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E-Governance: LGU Malibcong Experience

Petronilo D. Elveña
Excel Philip B. Guidang


COVID 19 had spooked everyone from interacting physically due to its propensity to infect everyone.
The lash of the COVID-19 has compelled the government to issue its stalemate protocols to hasten its
constituents to remain at home purposely to mitigate the continuous surge of the virus. The study aimed
to establish an e-governance platform for the local government unit of Malibcong, Abra and consequently
determine its usability. Specifically, it achieved the objectives that follows. a) to determine the
information that must be published in the LGU Malibcong website; b) to develop LGU Malibcong
website: A platform for E-governance, and c) to determine the usability of LGU Malibcong website: A
platform for E-governance along readiness and awareness. Generally, this study is descriptive in nature.
The LGU Malibcong its e-governance platform to have about the municipality, maps and locations, news,
events, business profile, processing of business permit, transparency seal and among others. The official
name of the website is It is known that majority of the residents of Malibcong, Abra is
not aware on the existence of the website and its tenability. This is the challenge post hoc to the LGU of
whereas e-governance needs to be regarded as part of governance, not as an add-on. Technology-related
decisions are increasingly being made at the political level. While this trend is to be applauded as a
necessary component of the system, it shouldn't compromise efforts to make government more accessible
to the public or the right of the constituents of the municipality of Malibcong to access information
technology. It should be noted on a responsible governance that e-governance cannot be deemed
successful until the LGU of Malibocng drops the "e" and talks again about governance.
COVID 19 had spooked everyone from interacting physically due to its propensity to infect
everyone. The lash of the COVID-19 has compelled the government to issue its stalemate protocols to
hasten its constituents to remain at home purposely to mitigate the continuous surge of the virus. This
has brought deleterious impacts exacerbating economic recession to the whole country affecting
individuals on halting their key works and other alternative sources of subsistence. However, when
confronted with adversity, people's innovation and resiliency blossomed, such that instead of people
sitting at home doing nothing and momentarily waiting for dole outs from the government, working at
home was conceivable and feasible. Working at home was made possible by Information and
communications technology and the Internet. During those times, the government also tried to continue
interacting and providing services to its people. The use of information and communications technology
is referred to as e-governance.
E-governance facilitates the delivery of government services through the of Information and
Communications Technology. IGI Global (2022) defines e-governance as the application of ICT in the
delivery of Government-to-Citizens (G2C), Government-to-Business (G2B), and Government-to-
Government(G2G) services.
The concept and implementation of e-governance in South Africa began in 2005 says Kroukamp
(2005). 9 years on, e-governance implementation in India faces both opportunities and challenges
declares Yadav & Tiwari (2014). Another 9 years forward, Technology has developed so much that
everything in can be found in our fingertips today declares Ranjan, R. (2022).
Governments around the world had resorted to e-governance in combating the pandemic.
Governments services like simple public information dissemination regarding the activities and
guidelines, infection rates among others are posted and shared to the communities using the internet and
social media. Likewise, much software was developed to track the infection like contact tracing
applications. Government websites too, were more visited than ever before like the The is a government website where covid 19 facts, guidelines, and government contact details
can be found. The said website is truly helpful and informative.
Moreover, the government had to automate other areas in the government services including the
national and local business registration processes to ensure delivery of services amidst the pandemic. The
mandate was issued through the JoMC. It is a joint initiative of the Department of Information and
Communications Technology (DICT), Anti-Red Tape Authority (ARTA), Department of Trade and
Industry (DTI) and Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG).
The Municipality of Malibcong as a local government unit must have to comply with the JoMC
not only because of the mandate but also because it must protect the people from being infected with the
virus. Malibcong is presently composed of 12 Barangays namely: Malibcong proper, Binasaran, Taripan,
Duldulao, Gacab, Dulao, Bayabas, Pacqued, Mataragan, Lat-ey, Buanao and Umnap. It has total of 3,428
residents according to Department of Trade and Industry (2022).
The study aimed to establish an e-governance platform for the local government unit of
Malibcong, Abra and consequently determine its usability. Specifically, it achieved the objectives below.
1. To determine the information that must be published in the LGU Malibcong website.
2. To develop LGU Malibcong website: A platform for E-governance
3. To determine the usability of LGU Malibcong website: A platform for E-governance along
readiness and awareness.

