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EDUC 102
The Teaching Profession



Prepared by:

The Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers Relationship with the Internal Stakeholders

ANALYSIS: Let’s Analyze

1. In the “Wishes for My Teacher” that were read, which were most common?

 I think the most common is Section 4 because when I was in high school there are so
many issues about this one. Teachers should not receive gifts from students and their
parents because it can cause conflict of interest if the gif is of major value. Teacher who
received valuable gifts is possible sending a message to the parents that there will be
special consideration given to the students. Being a teacher is a gift and has a lot of
responsibility, be a professional and follow the Code of Ethics because that was your
responsibility and you need to value your dignity as a teacher. Be a teacher that your
student will be proud of and be an inspiration to your students.

2. Based on Article VIII, the Teacher and Learners of the Code of Ethics, find out if your
wishes are those or not those that you read in Article VIII.

 Yes, as I read the Article VIII all my wishes are stated in that article. Code of Ethics for
teachers is designed to protect the rights of the students, all the students. It is
important that teachers understand that when they get a teaching position they are
agreeing to follow the code of ethics.


2. Let’s have pre-test on how, the teacher relates to higher authorities in the
Philippines. Do this individually. Answer with a YES or NO

_______NO__1. To campaign against legitimate policies of the school and administration with
which he/she disagree?
_______YES___2. not to support a legitimate policy with which he/she disagrees?
________YES__3. To file charges against superiors under anonymity to protect himself/ herself?
_______YES___4. To transact official business through proper channel, no exception
________NO___5. To go on strike with his group to seek redress against injustice
________NO___6. To be promoted based only on years of service?
_________NO__7. To complain against transfer of teachers with whom the school has


Let’s have a post test. Do this individually. Answer with a check √ or an X Is it professional for
a teacher:
____/__1. To complain against transfer of teachers with whom the school head has prejudice?
____X__2.To be promoted based only on years of service?
____/__ 3. To transact official business through proper channels, no exception?
____X__4. To go on strike with his group to seek redress against injustice?
_____/__5.To files charges against superiors under anonymity to protect himself/herself?
_____X_ 6. Not to support a legitimate policy with which he/ she disagrees?
____X___7. To campaign against legitimate policies of the school and administration with which
he/she disagrees?

Synapse Strengtheners

Research on the steps a professional teacher should take if she decides to raise his grievances
against his superior.


 Every teacher has a right to seek redress for grievances relating to their employment.
This policy complies with both the Employment Act 2002 and with the ACAS Code of
Practice entitled "Discipline and Grievance Procedures”
 Stage 1 – The teacher should submit a formal written statement of grievance to the
head teacher using a prepared pro forma (Appendix 1) which should outline clearly the
nature of the grievance and the suggested resolution sought by the aggrieved party. The
head teacher or senior manager will convene a formal grievance hearing within 10
working days (or otherwise by mutual agreement) of receipt of the written statement of
grievance. The teacher will have the right to be represented at the hearing and to call
witnesses, and the head teacher will respond in writing to the formal statement of
grievance within 5 working days of the date of the hearing. 

 Stage 2 – Should the aggrieved employee be dissatisfied with the Stage 1 decision, there
shall be a right of appeal to the Director, Education Services. A statement of appeal
must be submitted in writing within 10 working days of receipt of the written Stage 1
decision explaining the reasons for continuing dissatisfaction.
 Stage 3 – If the teacher remains dissatisfied with the response from the Group Manager
there shall be a right of appeal to the Appeals Sub-Committee. Time limits for convening
a meeting of the appeals committee and for transmitting its decision to the aggrieved
party are as set out in section 6 of this procedure.

 Stage 4 – The final decision of the local authority can be submitted to the Joint
Secretaries of the Scottish Negotiating Committee for Teachers for consideration
through its appeals process only if the subject matter of the original grievance relates to
the interpretation or implementation of a national agreement promulgated by the


The Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers: His/her Person, Profession and Business


2. Here are quotes on the teaching profession. To which Section of Article IV does each
quotation refer?
 The quotes relates to Section 1, it state that teaching is the noblest profession
and you should be proud of your profession. And you should be happy that you
are a professional teacher who is respected by everyone. Don’t make a remark
that you are “just teachers” instead draw yourself up to your height; look at
everybody squarely in the eye and say “I am a teacher”. Be proud of what you
achieve because you choose to be a teacher and God put you in that position for
a reason.

