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Assessment for Module 2

Instruction: Encircle the letter that corresponds to the right answer
1. What was the name of the first computer designed by Charles Babbage?
a. Analytical Engine
b. Difference Engine
c. Colossus
2. Which was the first electronics digital programmable computing device?
a. Analytical Engine
b. Difference Engine
c. Colossus
3. EDVAC stands for __________.
a. Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Calculator
b. Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer
c. Electronic Data Variable Automatic Calculator
d. Electronic Data Variable Automatic Computer
4. Which was the first commercial computer?
a. Mark 1
b. Analytical Engine
c. Difference Engine
d. Colossus
5. UNIVAC stands for __________.
a. Universal Automatic Calculator
b. Universal Native Input Automatic computer
c. Universal Native Input Automatic calculator
d. Universal Automatic Computer
6. ENIAC stands for __________.
a. Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer
b. Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator
c. Electronic Numerical Integrator Automatic Computer
d. Electronic Numerical Integrator Automatic Calculator
7. John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert are the inventors of __________ computer.
d. Mark 1
8. Who invented the punch card?
a. Charles Babbage
b. Semen Korsakov
c. Herman Hollerith
d. Joseph Marie Jacquard

9. In the late __________, Herman Hollerith invented data storage on punched cards that could then be
read by a machine.
a. 1860
b. 1900
c. 1890
d. 1880
10. Which electronic components are used in First Generation Computers?
a. Transistors
b. Integrated Circuits
c. Vacuum Tubes
d. Microprocessor
11. Which electronic components are used in Second Generation Computers?
a. Transistors
b. Integrated Circuits
c. Vacuum Tubes
d. Microprocessor
12. Which electronic components are used in Third Generation Computers?
a. Transistors
b. Integrated Circuits
c. Vacuum Tubes
d. Microprocessor
13. Which electronic components are used in Fourth Generation Computers?
a. Transistors
b. Integrated Circuits
c. Vacuum Tubes
d. Microprocessor
14. Which electronic components are used in Fifth Generation Computers?
a. Transistors
b. Integrated Circuits
c. Vacuum Tubes
d. Microprocessor
e. Artificial Intelligence (AI)
15. ENIAC Computer belongs to __________.
a. First Generation Computers
b. Second Generation Computers
c. Third Generation Computers
d. Fourth Generation Computers

Additional Preparation:
1. Discuss the five generation of computers. Describe its components and other features.

First Generation Computers - The vacuum tube, which consists of glass tubes with electrodes, is known as
the primary technology of the first generation of computers. These devices also used magnetic drums for their
memory. Machine language, which is the lowest kind of programming that computers could understand, was
used by the first generation of computers and they can only solve one problem at a time.

 The vacuum tube was used as the main component.
 Processing speed in Millisecond.
 Electronic type of computer.
 Machine language was used for programming.
 Largest in size.
 High power consumption.
 Low storage capacity.
 Higher heat generation.
 Very expensive computer.
 Not fully reliable and something of getting errors.
 Developed for military work and available for military and some universities.
 Examples: MARK-I, ENIAC, ABC, etc.

Second Generation Computers – Transistors were used in place of vacuum tubes in the second generation
of computers. Computers are now smaller, quicker, cheaper, and more energy efficient. Data storage methods
frequently used magnetic disks and tapes. The transistors were an advancement over earlier technologies,
even if they produced enough heat to harm some computers. Second-generation computers had a cooling
technology, were more widely utilized commercially, and were only employed for corporate and scientific


 Transistor was used as the main component.

 Processing speed is faster than the first generation i.e. Microsecond.
 Electromechanical type of computer.
 Assembly language used for programming.
 Storage capacity is higher than the first generation.
 More reliable and accurate than the first generation.
 Size and cost are less than the first generation.
 Less power consumption than the 1st generation.
 Less heat consumption than the 1st generation.
 Examples: IBM 1400 and 7000 series.

Third Generation Computers – The third generation of computers were distinguished by integrated circuit
technology. An integrated circuit is a straightforward gadget with many of transistors. It reduced in size and
was put into silicon chips, often known as semiconductors. This modification made computers faster and more
effective than those of the previous generation.

 The integrated circuit (IC) was used as the main component.
 Processing speed faster than previous generation i.e. Nanosecond.
 Electronic type of computer.
 The high-level language used for programming.
 Storage capacity is higher than the previous generation of computers.
 More reliable and accurate than the previous generation.
 Low cost than the previous generation.
 Also, it has low size than the previous generation.
 Low power and heat consumption than the previous generation.
 Examples: IBM PC, Apple, Dell, etc.
Fourth Generation Computers – Microprocessors are the key component of the fourth generation of
computers. A single silicon chip may now contain thousands of integrated circuits thanks to this technique. It
got more capable, portable, dependable, and available.

 C and Large Scale of the integrator (LSI) and Very Large Scale of Integrator (VLSI) are used as
main components.
 The microprocessor is used as a major electronic component.
 Processing speed is faster than the previous generation i.e. Picosecond.
 High-level language, object-oriented language, and fourth-generation language (4GL) are used
for programming.
 Electronic type of computer.
 Multiprogramming and automatic units are used.
 Less cost than the previous generation.
 Less heat consumption than the previous generation.
 Examples: IBM PC, Apple, Dell, etc.

Fifth Generation Computers - Artificial intelligence is the foundation of fifth-generation technology. Some
applications use the artificial intelligence tool; however, most of these machines are still under development.
One such instance is voice recognition. Artificial intelligence studies the techniques required to make
computers think similarly to humans. It aims to create tools that can react to input in natural language and
organize and learn on their own.

 Not developed yet or under the developing stage.
 Massive parallel processing.
 Artificial intelligence (AI) will use.
 Biochip will use as a major electronic component.
 List processing (LISP) will use.
 Programming logic (PROLOG) will use.
 It will very fast and highly accurate capacity than the previous generation.
 Will support embedded expert system.

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