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Branches of Government: LEGISLATIVE

Responsible for making laws that ensure the sustainability of the country's
Meaning of power
 Congress of the Philippines, or;
Power vested upon
 Senate and a House of Representatives
 The Senate must include twenty-four Senators.
 The House of Representatives must have not more than 250 (unless
otherwise fixed by law), 20 percent of them must be Party-list
How are they elected?  Through the votes of qualified voters according to the law.
 The qualifications to become a senator, as stipulated in the constitution,

1. A natural-born citizen of the Philippines;

2. At least thirty-five years old; is able to read and write
3. A registered voter; and
4.  A resident of the Philippines for not less than two years before election
 To become a member of the House of Representatives:

1. A natural-born citizen of the Philippines;

2. At least twenty-five years old;
3. Is able to read and write; and
4. Except the party-list representatives, a registered voter, and a resident for at
least one year in the district where s/he shall be elected.
 The senators can be elected to a term of six years— can be reelected but
are no longer eligible to run for a third consecutive term. 
Term of office  The district and sectoral representatives can be in the position with a term
of only three years— can be reelected but are no longer eligible to run for
a fourth consecutive term. 
 No Senator or member of the House of Representatives may personally
appear as counsel before any court of justice or before the electoral
tribunals, or quasi-judicial and administrative bodies.
 Any member shall not, either directly or indirectly, show financial
Prohibitions interests in any contract with the government or any of its agency or
instrumentality thereof, including GOCCs, during his incumbency. This
includes government franchises.
 Any member shall not intervene in any matter before any office of the
government for his own benefit.
Privileges  Right to salary;
 Freedom of speech and debate without question;
 Freedom from arrest while the Congress is in session, except when the
offense of which a member is charged is punishable by more than six
years imprisonment; and
 Parliamentary immunity.


Branches of Government: JUDICIARY

 Its responsibility is to settle actual controversies involving rights that

Meaning of Power are legally demandable and enforceable.

 Supreme Court and the lower courts

Power vested upon
 Composed of the chief justice as ex-officio chairman, the Secretary of
Justice and representatives of Congress as ex-officio members, and a
representative of the Integrated Bar, a professor of law, a retired
member of the Supreme Court, and a representative of the private
sector as members.

 Designations to the judiciary are done by the President of the

Philippines based on a list passed by the Judicial and Bar Council
How are they chosen?
which is under the governance of the Supreme Court. 

 A natural-born citizen of the Philippines;

 At least 40 years of age
 Has been a judge of a court for at least 10 years, or been engaged in
the practice of law in the Philippines, or has held office requiring
admission to the bar as a prerequisite for at least ten years.

 No fixed term; mandatory retirement upon reaching the age of 70

Term of Office

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