Research on how students regard the teaching profession. Do they see it as a noblest
profession for those who cannot make it in the other profession?

 The first thing that you must know about teaching as a profession is that teaching is
about inspiring and motivating students to realize and exceed their potentials. The
greatest teachers of all time have devoted their life in inspiring and empowering their
students to achieve great things and be a good human being.

 The career in teaching requires people who have the conviction to nurture young minds
and mold them into something great. Since time immemorial, the profession of teaching
has been considered as one of the noblest professions.


ACTIVITY: Let’s Do These

Read Article XI of the Code of Ethics then answer the ff questions.

1. What is the big challenge for a teacher?

 The big challenge for a teacher in Article XI is Section 3 states to maintain at all
times a dignified personality which could serve as model worthy of emulation by
learners, peers, and others. As teachers serve as an example to his students.
Teachers must adhere to the exacting standards of morality and decency. A
teacher both in his official and personal conduct must display exemplary behavior. He
must freely and willingly accept restrictions on his conduct that might be viewed the
personal behavior of teachers, IN AND OUTSIDE THE CLASSROOM, must be beyond
reproach they must observe a high standard of integrity and honesty. With such high
standard of morality and stringent rule of conduct the teacher must observe, not only
inside the school but also even outside.

2. Are you ready to face the challenge?

 As a future teacher, am I ready? Absolutely yes, I am ready since the day I
decided to enroll to this course. I am willing and I know being a professional
teacher it takes courage, strength and wisdom to fulfill your goals. I choose this
profession because I want to share my learning and knowledge to my future
students and also I want to inspire them that all their dreams will come true if
they have trust, faith that God will make their dreams a reality. I know there are
a lot of challenges along the way but I know in my heart I can make it.


There are more women than men in the teaching a profession. Does this indicate that less
men are able to face the challenge of the teaching profession?

 In my own opinion I believe that women have a lot of patience when it comes to
teaching. Gender discrimination. Most people have a notion that women are more “nurturing”
and are more suited to caring for children. While this may be true to some extent for the lower
grades, this concept entirely dissolves at higher levels.
 Accusations. This goes for other aspects of life in general, but if a male teacher is accused of
rape or similar things, they will probably be instantly fired and their career and entire life will
most likely be ruined, regardless of whether they did anything or not.


Describe the teacher as a person based on Article XI of the Code of Ethics y way of cinquain. A
cinquain is a five-line poem composed of:

Line 1- one word

Line 2- Adjectives that describe line 1
Line 3- action words that relate to line 1
Line 4- 4 words feeling that relates to line 1 or a complete sentence.
Line 5- 1 word a synonym of line 1 or a word that sums it up

Passionate, understanding
Teaching, listening, responding
I admire her teaching

Analysis: Let’s Analyze

1. With teachers borrowing habits, which section of Article X do teachers failed to

 Section 2: A teachers shall maintain a good reputation with respect to financial
matters such as in the settlement of his just debts, loans and other financial
affairs. Teachers should maintain dignity inside and outside the school. Should
not be involved in any acts that can ruin his reputation.

2. When do professional teachers violate section 3 of article X?

 Any violation of any provisions of this code shall be sufficient ground for the
imposition against the erring teacher of the disciplinary action consisting of
revocation of his certification of Registration and license as a Professional
teacher, suspension.


Select the correct answer:

1. On what condition can a professional teacher engage in business?- Analysis

A. Income generation is legitimate

B. Income generation is related to her/his work

C. Business includes books and school supplies

D. Adversely affects his/her work

2. Why is a teacher prohibited from direct business transactions involving textbooks and
school supplies?- Analysis

A. Possibility of exerting influence for his/her own business interest

B. Her/his main task is to teach not to engage in business

C. To avoid competition

D. The Code of Ethics says so


The Rights and Privileges of Teachers in the Philippines

ACTIVITY: Let’s Read These

PRETEST- Write YES if you agree and NO if you disagree. Refer to the 1987 Philippine
Constitution, Commonwealth Act No. 578 and RA 4670, the Magna Carta for Public School
Teachers found in Appendices C, D, and E, respectively.

