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República Bolivariana de Venezuela

Ministerio Del Poder Popular Para La Educación universitaria

Instituto Universitario Tecnológico José Leonardo Chirinos
Administración Mención Banca y Finanza


Celia Pirela C.I 28159480

Sección AIDA02
ABRIL 2022
Verbos To be To have To do
El verbo “to be” en inglés es El verbo "to have" en inglés es equivalente El verbo “to do” en inglés puede funcionar
equivalente a los verbos “ser” y “estar” a los verbos "haber" y "tener" en castellano como verbo ordinario, con el significado de
Concepto en castellano. “hacer”, o como verbo auxiliar.

Infinitivo: to be Infinitivo: to have Infinitivo: to do

Presente: Have / Has Presente: do/ does

Presente: am / is / are
Pasado: had Pasado: Did
Pasado: was / were Pasado participio: had Pasado Participio: done

participio: been

 I forgot you were head  She has a brown skateboard.  I do my homework in the
cheerleader. afternoon.
 Right now, you  You had tuna for lunch.  She does the laundry on
are experiencing the most Saturdays.
beautiful ecstasy.  Erik and Don are having fun at the  I’m home! I’m going to do my
 There has never been a time party. homework right now.
when you have been alone.  She has already done her
 I got a feeling that we are  He admits having had occasional homework.
being heard over... relation with women.  Ellen did her homework last night
 Tom regrets having been rude at her house.
to Mary  This was the closest person
that he had had.

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