Ch-4 Amplifier

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Chapter-4 Amplifier
4.1.1. Discuss different modes of operation of an amplifier. Draw a circuit diagram for two stage
R.C. coupled common emitter amplifier. Analyse its frequency response curve. What is band
width? What is Miller effect? [CU-'97]
Ans: The position of Q point and the strength of the input signal determines the duration of current flow
in the output circuit. On the basis of it, amplifiers may be classified into 4 main categories.
Class A : If the Q point is so choosen that the current in the output circuit [e.g. collector current is
CE amplifier] flows during the whole of the input signal cycle then it is classified as a class A
amplifier. It operates over a linear region of its dynamic transfer curve.

4.1.1. A single stage amplifier has a gain 50. The input impedance is  and the output impedance
is , calculate the overall gain when such two stages are employed using  coupling.
Ans: Effective impedance of 1st stage
500 1000
500 1000
Now clearly the gain of 2nd stage is 50.
Gain of 1st stage is reduced by a factor
∴ Gain of 1st stage  50 0.67  33.5
∴ Gain of two stages  50 33.5  1675
4.1.2. A class A transistor power amplifier is transformed coupled to a low resistance of . The
transformer has a turn ratio of 10 and the signal has a peak to peak swing of 200mA.
Determine the output power neglecting the transformer winding resistance.
Ans: The reflected load resistance across the transformer primary winding is
      10 10  1000
∴ The a.c. output power is given by

. =  × ! = !"# × 

! = = 50√2&'

. = (50√2 × 10)* + × 1000 = 5 watt
4.1.3. In an amplifier the gain is 1500 at 4KHz. It falls to 1050 at 10 KHz and 50Hz. Find the (i)
Band width, (ii) Lower cut off frequency, (iii) Higher cut off frequency.
Ans: Gain at 4KHz= 1500
Maximum gain = 70.7% at 10/01 and 5001
= 0.707 × 1500 = 1050
∴ Band width = 410/01 − 50016 = 995001 = 9.95/01
4.1.4. A multistage amplifier employs six stages each of which has a power gain of 40. What is the
total power gain in dB?
Ans: Power gain of one stage in 89
= 10log=> 40 = 16.02.
Total powr gain of six stages
= 6 × 16.02 = 96.12
An amplifier rated at @A output is connected to a  speaker. Calculate the input power
required for full power output if the power gain is BCD.

Ans: We have power gain in 89.

 = 10 log
 = 30
 = 40Watt
∴ 30 = 10 log
Or, 3 = log
Or, 10* =
Or, = = 40 × 10)* H
∴ = = 40&H.
4.1.6. The mid frequency gain of a RC coupled amplifier is 150. If the lower and upper half
frequencies of the amplifier are 50Hz and 200KHz respectively, find frequencies at which the
gain is reduced to 50.
Ans: Let I= and I be the frequencies in the low and high frequency region at which the gain reduces to
Magnitude of gaina to low frequency range

|'"K |
|'" | =
L1 + MI N

|'"K | = 150
|'" | = 50
I = 5001
at I = I=
50 =
L1 + M50N


Or, 1 + M N = 9
Or, M N = 8
Or, = I=
Or, I= = 17.6801
Magnitude of high frequency gain
|'"K |
|'"K | =
L1 + M I N


|'"K | = 50
|'"K | = 150
IP = 200/01
at I = I
50 =
L1 + M I N


Or, 1 + M N =9
Or, I = 200 × 8
Or, I = 565.69/01.
4.1.7. The rms output voltage in the midband region of an amplifier is 2volt and power gain is 42dB.
Its output power in the lower cut off frequency (100Hz) is 0.4 watt. Find the rms output

input resistance is .

voltage at 100Hz, the output power in the midband region and the rms input voltage if the

Ans: rms output voltage at 100Hz is

volt = √2 volt = 1.414 volts
Output Power midband gain region
= 2 × Power output at lower cut off frequency
= 2 × 0.4 = 0.8 watt
If T be the input power then,
10log => = 42.
Or, 10U. =
15.848 .93 1
Or, =
0.8 T
If T = 1X
Then T =

Or, T = \T × 
Or, T = 0.225volt.
4.1.8. An amplifier rated 50W output is connected to a ] speaker. Calculate the input voltage for
the rated output voltage.
Ans: Voltage gain in 89
" = 20 log = 50
Now, log = 10.`
Or, = 10.`
Or, = 316.23.
Again > = √50 × 20 = 31.63 volt.
> 31.62
∴ Now, T = = = 0.1V = 100&
316.22 316.62
4.1.9. The gain of an amplifier varies CA to parameter changes. Feedback is given to reduce this
variation. Establish a relation between % change in gain and feedback.
Ans: The gain with feedback 'd is related to A, the relation is
'd =
1 + 'e
Taking fg on both sides we get,