The 1987 Phil Constitution states that the State shall:

____Yes_____ 1. Enhance the right of teachers to professional advancement.
____No_____ 2. Assign the second highest budgetary priority to education, next to medicine.
____Yes_____ 3. Ensure that teaching will attract and retain its rightful share of the best
available talents through adequate remuneration and other means of job satisfaction and

Commonwealth Act No. protects teachers by providing a provision on:

__Yes______ 4. Punishment against any person guilty of assault against teaching personnel.
___Yes_____ 5. According due respect and protection for teachers who are considered persons
in authority.
Republic Act No. 4670 or the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers states the following rights
and privileges of teacher:
____Yes____ 6. Academic freedom particularly with regard to teaching methods.
____Yes____ 7. The right to be free from compulsory assignment not related to their duties
defined in their appointment or employment contracts unless given additional compensation.
____Yes____ 8.Freedom from involuntary contributions.
____Yes____ 9.Compensation for employment injuries in accordance with existing laws.
____Yes____ 10. Establishing, joining, maintaining labor organization of their choice to
promote their welfare and defend their interest.
____No____ 11. Transfer even without their consent from one station to another where there
is urgent need.
_____Yes___ 12.Employment in the same locality for those who are married whenever
____No____ 13.A maximum of 4 hours actual teaching hours per day.
____No____ 14. More than 6 hours of teaching but not exceeding 9 hours.
____NO____ 15. An additional compensation of at least twenty per cent of his regular
remuneration after the teacher has completed at least six hours of actual classroom teaching a
____No____ 16.Additional compensation from DepEd when they serve during elections.
____No____ 17.Equal remuneration, regardless of qualification.
_____No___ 18. Salary scales of teachers that provide for a gradual progression from a
minimum to a maximum salary by means of regular increments, granted automatically after
three years, even if the efficiency rating of the teacher concerned is below satisfactory.
_____Yes___ 19. The salary scales appropriated by a city, municipal, municipal district, or
provincial government that are not lower than those provided for teachers of the National
____Yes____ 20. Without exception Special Hardship Allowances.
____Yes____ 21. Special hardship allowances equivalent to at least twenty- five per cent of
their monthly salary for those who qualify.
____Yes____ 22. Free medical examination even after retirement.
_____No___ 23.A study leaves for not more than 2 school years after ten years of teaching.
_____No___ 24. Enjoy a compensation allowed for one year study leave without any condition.
____Yes____ 25. A study leave of more than one year provided permitted by the Secretary of
Education but without compensation.
____Yes____ 26. An indefinite sick leave of absence when the nature of the illness demands a
long treatment that will exceed one year at the least.
____Yes____ 27. One range salary raise upon retirement for those who have fulfilled the age
and service requirements of the applicable retirement laws which shall be the basis of the
computation of the lump sum of the retirement pay and the monthly benefits thereafter.
___Yes_____ 28. Hardship allowance for those who teach in multi-grade classes, mobile
teachers and Non-formal Education or Alternative Learning System (ALS) Coordinators are
entitled to hardship allowance.
____Yes____ 29. Stability of employment and security of tenure under existing laws
_____Yes___ 30. Safeguards in disciplinary procedure


A. Let’s have a Posttest. Answer TRUE if the statements is correct and FALSE if it is wrong.

____FALSE______ 1.Special hardship allowances of professional teachers are equivalent to at

least ten percent of their monthly salary for those who qualify.
____FALSE______ 2. Teachers enjoy free medical examination even after retirement.

____FALSE______ 3. Teachers are entitled to a study leave for one year after a minimum ten
years of teaching.

_____FALSE____ 4.Teachers may enjoy full compensation allowed for one year study leave on
condition that the teacher takes the regular study load and passes at least seventy-five per cent
of his courses without any condition.

