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1. What is the relevance of ICT in your chosen course?

As a student of management accounting, ICT is very important. With the aid of software tools like
Microsoft Excel, we are able to prepare computerized financial statements, including the income statement,
balance sheet, capital statement, statement of cash flows, and notes to the financial statements, that are error-
free. ICT also enables us to publish, exchange, and keep precise financial data so that we can make important

2. Name at least 4 uses of ICT in our daily lives and explain.

 ICT in Education
Nowadays we are using ICT because it can make our lives easier. As a student, I'm using it to manage
and retain information, communicate with other students, produce educational materials like
PowerPoint presentations, and to search for assignments or activities that requires research.

 Socializing
I have many friends on social media like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, who are interested in the
same things as me. ICT help me to interact and connect with others.

 Job opportunities
ICT makes it possible for corporations and small businesses to work more effectively. Additionally,
using any device, it enables job seekers to locate employment online.

 Communication.
ICT makes it simpler for us to communicate with our loved ones via mobile devices. Through voice
mail, social networking, e-mail, and chatting, people can communicate with one another.

3.Give 5 positive impacts and 5 negative impacts of ICT in our society.

Positive impacts
1. Entertainment
2. Improved access to education
3. We can socialize/communicate
4. Easy to access information.
5. New tools, new opportunities

Negative impacts
1. We can get fake news.
2. We can get scammed.
3. There would be a competition
4. Cyber bullying
5. It reduces physical activity

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