Peer Review Essay 1 Draft 2 Alejandra Engl 1302 1

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Unit 1 Peer Review Workshop: Content

Directions: Mark your responses directly onto the paper you are editing. Or, you can write your
answers here. If you are unsure, simply state that something seems off but you are unsure of

1. Does the author make a conclusion as an expert of this topic? Does this claim reveal
something to you that you did not know before? What is the claim? Mark it in the

Yes, she actually made some comments thought the essay that I didn’t know, I even
pointed one out! Overall great job!

2. Is the author’s thesis statement clear and direct? Does it make a claim about the
findings and come at the end of the literature review? If not, give the author
suggestions for revision.

Yes, it is very clear. I don’t have any comments on that one.

3. Does the author use elements from his/her experiment and two outside sources to
support the findings from the experiment? What are they? Where could the author
use more?

Yes, she did a great job on the sources, I think that since is a research that we are doing
she used exactly where they needed to be.

4. Are the two sources peer-reviewed? Mark them in the text. Tell the author if the
sources are not peer-reviewed so they know to find other sources.

Yes, I marked them.

5. Where could the author use more detail to further illustrate his/her claim? Where
could the author use examples to demonstrate his/her point? Mark these in the text.

I think that the only thing that I can say is that there was mixed information in one of the
paragraphs (I marked it out), she didn’t lack information but she putted a lot and it could
be confusing so I just suggested for her to arrange it in other way but that’s it!

6. Does the author maintain objectivity during his/her essay? Does the author establish
his/her ethos as an author? How can he/she be more reliable? Mark in the text
where the author tends to be subjective.

Yes, she made really great points and still conserved her topic sentences and controlling
7. What are three things that this author does very well?

 She did great points.

 Made really good references.

 She explained it really well.

8. What are three revision suggestions you have for the writer?

Some of the references seemed odd to me.

Just to arrange the paragraph that I pointed out.

And just one topic sentence that I also marked out.


-Are my peer reviewed sources cited correctly in my essay?

I marked some but don’t trust me with that because I think I might be wrong, but they
seemed odd (not all of them).

-Do you think there is a better way to introduce my essay?

Noo! Is super good, just the topic sentence that I marked out and make the controlling idea
more of a statement.

-Does it make sense/does it flow?

Yes it totally does.

-Did I explain myself well or should I add more detail and explanation?

Yes, just that one paragraph that I pointed out because a lot of information can get mixed
up, so just arrange it a little bit.

-How was my discussion section? How can I improve it?

it was good I liked it and you made strong points!

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