____TRUE_____ 5. Teachers may be entitled to a study leave of more than two years provided
permitted by the Secretary of Education but compensation.

____TRUE_____ 6. Teachers may enjoy an indefinite sick leave of absence when the nature of
the illness demands a long.

_____TRUE_____ 7. A professional teacher is entitled to a one range salary raise upon

retirement for those who have fulfilled the age and service requirements of the applicable
retirement laws which shall be the basis of the computation of the lump sum of the retirement
pay and the monthly benefits thereafter.

____TRUE_____ 8. Those who teach in multi-grade classes, mobile teachers and Non-formal
Education or Alternative Learning System (ALS) Coordinators are entitled to hardship allowance.

____TRUE_____ 9. Teachers enjoy stability of employment and security of tenure under

existing laws.

_____TRUE___ 10. Teachers have safeguards in disciplinary procedure.

_____TRUE___ 11. Teachers enjoy the right to establish, join, maintain labor organization of
their choice to promote their welfare and defend their interest.

____TRUE____ 12. Teachers may be transferred even without their consent from one station to
another where there is urgent need.

____TRUE____ 13.Employment in the same locality for those who are married whenever

___FALSE____ 14. Teachers may have more than 6 hours of teaching but not exceeding 9

____TRUE____ 15. Teachers are entitled to an additional compensation of at least twenty five
per cent of his regular remuneration after the teacher has completed at least six hours of actual
classroom teaching a day.
_____FALSE____ 16. Teachers are entitled to additional compensation when they serve during
elections paid by DepEd.

___FALSE______ 17. Teachers enjoy equal remuneration, regardless of qualifications.

_____TRUE____ 18. Teachers enjoy salary scales that provide for a gradual progression from a
minimum to a maximum salary by means of regular increments, granted automatically after
three years, if the efficiency rating of the teacher concerned is satisfactory.

____FALSE_____ 19. Teachers enjoy the salary scales appropriated by a city, municipal,
municipal district, or provincial government that is not lower than those provided for teachers
of the National Government.

____FALSE_____ 20. Teachers without exception are entitled to Special Hardship Allowances.

The Philippine Constitution states that the State shall:

__TRUE_____ 21. Enhance the right of teachers to professional advancement.

____FALSE___ 22. Assign the school highest budgetary priority to education, next to medicine.

___TRUE____ 23. Ensure that teaching will attract and retain its rightful share of the best
available talents through adequate remuneration and other means of job satisfaction and

Communication Act No. 578 protects teachers by providing a provision on:

____TRUE___ 24.Punishment against any person guilty of assault against teaching personnel.

__TRUE_____ 25.According due respect and protection for teachers who are considered
persons in authority.

Republic Act No. 4670 or the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers states that a
teacher/teachers enjoy/exercise:
__TRUE_____ 26. Academic freedom particularly with regard to teaching methods

___TRUE____ 27. The right to be free from compulsory assignment not related to their duties
defined in their appointment or employment contracts unless given additional compensation.

__TRUE______ 28. Freedom from involuntary contributions

___TRUE_____ 29.Compensation for employment injuries in accordance with existing laws.

_____TRUE___ 30. Establishing, joining, maintaining labor organization of their choice to

promote their welfare and defend their interest.


1. What is the maximum number of teaching hours for teachers?- Remembering

A. 4

B. 5

C. 6

D. 7

2. Can a teacher go on a study leave for two years?- Analysis

A.Yes, provided given permit by the Secretary of Education

B. No, for one year only

C. Yes, with salary

D. It depends on the ranking of the teacher.


1. What if a teacher who is transferred to another school believes there is no justification

for the transfer? What must he/she do?
 Every school district I know of has a master contract detailing the conditions of
employment, including but not limited to transfers. If the district’s teachers are a
part of a collective bargaining unit, they are entitled to representation when an
issue such as a non-voluntary transfer happens. Your first step should probably
be to read your master contract to learn what it has to say about transfers. If you
still feel after reading your master contract that your transfer violated terms of
the contract, you should speak either with a collective bargaining unit official or
with an attorney who specializes in employment law.

