand and to address or solve it.
C. because this is derived from confidence based on experience.
D. All of the above.
22.What thinking style is driven more by gut-feel and confidence from experiences.
A. Intuitive Thinking B. Metacognition C. Strategic Thinking D. Schema
23.Melinda is conducting a study on bullying in their school. To generate some of possible
solution to the problem she read researches in the internet. What process of strategic
analysis is used by Melinda?
A. Identifying the problem C. Examining the variable
B. Generating solution to the problem D. Execution of the plan
24.Teacher Happy has generated some possible solutions to her learners’ absenteeism. To
test the best solution on the given problem, she executed some of the possible solutions in
her class. What process of strategic analysis was emphasized in the scenario?
A. Identifying the problem C. Implementing possible solution
C. Analyzing the problem D. Assessing and reflecting
25.What do you think is the disadvantage of globalization?
A. It strengthen economic progress of the different countries.
B. It intensifies sociopolitical and economic interdependence.
C. It create continuous acceleration of the widening gap between the rich and the poor
D. It help in promoting the quality of life of all humanity.
26.What major category of migration motivate people to leave their place because of difficulty
such as food shortage, war, flood, and among others.
A. Push factor B. Pull factor C. External factor D. Internal factor
27.What is the most powerful force for change in the world today affecting all societies in the
A. Globalization B. Migration C. Climate Change D. Global Warming
28.What word refers to the movement of a person or groups from one territory to another for
the purpose of seeking temporary or permanent residence.
A. Migration B. Trends C. Globalization D. Networks
29.Which of the following is an example of economic globalization?
A. Gender Equity and access to Social Services
B. Partnership of International Development Programs
C. UN General Assembly
D. Trans-national trades are companies that extend beyond the borders of one country
example of these are Unilever and McDonalds.
30.Ms. Riza is a citizen in the Philippines. She is married to a Chinese businessman named
Leen Do. After they got married, she went to China to settle with her behalf. What type of
migration is manifested in the situation?
A. Internal Migration B. External Migration C. Immigration D. Emigration
31.Which among the given example, is an example of internal migration?
A. Keith, a citizen in the Philippines move to Europe.
B. Rowell, from Africa move to India.
C. Vee, married to Sher went to Russia.
D. Desiree, a businesswoman in the Philippines went to Ilo-ilo to expand their business.
32.How does globalization is related to migration?
A. Globalization is related to migration through movement of capital and commodities.
B. Globalization and migration is related because of growing demand of laborers of most
capitalist countries.
C. Globalization is related to migration through labor especially form the unprivileged
D. All of the above
33.Where does the brand of cellphone MyPhone come from?
A. Philippines B. China C. Korea D. Japan
34.What word is regarded as divided and which together constitute the whole?
A. Whole B. Half C. Parts D. Sum
35.What word is simply defined as the completeness of the parts or components?
A. Whole B. Half C. Parts D. Sum
36.Which of the following is an example of primary identity?
A. Reymark is the heir of their rich family.
B. Honesty is the best policy.
C. Mayor Bernard is known in the City of Tabuk because he is known for his good
governance and transparency.
D. Jethro is a famous fashion designer in Lost Angheles.
37.Which of the following illustration shows the concept of similarity?

A. C.

B. D.
38.Which of the following illustration shows the concept of closure?

A. C.

B. D.
39.Teacher Belen is a famous Master Teacher I at Tuga National High School because she
always upholds to her profession passionately. What does the situation emphasize?
A. Role B. Work C. Occupation D. Status
40.We must give great honor and appreciation to all our frontlines who have been extending
life-saving service since the COVID-19. Nurses and other medical experts have cured the
infected and sick people and the men in uniform have been securing the public safety
through leading and implementing health protocols. What does the scenario display?
A. Status B. Worth C. Value D. Role
41.Which of the following statement is TRUE about the relation of production and
consumption as a leading factor to climate change?
A. As the production and consumption increase, the less extraction of natural resources.
B. The more consumption and the production, the greater extraction of the natural
C. The more production and consumption, the more extraction of the natural resources.
D. The more extraction of natural resources, the lesser production and consumption.

42.What word refers to change of climate to human activity that alters the composition of the
global atmosphere?
A. Trends B. Climate Change C. Push Factors D. Weather Change
43.What do we call the gasses that trap heat from the atmosphere and warm the planet
A. Helium B. Oxygen C. Nitrogen D. Greenhouse
44.Which of the following word refers to how people generate and manufacture the products
they need to use, sell, or consume?
A. Production B. Consumption C. Economics D. Extraction
45.What must you do in your barangay to eradicate climate change?
A. Improper implementation of 3Rs. C. Promote illegal logging.
B. Throwing garbage in the river. D. Proper implementation of clean and green.
46. Which of the following icon in solving climate change refers to the use of renewable

A. B. C. D.
47.Jerry has been participating in the different programs of the Department of Environment
and Natural Resources (DENR) such as; tree planting and clean-up drive. What simple
way in fighting climate change is being highlighted in the given situation?
A. Use of renewable natural resources C. Sustainable transportation
B. Be informed and support D. Sustainable infrastructure
48.Why does the earth is getting warmer?
A. The earth is getting warmer because of the natural emission of carbon dioxide?
B. The earth is getting warmer because of the melted glaciers.
C. The earth is getting warmer because of the heat of the sun.
D. The earth is getting warmer because of increasing the normal greenhouse gasses that
trap heat from the sun.
49.Which of the following is an effect of global warming?
A. Rising of the sea levels
B. Melting of ice or glaciers
C. Shrinking of ice mountain
D. All of the above
50.What do you think will happen if we continuously burn fossil fuels?
A. If we continuously burn fossil fuels the ozone layer will be destroyed.
B. The earth will suffer from climate change and so surely people will also suffer.
C. If we continuously burn fossil fuels the more we are contributing in the emission of
greenhouse gasses, which will lead to climate change.
D. All of the above

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Subject Teacher

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