fg'd = fg' − ln41 + 'e 6

Differentiating both sides we get,
8'd 8' e8'
= −
'd ' 1 + 'e
8' 'e 8' j 8' 1
= h1 − i= h i= ×
' 1 + 'e ' 1 + 'e ' /
Where / = 1 + 'e
% change in A
∴ % change in 'd =

the total gain of the amplifier in CD? (ii) if a negative feedback of ]BCD is employed, find the
4.1.10. A multistage amplifier employs seven stages each of which has a power gain 787 (i) What is

resultant gain.
Ans: Here the absolute gain of each stage = 787.
Number of stages = 7.
Power gain of one amplifier in 89 = 10 log 787= 28.96.
∴ Total power gain 7 × 28.96 = 202.7289
Now if a feedback of 2389 is applied then the resultant gain
4202.72 − 23689 = 179.7289
An amplifier has a voltage gain of −. This gain is reduced to − when negative
feedback is applied. Determine the reverse transmission factor n and express the amount of

feedback in CD.
Ans: We know that
'd =
1 + 'e
' = −500 'd = −100
− 500
∴ −100 =
1 − 500e
Or, 1 − 500β = 5
Or, e = = −8 × 10)*
Feedback in dB
= 20 log=> h i
= 20 log h i
= 20 log40.26
= −13.9889

4.1.12. The voltage gain of a transistor amplifier is 50. It's input and output resistances are  and
40k respectively. If the amplifier is provided with 10% of negative voltage feedback in series
with the input, calculate the voltage gain, input and output resistance with feedback.
Ans: Here clearly it is given that
= 0.1 = e
Gain of the amplifier with feedback
' 50 50
'd = = = = 8.33
1 + 'e 1 + 50 × 0.1 6
Input resistance with feedback
pTd = pT 41 + 'e 6 = 141 + 50 × 0.16X = 6X
Output resistance with feedback
'> 40
pqd = = = 6.67X.
1 + 'e 1 + 50 × 0.1
4.1.13. In a multistage amplifier the overall voltage gain is 40. When feedback is applied it is found
that the voltage gain be comes 8. Find the fraction of output that has been applied as inverse
feedback. [NBU-'91]
Ans: Let the fraction of output that has been applied as inverse feedback is
'd be the gain with feedback and A be the gain without feedback.
'd =
1 + 'e
Or, 8 = = 1 + 40e = 5
1 + 40e
4 1
Or, e = = = 0.1.
40 10

feedback is removed it requires 0.15V input for some output. Find feedback ratio n and
4.1.14. With negative feedback an amplifier given an output of 19.5V with an input 1.12V. When

express the amount of feedback is CD.

" =>.`
Ans: 'd = "r = =.= = 9.375

> 10.5
'= = = 70
T 0.15
Now we know,
'd =
1 + 'e
Or, 9.375 =
1 + 70 × β
Or, 1 + 70β = 7.467

Or, e = = 0.0924
Now amount of feedback in 89
'd 9.375
= 20 log t t = 20 log t t = −17.4689.
' 70
4.1.15. The open loop gain of an amplifier changes by 25% due to the changes in the parameters of
the active amplifying device. If a change in gain by 2% is allowable, what type of feedback is
to be applied? If the gain of the amplifier with feedback is 20, find the minimum value of
feedback ratio and the open loop gain.
Ans: We need to apply negative feedback for stability of gain.
8'd 1 8'
∴ =
'd 1 + 'e '
Here, = 2%
= 25%
∴ 1 + '0e = = 12.5
Now the gain of the amplifier with feedback is 20.
∴ 'd = 20 =
1 + 'e
Now, =.` = 20
Or, ' = 250
Now, 1 + 250e = 12.5
Or, e = = 0.046
An amplifier requires an input voltage of . ] wxy @z{ volt to give an output of
− wxy @z{ in the absence of any feedback. In the presence of feedback externally applied

input voltage must be changed to .  wxy @z{ to obtain the same output voltage. What is
the type of feedback? Find the feedback fraction and the amount of feedback in CD.
Ans: From the problem we get,
> −10 sin 400|}
'= = = −50
T 0.2 sin 400|}
> −10 sin 400 |}
'd = = = −20
T 0.5 sin 400|}
Hence negative feedback is applied here now we know,
'd =
1 + 'e
Or, −20 =
1 − 50e

Or, 1 − 50e = 2.5

Or, e = = −0.03
Amount of feedback in 89
'd 2
20 log h i = 20 log h i = 7.9689.
' 5
4.1.17. A transistor amplifier with a ]. ] input resistance has a voltage and gain 80. The amplifier
is now modified to provide 10% negative feedback. Calculate the voltage gain and the input
resistance with feedback.
Ans: We know that
'd = ' = 80, e = 0.1
1 + 'e
80 80
'd = = = 8.89.
1 + 80 × 0.1 9
Input resistance with feedback
pTd = pT ~1 + 'e = 2.2~1 + 80 × 0.1 = 19.8X.
An amplifier has a band width of €‚ and voltage gain 100. What should be the amount
of negative feedback if the band width is extended to ƒ‚? What will be the new gain?

