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Philosophy, Science and Society

Critical Essay Assessment Criteria

Grade Percentage Criteria

A 90-100 The essay shows mastery of knowledge and understanding of the central topic and demonstrates wider
reading and learning beyond the class materials. Evaluation is highly convincing, and arguments are selected
carefully to support the student’s opinion. There are examples of defense and counter-response in the essay.
In the very best essays (95-100) there will be creative use of additional ideas, arguments or observations that
are highly original.
B 80-89 The essay shows very good knowledge and understanding of the central topic with little or no omissions.
Evaluation is thorough and convincing. The student presents their opinion clearly and it is supported by
appropriate arguments.
C 70-79 The essay shows reasonable knowledge and understanding of the central topic. However, there may be some
gaps, omissions, or minor misunderstandings. Some evaluation is present. An opinion is clearly given and
supported with argument. The arguments may lack detail or relevancy.
D 60-69 The essay shows satisfactory knowledge and understanding of the central topic. There are sizable omissions
and misunderstandings that affect the overall cogency of the essay. An opinion is given but it is not clear. There
is little attempt to evaluate the views of others and arguments are not convincing.
E 50-59 The essay shows weak knowledge and understanding of the central topic. Some technical terms are used
correctly but they are not explained or described adequately. There are significant misunderstandings. There is
no meaningful attempt at evaluation. No clear opinion is given and there is little by way of argumentation to
support it.
F 40-49 The essay shows very poor knowledge and understanding of the central topic. Some key terms are present and
connected to description. However, for the most part the descriptions and explanations are vague, incorrect or
contain serious omissions. There is no evaluation of other’s views. There is no opinion or attempt to justify it.
Fail <40 No creditable content.

*English Proficiency: You will not be directly assessed on your academic English skills in the essay. But where the writing is too unclear to discern philosophical understanding or
argument this will impact on whether you successfully meet the assessment criteria.

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