For objective 1, to determine the information that must be published in the LGU Malibcong
website, the researchers interviewed the municipal treasurer and conducted document analysis. The
Municipal Treasurer gladly provided the information and consequently becomes the features that must
be published on the website. Additionally, memorandum circulars from the Department of Interior and
Local Government and the Department of Information and Communications Technology were analyzed.
For objective 2, to develop LGU Malibcong website: A platform for E-governance, the AGILE
development methodology. The diagram of the development methodology is shown below.

Fig 1. The AGILE development Methodology

During the requirements phase, the scope, functionality, materials, and duration are defined.
Design phase, the activity during this phase is limited to naming the labels of the links only primarily
because government websites are required to use a template provided by the Department of Information
and Communications Technology.
Development phase. The efforts were focused on doing what has been agreed during the design
phase. It simply putting the drawings into working environment. The pictures and videos are embedded.
Likewise, the functionalities of the features and links are created.
Testing. During this phase, the functionalities of the features and the links are tested. This phase
ensures that the desired features are in place and are working properly. This phase ensures that there no
broken links.
Deployment. In this phase, the webpages, pictures and vides are uploaded into a webhost.
Review. The review phase is conducted to determine whether all the requirements such as scope,
functionality, materials, and duration.
For objective 3, To determine the usability of LGU Malibcong website: A platform for E-
governance along readiness and awareness, the researchers used checklist, survey questionnaire and
google analytics. The checklist was used to indicate the readiness of the Local government Unit in the
implementation of the Electronic Business One Stop Shop or eBOSS. The eBOSS has a set of
functionalities and specifications like it shall accept an online or electronic submission of application,
issues electronically the tax bill/order of payment, accepts online payments, issues electronic versions of
permits, licenses and clearances and provides gateway facility linked to courier service for applicants
who prefer to receive hard copy of permits. Moreover, the survey questionnaire was forwarded to one
hundred (100) Malibcong residents. The respondents were asked to answer their awareness on the
existence of the website.
In addition, to verify the usage of the website in terms of page views and page visits, the Google
analytics was used. Google analytics is part of the Google tools which allows users to measure the website
activities. The three metrics were used to describe the experience of the LGU Malibcong in E-
Results and Discussions
The information that must be published in the LGU Malibcong website
Based on our interview and document analysis, the LGU Malibcong must primarily have a
presentation about the municipality, maps and locations, news, events, business profile, processing of
business permit, transparency seal and among others. This means that the previously mentioned
information will serve as the LGU Malibcong first step towards the implementation of e-governance.
There will be a lot more to be published while they are also on the process of e-governance dissemination
drive to its constituents, hiring technical personnel to handle the website, strengthen ICT infrastructures
around the municipality and as residents are being integrated in the digital world.

The LGU Malibcong website: A platform for E-governance

The images which you can see below are the actual screenshots of the Municipality of
Malibcong’s website. The official name of the website is The website does not have extension because the applications online were rejected twice for reasons we do not know. The
notion that we had is that it is difficult to apply for a government domain name and webhost. As an
alternative, we got .ph extension instead to fully operationalize the local government e-governance

Fig 2. The Landing Page

The landing page is the first page that the user sees when visiting the website. The landing page
displays the images which can best describe the tradition, culture and people living in Malibcong. One
can immediately understand the life being led by the people.

Fig 3. The Malibcong Info. Tab

The Malibcong Information Tab contains the links in which visitors may use to know understand
more about municipality. Like for example, about malibcong link leads to the page where one read the
history and government of malibcong as shown in Figure 4.

Fig 4. History and Government

History and Government page describes how people have been living and being governed in
Malibcong. It tells that Malibcong has three distinct tribes the Banao, Mabaka, and the Gubang with
distinct dialects and traditions. People maintains peace with through the peace treaty called “Bodong”.
To date, people are still observing this treaty.