2. Research on the budget allocated to education by the State for the past 5 years. Based on
the figures, has the government been true to the Constitution?

 According to Article XIV, Section 5 of the 1987 Constitution expressly provides that: “The
State shall assign the highest budgetary priority to education and ensure that teaching
will attract and retain its rightful share of the best available talents through adequate
remuneration and other means of job satisfaction and fulfillment”. The government has
been true to the Constitution. The Constitution plays a very important role in our society
today. The Constitution explains how our government works. The main aim of the
Constitution is to make sure that the people and the government get the rights they
were promised for.

Chapter 5

On Becoming a Glocal Teacher

Lesson 1- The Global and Global Teacher Professional: Is there a Difference?

Make a Reflection

1. Who is a glocal teacher? What are the attributes of a glocal teacher?

 A glocal teacher is someone who thinks and acts both locally and globally with
worldwide perspectives but is teaching in the communities, localities, towns,
provinces and regions where he is situated. As a future teacher you have to
blend both global.
The attributes of a glocal teacher are the following:
 Engaging students in learning about the world and in exploring their place in it
 Using real-life global examples, materials, and resources when considering local,
national, and human issues
 Valuing the input of culturally and linguistically diverse learners, families, and
colleagues, and modeling cultural sensitivity
 Creating environments that encourage positive cross-cultural interaction
 Modeling social responsibility in local and global contexts
 Helping learners find appropriate actions to improve local and global conditions
 Assessing learners’ global competence and providing growth opportunities based
on their levels of development
 Advocating for global education and social responsibility.

2. Can the teacher whom you have interviewed be classified as a glocal teacher? Why?
Why not?

 The teacher that I have interviewed will be classified as a glocal teacher, since
she is a competent teacher who is armed with enough skills, appropriate
attitudes and universal values to teach students with both time tested as well as
modern technologies in education in any place in the world

3. Can one be a global teacher, without teaching abroad? Write your insight

 Yes, because a global teacher is a competent teacher who is armed with enough
skills, appropriate attitude and universal values to teach students with both time
tested as well as modern technologies in education in any place in the world. A
global teacher is a teacher with global perspectives, thinks locally and globally
right in the place he or she is situated

4. Reflect on the statement “ As a glocal teacher, act locally but think globally”

 As a future teacher it is very important that a glocal teacher, act locally in order to
maximize the use of available materials and at the same time the students can
understand well and to have a deep understanding and to have an authentic learning
because the learning materials used by the teacher is based on the real lives of the
learners. But since we are also glocal teachers, we should always see to it that we are
not neglecting our own culture and country. We need to remind the learners to still
appreciate our own country in spite of the continuous globalization we are experiencing.
We should relate the learning content specified in the curriculum to local information
and materials from the leaner’s community.-I believe that as educators, we should be
think globally and teach locally. We must be preparing our learners to be globally
competitive but also giving equal importance to own Filipino history, culture and the
country itself

Lesson 1- Self-check Questions

Instruction: Choose the correct from the option given.

1. The concept of globalization came about in recent years because the world has become
borderless primarily due to understanding.

A. advance in technology

B. ASEAN integration

C. use of English as a medium of teaching

D. teacher exchange program

2. Which statement is NOT TRUE about a professional teacher of the 21st century? Analysis

A. The Filipino teacher abroad should know and understand the culture of the place of teaching.

B. The glocal teacher is one who enhance knowledge and skills to address the global demands
but has a strong affiliation to the local culture and traditions.

C. Blending the knowledge, skills and values appropriate for the world but preserving those of
one’s own country is the essence of glocalization.

