Batonghinog Ped2 M4

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Wilson C. Batonghinog Jr.


Application Part Module 4

1. Design an instructional activities for a specific topic and grade/year level for students with
giftedness and talent and apply all the insights that you have gained in this module.

These are the activities I would do if I will become teacher soon. Lets say for instance that I
will be teaching a Science subject in grade 3 and our lesson is about solid, liquid, and gas
these are the things I would do to gain the attention of my gifted and talented students. I will
make an activity that could boost their curiosity about solids for example I will form a group
and allow them to go outside the classroom and search for an example of the three state of
matter. This activity could allow to open their minds to do research and boost their critical
thinking, curiosity, excitement to the topic. Second is that I will make a Q and A sessions that
ask them about the content of the topic this could activate their critical thinking for example I
will ask them "How can we define a solid matter?" or "Why is it that the liquid has a definite
volume and no definite shape?". Lastly I will create an activity using technology example of it
is a video presentation. Creating video presentation about the 3 states of matter with exciting
activities within the video and then after the presentation. Then I will make a K-W-L chart for
them to evaluate what they learn from the presentation by this way it could help them to
gain excitement and attention about the lesson and boost their minds to get interest with the
lesson I presented.

2. Read and analyze the case. What issues are being presented in the case?

Case Study:

Mico recently turned 5 and attends a kindergarten program in Davao City. He is curious and
highly motivated to learn. He is an extremely smart boy but he is very disruptive in class. He is
always clowning around and distracting other students.


Mr. John’s classes are so boring! He expects me to sit up straight and just listen as he drones on
and on. I used to really like English but now I really dread going to the class. Whenever he ask
aquestion he tells me to be quiet. It's very frustrating. Somebody needs to lighten up the class!
At my old school we were encouraged to work independently and to think for ourselves but
here I’m just expected to sit passively. How can I ever learn anything if he doesn’t let me think?
Sometimes I feel really depressed about the class.

Mico’s Teacher: Mr. John:

I get really angry with Mico sometimes. I always tell him to be quiet and listen to me if he wants
to learn. He always wants to question everything. The frustrating thing is that he’s a very fast
learner and is very talented at reading, writing and solving problems and always gets an ‘A’! I
have to admit that Mico is a charming boy, with a good sense of humor. Sometimes he makes
jokes to make his friends laugh. He gets well with his classmates too. I just wish he’d listen to
me. After all, I’m the expert.”

1. Do you think Mico has emotional issues or could he be a gifted student? Why?

I think Mico is a gifted student. The reason why I can say that because even though he is
very disruptive in the class he still manage to get an ‘A’ grade. I think the reason why he
behaves like that because he wants a different way of teaching that can be more
challenging and exciting for him he wants a kind of teaching that can activate his critical
thinking ability.

2.Pick out 5 behaviors that might belong to a student with emotional issues and 5 behaviors
that might belong to a gifted student.

Students with behavioral issues Gifted students

 immaturity  relentless curiosity

 fearful  very high standards for themselves
 hyperactivity  bossiness
 self-harming  very observant
 impulsiveness  imaginative

3. Why do you think Mico is bored in Mr. John’s class as shown from the case above.

Mico is bored in the class because he feels like no challenge. He doesn't want to sit up and
listen all the time. Mico wants to think in his own he wants to question everytime but his
teacher doesn't allow him. He wants a challenging and exciting class.

4. What implication does it have in the child’s learning?

The conclusion of this scenario is that the teacher should make a strategy that can solve
Mico's complain about his way of teaching. The teacher should accommodate his students
complain and make an immediate action to solve the problem. This kind of students needs
to be accepted among peers.

5. What should be the role of the teacher in teaching learners with giftedness and talent?

The role of the teacher in teaching learners with giftedness and talent is to implement the
strategies assessing for them and they must recognize their learning differences. Allow
students to pursue their interests.Teachers also must accept and understand their unique
behaviors, mindsets,and characteristics.

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