Fig 5. Map and Videos

Figure 5 displays the map and videos of Malibcong. The Map and videos aim to give visitors and
glimpse on what expect when visiting the place. The videos show the majestic of the of the place. The
videos intend to arouse the excitement of the visitor to personally visit the place.

Fig 6. The Business Tab

The Business tab contains the links of the pages wherein business enthusiast who intend to do
business in malibcong can use. It leads to the Business profile and Processing of Business Permit Pages.
Fig 7. Online Business Application Form
The Online Business Application is the official online version of the business Permit specifically
on tax permit year 2002.
The pages as shown above completes the Malibcong page. Additional contents are being prepared
to satisfy the national government mandates to local government units. As you have seen in the pages
above, the website is intended to attract tourist and businessman alike. LGU Malibcong tries to continue
reaching out to as many people as possible. For a start and it prepares itself for e-governance, it has so
far prepared the limited contents as shown above.
Usability of LGU Malibcong website: A platform for E-governance along readiness and
Th usability of the Malibcong website as platform for e-governance is measured in this study in
two parts: Readiness and awareness. Readiness refers to the compliance of the LGU website in the
implementation of the four requirements set the Department of Information and Communications
Technology and Department of Interior and Local Government as stated in the Electronic Business One
Stop Shop or eBOSS: it shall accept an online or electronic submission of application; issues
electronically the tax bill/order of payment; accepts online payments; and issues electronic versions of
permits, licenses and clearances and provides gateway facility linked to courier service for applicants
who prefer to receive hard copy of permits. And
Based on the presentation above, the website can only accept online submission of business
permit. This means that the LGU website has satisfied so far one out of four requirements. The LGU
website must have to satisfy 3 more of the requirements.

Awareness of the residents on the

presence of the LGU Website

85 Aware Unawere

Fig 8. Website Awareness

Figure 8 displays the number of people who are aware of the existence of the website. 15% of the
respondents say that they are aware of the existence of the website while 85% say they are not aware.
This means that majority of the people of Malibcong are not aware of its existence. This may be because
the website is just published recently. Therefore, it requires an information dissemination drive.
However, digital divide as may also be a factor to consider.
As per the conducted study, it is known that majority of the residents of Malibcong, Abra is not
aware on the existence of the website and its tenability. This is the challenge post hoc to the LGU of
whereas e-governance needs to be regarded as part of governance, not as an add-on. Technology-related
decisions, such as those involving open source software and the handling of personal data, are
increasingly being made at the political level. While this trend is to be applauded as a necessary
component of the system, it shouldn't compromise efforts to make government more accessible to the
general public or the right of the constituents of the municipality of Malibcong to access information
technology. It should be noted on a responsible governance that e-governance cannot be deemed
successful until the LGU of Malibcong drops the "e" and talks again about governance.
A massive awareness drive must be undertaken to inform the public of the benefits they can get
from the website. LGU Malibcong may consider to conduct colloquium seminar and workshop to be
organized by LGU officials and administrative employees as direct end users so that correlative
knowledge about e-governance could be enhanced and sustained. After which, these LGU officials and
Employees will be main fronts to disseminate the substantial epochs of e-governance to the constituents.
IGI Global. (2022). E-governance. Retrieved from
Kroukamp, H. (2005). E-governance in South Africa: are we coping?. Acta academica, 37(2), 52-69.
Yadav, K., & Tiwari, S. (2014). e-Governance in India: Opportunities and challenges. Advance in
Electronic and Electric Engineering, 4(6), 675-680.
Ranjan, R. (2022). A Study on the Role of Information Technology Act in E-Governance. Journal of
Legal Studies & Research, 8(2), 65-75.
Gupta, K. P., Singh, S., & Bhaskar, P. (2018). Citizens' perceptions on benefits of e-governance services.
International Journal of Electronic Governance, 10(1), 24-55.

Department of Trade and Industry. (2022). Municipality of Malibcong. Retrieved from

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