D. Disregard of cultural diversity and a focus on the 21st century skills is the ultimate goal of
globalized education.

3. When Roland Robertson started to use the phrase “think local, act global” he meant


A. even if you will be teaching in your hometown, your competence is world class

B. you should limit your lessons only to local knowledge, values and aspirations

C. you should use examples in your lessons from foreign countries

D. you believe that the best examples are coming from abroad
4. To which does global village refer?- Understanding

A. Other countries abroad

C. All the countries abroad including your own

B. Include all the countries abroad

D. Our ASEAN neighbor

5. Which set of core values should a Filipino teacher possess to become a glocal teacher?-

A. Cultural and historical rootedness and nationalism

B. Economics excellence and materialism

C. Inclusivity and self-preservation

D. Borderless thinking and interconnectivity

Lesson 2:

A Closer Look at the Teachers and the Teaching Profession in the ASEAN and Beyond


Title: The Teacher Professional and the Teaching Profession across the ASEAN and Beyond

The Professional Educational What Grade Levels can How are they recruited
Teacher in Qualifications They Teach
1. ASEAN- 1. General knowledge Primary level Most teachers are
and understanding Secondary level license as a professional
2. pedagogy Tertiary level or are certified to teach
3. teaching practicum/ by the country
Experiential learning 4. appropriate agencies.
Specialized knowledge/
Major courses.

2. CHINA- The general assumption Elementary The Examination is

in the Chinese society is Junior and Senior high standardized for the
that the teachers tells school secondary teachers by
the single and absolute the government while
truth and the job of the examinations for the
student is to absorb the elementary teachers
knowledge conveyed by are the responsibilities
the teacher without of each province.
3. JAPAN Teacher Certification in Pre -School The public school
Japan: Elementary School teachers are prefectural
1. First class Lower Secondary school employees even if they
certification Upper secondary School teach in municipal
2. Second class shools prefectural plays
certification an important role in the
selection and hiring of
4.U.S.A Pre-Service students Pre-primary education After following the
who are preparing to Primary education successful completion
teach in any of the Middle school of an application
above grade levels have education process a
to attend a college or a Secondary education superintendent
university for four Junior high school approves the
years, major or minor Senior high school application and then
education and earn a forwards are
teaching certificate. commendation t hire to
the local school board

Title: The Global Teacher Status Index Report

Task No. 2: Answer the following questions based on the GTSIndex Report

1. What message do these data convey: 2/3 of the countries judged the professional status of
teachers most similar to social workers? Explain your answer.

 There is no international consensus on what constitutes a

comparative profession for teaching, but two-thirds of countries judged the social status
of teachers to be most similar to social workers. Teaching and social work tend to
overlap in areas of individual growth and development. Teachers undertake structured
tasks to help support students' personal growth, social and emotional development, and
academic pursuits.
2. In most European countries, more respondents believe that pupils disrespected
teachers than respected them. Is this situation true to the Philippine setting? Yes? No?
Explain your answer.
 No, In the Philippines teachers are respected. Public school teachers are considered
gems because they are front liners as far as basic education is concerned. The basic
knowledge, the positive value and attitude, and the skills that the teachers have
inculcated among youths will be carried throughout their entire lifetime.

3. Fifty percent of parents in China would encourage their children to become teachers.
Would you do the same thing to your younger sister or brother? Why? Why not?

 Absolutely yes, because teaching is good and a novel profession but if my younger
siblings don’t want to be a teacher I still support them even if they take another path,
the important thing is that they are happy and can helps others too.

4. Do you agree with the survey results that teachers should be paid according to student
performance? Yes? Or No? Why? Why not?

 No, because learners have different understanding of everything therefore they have
different performances. Teacher should pay accordingly not base on student
performance. As a future educator teaching isn’t an easy job, it takes a lot of courage,
patience and understanding.

5. Teachers in the 21countries surveyed, have positive trust ratings. Do you think Filipino
teachers are also trusted? Yes? Or No? Explain?

 Yes, Filipino teachers are trusted. They are responsible and good at what they do. In fact
in other countries they are consider as a highly trusted and like by their employees.
Filipino teachers exhibit excellence, professionalism and high sense of responsibility.

2. Enrichment activity. Write an Essay on the topic. How does a Filipino teacher compare
with a teacher in the ASEAN and beyond?