Ans: We know that

4Bandwidth6d = 41 + 'e 64Bandwidth6
∴ 9d = 41 + 'e69
5 × 10… = 41 + 100 × e 6 × 50 × 10*
Or, 10 = 41 + 100e61
Or, = e = 0.09
' 100
Now, 'd = = = 10.
1 + 'e 1 + 100 × 0.09
Hence new gain with feedback = 10.

4.1.19. Consider a basic amplifier with † = ], †] = , †] = ‡, † = , consider 10%

overall feedback amplifier. Determine (a) ˆ‰ of the amplifier, (b) Density factor D, (c) ˆŠ , (d)
voltage series negative feedback around this basic amplifier. Draw a block diagram of the

Š ; considering Œ = .

Block diagram of voltage series feedback ampligier.

Ž ‘’
Here '" =
 =  || = 10||1X = 0.91X
∴ |'" | = ”"r” =
" •>×>.–=

= 36.4

(b) — = 1 + 'e = 1 + 436.4 × 0.16 = 4.64.

(c) '"˜ = =™š = U.…U = 7. 845

(d) Td = 41 + 'e6T = 4.64 × 2 = 9.28X.

An amplifier with open-loop voltage gain ˆ =  ±  is available. It is necessary to have
an amplifier whose voltage gain varies by no more than ±. %. (a) Find n, (b) Find ˆŠ .

Ans: We know that

'd =
1 + 'e
8'd 8' 1
∴ = .
'd ' j + 'e
0.1 1 100
Or, =
100 1 + Aβ 1000
Or, 1 + Aβ = 100
Or, 'e = 99
Or, e = = 0.099
Now we know that,
' 1000
'd = = = 10.
1 + 'e 1 + 99
An amplifier without feedback gives a fundemental output of Bœ‰ with 7% second-harmonic
distortion when the input is . ]‡‰.

(a) If 1.2% of the output is feedback into the input in a negative voltage series feedback
circuit. What is the output voltage?
(b) If the fundamental output is maintained at 36V but the second harmonic distortion is
reduced to 1%, What is the input voltage?
Ans: (a) According to the given problem

'= = 1285.71
e= = 0.012
' 1285.7
Hence 'd = = = 78.26
1 + 'e 1 + 41285.71 × 0.0126
and > = 'd  = 78.26 × 0.028 = 2.19.
If the output is maintained constant at 36, total distortion is reduced by a factor of 41 + 'e6
where 41 + 'e 6 = 7.

' 1285
Now, 'd = = = 193.57
1 + 'e 7
qŸ  36
Now, Tž = = = 0.196.
' 183.57

10% of its output voltage in series with the input opposing. If ŠŒ = ]‚ and Š = €‚
4.1.22. A single stage RC-coupled amplifier of gain 1000 is made into a feedback amplifier by feeding

for the amplifier without feedback, what are the corresponding values after feedback has
been added?
Ans: We get,
IPd = IP 41 + e'6 = 41 + 0.1 × 10006 × 50/01 = 505/01.
I 20 20
I¡ = = = = 0.19801
1 + 'e 1 + 41000 × 0.16 101

the †-parameter model of the transistors state the expression for its midband voltage gain
4.1.23. Consider the circuit given below, identify the type of feedback employed in this circuit. Using

¢‰ ¤, input impedance 4¥ 6 and output impedance 4 6. Assume that the transistor (silicon) in
the given figure has †¥¦ = . , †Š¦ =  and negligible †§¦ and †¨¦ . If  ||] = ]
and © = œ, £ = œ, calculate , ¥ ,  for load resistance of  and ]].

This is the emitter follower circuit here the expression of voltage gain is 'd , input impedance T and
the impedance > of the emitter follower are given by:

ℎdª «
'd = = 1 as ℎTª ≪ ℎdª «
ℎTª + ℎdª «
> 100 × 560
Also = 'd = = 0.974
 1500 + 100 × 560
Now, T = ℎTª + (1 + ℎdª +« = 1.5 + 41 + 1006 × 0.56 = 58.06X
T = 4= || 6||T
20 × 58.06
= 20||58.06X = = 14.88X
20 + 58.06
 + ℎTª 0.6 + 1.5
Now, > = = = 0.0207X = 20.7
1 + ℎdª 1 + 100
> = > ||
For  = 10X
 = 20.7||10000 = 20.66
For  = 220
> = 20.7||220 = 18.92.
4.1.24. Compare between voltage and current feedback.
Voltage feedback Current feedback
(i) Output is voltage (i) Output is current
(ii) Mixing is in series at the input. (ii) Mixing is in shunt at the input
(iii) Input impedance increases (iii) Input impedance decreases
(iv) Output impedance decreases (iv) Output impedance increases
(v) Sampling network is in shunt at the output (v) Sampling network is in series at the output

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