 Filipino teacher is just like other teacher in foreign countries, Filipino teachers are
passionate to teach. They have remarkable values, skills, abilities and knowledge.
Teachers play a significant part in the lives of children, especially during their formative
years. They are integral in molding students to become responsible citizens of the
country. They are at our side when we needed guidance, they discipline us when we go
astray, they give moral support and encourage us to do more, and to learn more. They
teach us not to give up when we are about to surrender.

Lesson 2- Self-check Questions

All items refer to lesson 2. Choose the correct answer from the choices given.

1. In all the ASEAN member countries, which level of schooling is free and compulsory?-

A. Primary level C. Middle School level

B. Secondary level D. College level

2. Which of the ASEAN member countries, gives the highest teacher salary?- Remembering

A. Brunei C. Singapore

B. Philippines D. Malaysia

3. Which country issues a teacher’s license through the Professional Regulation Commission?-

A. Thailand C. Indonesia

B. Philippines D. Singapore

4. According to the Global Teacher Status Index, from what country have the teachers the
greatest respect from students?- Remembering

A. China C. Greece

B. Finland D. New Zealand

5. Which country, according to the Global Teacher Status Index, gives the highest salary to
teachers? - Remembering

A. Singapore C. Japan

B. South Korea D. Switzerland

Lesson 3

The Changing Global Landscape for the 21st Century Teachers

1. with you group, make observation in your school campus, write down one specific
observation for each of the Pillars of learning that is being practiced. Place in the
matrix below.

Pillars of Learning Observed Practices in the School

1. Learning to know The students will learn about literacy

for example in mathematics activity
2. Learning to do The student learning will put into
action. For example hands-on learning
like cooking, baking, planting trees in
3. Learning to be Being able to be a leader in a group
that promotes positivity and
organization that can help the school in
creating peaceful and progressive
4. Learning to live together Collaborate to other people especially
if there’s an event and student will
participate and share his talents
2. Make a comparison of the global teaching-learning landscape before and in the 21st

Parameters Before 21st Century

1. Learners  Paper pencil driven  Technology enhanced learning

 Complaint  Problem solver
 Wait for results  Immediate gratification
 Sit and get  Move, experiment
 Learners as receptor  Learners as initiator
2. Teachers  Retelling  Discovering
 Information transfer  Learning to learn
 Time based  Outcome based
 Textbook driven  Research driven
 Passive learning  Active learning
3. Learning  Teacher-centered  Student-centered learning
Environment instruction  Multisensory stimulation
 Single-sense  Multipath progression
stimulation  Multimedia
 Single medium  Collaborative work
 Isolated work
4. Ways of Learning  Schooling  Online learning
 Passive learning  Blended learning
 Broadcast  Active Learning
 Constructivist
5. Learning Content  Individual learning  Cooperative learning
 Heavy emphasize on  Balance
core subjects  Demand driven
 Supply driven

Lesson 3- Make a Reflection!

The global learning village has changed and will keep on changing. As you prepare to become
the Teacher of the 21st Century, how will you prepare for these rapid changes?

 As a future educator on 21st Century I need to learn teaching strategies to be able to

reach all kinds of students. I will learn to implement technology in my future students.
And prepare myself to be a better teacher so that I can build relationships to my
students, teacher-student relationship. And I would look for forward to things that
matter especially if those things have value and can improve my learning and lastly I will
embrace change and be ready for everything.

Lesson 3- Self- check Questions

Read and choose the correct option for the items that follow.

1. As a future teacher, one should be mindful that the learners in the 21st century are
characterized by___________


A. rigidity of thinking

C. initiative and self-direction

B. control and single mindedness

D. individualism

2. The new global landscape of the 21st century shows the following EXCEPT one. Which one
is not?- Analysis

A. Teachers are ICT equipped.

B. Learners are attuned to rote memorization.

C. Learning environment can be any place.

D. There are multiple ways of teaching.

3. Which of the Pillars of Learning is being described by the phrase “unity in diversity”?-

A. Learning to know C. Learning to live together

B. Learning to do D. Learning to be
4. The teacher who spends more than what is earned, thus becoming vulnerable to loan
sharks lacks___________

- Understanding

A. eco literacy C. cyber literacy

B. financial literacy D. media literacy

5. To be ready to teach in the 21st century, a teacher should develop life and career skills
which should also be nurtured among the learners. Which of these career skills enables a
person to quickly respond to the changes in the modern times? –Understanding

A. Leadership and responsibility

C. Productivity and Accountability

B. Flexibility and adaptability

D. Social and Cross-cultural skills

CHAPTER 6: Ensuring Teacher Quality Through Competency Framework and Standards ,

General Competency Domain CFT for SEA Enabling PPST Competency

Competency Indicators Indicators for Beginning
Example: 1.1.1 Master Example: 1.1.1 Demonstrate
Example: Knowledge, Skills and my subject Matter content knowledge and its
Values (add 2 more examples) application within and/or
across curriculum teaching

Learning Environment (2 2.1 Learner safety and 2.1.1 Demonstrate knowledge

examples) security of policies, guidelines and
2.2 Fair learning procedures that provide safe
environment and secure learning
2.2.1 Demonstrate
understanding of learning
environments that promote
fairness, respect and care to
encourage learning.
Diversity of Learners (2 3.1 Learner’s gender, 3.1.1 demonstrate knowledge
examples) needs, strength interest and understanding of
and experiences. differentiated teaching to suit
3.2 Learner’s linguistics, the learner’s gender needs,
cultural, socio- economic strength interest and
and religious experiences.
backgrounds 3.1.2 Implement teaching
strategies that are responsive
to the Learner’s linguistics,
cultural, socio- economic and
religious backgrounds.
Curriculum and Planning (2 4.1 Planning and 4.1.1 Prepare
examples) management of teaching developmentally sequencd
and learning process teaching and learning process
4.2 Learning outcomes to meet curriculum
aligned with learning requirements.
competencies 4.1.2 identify learning
outcomes that are aligned
with learning competencies.
Professional Development (2 7.1 Philosophy of 7.1.1 Articulate a personal
examples) teaching philosophy of teaching that is
7.2 Dignity of teaching as learner-centered.
a profession 7.2.1 Demonstrate behaviors
that uphold the dignity of
teaching profession by
exhibiting qualities such as
caring, attitude, respect and

Make a Reflection

1. When you become a professional teacher in the future, how can you enhance the state of
quality teachers in the Philippines?

 When I become a professional teacher I will enhance quality and effective teaching through
introduce technology in the classroom and use this as a tool to teach effectively. I will let my
students learn through their own experience. I will allow them to reflect on their learning to be
able to know if they improve or not. I will also empower my students to be active learners, to do
their projects and submit it on time. I will teach proper values and inspire them to be better

2. After studying the different domain and competencies of the PPST, which domain do you
EASY to master? Why? Which domain seems to be difficult for you to master? Why?

 The domain that is easy to master is learning environment it refers to physical locations,
contexts and cultures in which students learn. Learners must do the learning. Learning
environment increase the student attention and focus, promotes meaningful learning
experiences, encourages higher levels of student’s performance, and motivates students
to practice higher-level critical thinking skills.

Self-Check Questions

Answer the following items, with the correct answer from the options given.

1. A teacher who has learned and practiced the 21st century skills can be described best
as___________- Analysis

A. qualified teacher C. local teacher

B. applicant teacher D. border-less teacher

2. In the Philippines, teacher quality is defined by__________ - Remembering

A. NCBTS,2006 C. PPST,2017

B. CFT SEA, 2017 D. PQF, 2018

3. The PPST are teacher standards which have to be mastered only by Beginning Teacher. This
statement is____________ - Analysis

A. True B. False

C. doubtful D. None of the options

4. What do the CFT SEA, PQF and PPST assure the stakeholders of? –Understanding
A. Teacher quality C. Doubtful

B. False D. Teacher decision

5. Which is the ultimate competency that a baccalaureate degree holder including a teacher
education graduate demonstrates?- Analysis

A. Independence C. Cooperation

B. Knowledge D.Application

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