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Latest Trends on Systems - Volume I

A Seven-Term Novel 3-D Chaotic System with

Three Quadratic Nonlinearities and its
LABVIEW Implementation
Sundarapandian Vaidyanathan, Christos K. Volos, Ionnis M. Kyprianidis, Ioannis N. Stouboulos,
Karthikeyan Rajagopal, and Prasina Alexander

Chaos theory has important applications in a variety of

Abstract—This paper introduces a seven-term novel 3-D chaotic fields like lasers [17-18], oscillators [19-20], chemical systems
system with three quadratic nonlinearities and discusses its [21-22], biology [23-24], ecology [25-26], communications
qualitative properties. The new 3-D chaotic system has three unstable [27-28], cryptosystems [29-30], robotics [31-34], true random
equilibrium points. The Lyapunov exponents of the new chaotic
number generators [35], neural networks [36-38], etc.
system are obtained as L1 = 2.71916, L2 = 0 and L3 = –13.72776.
Hence, the maximal Lyapunov exponent (MLE) of the system is Since the pioneering works of Pecora and Carroll [39] and
obtained as L1 = 2.71916. The Lyapunov dimension of the new Ott, Grebogi and Yorke [40], chaos control and
chaotic system is obtained as DL = 2.19808. The qualitative properties synchronization problems have received significant attention
and the phase portraits of the novel chaotic system have been in the last two decades in the control literature [41-58].
described in detail. The paper also discusses the LabVIEW In this paper, we introduce a seven-term novel 3-D chaotic
implementation of the novel chaotic system.
system with three quadratic nonlinearities and discuss its
qualitative properties. The new 3-D chaotic system has three
Keywords—Chaos, stability theory, Lyapunov exponents,
LABVIEW. unstable equilibrium points (one saddle-point and two saddle-
I. INTRODUCTION The Lyapunov exponents of the new chaotic system are
obtained as: L1 = 2.71916, L2 = 0 and L3 = –13.72776.
C HAOS theory deals with theory and applications of chaotic
systems, which can be defined as nonlinear dynamical
systems, which are highly sensitive to small changes in the
Hence, the maximal Lyapunov exponent (MLE) of the
system is obtained as L1 = 2.71916. So, the Lyapunov
dimension of the new chaotic system is DL = 2.19808.
initial conditions of the states of the systems. Mathematically,
The qualitative properties and the phase portraits of the
chaotic dynamical systems are classified as nonlinear
novel chaotic system have been described in detail. Numerical
dynamical systems having at least one positive Lyapunov
simulations using MATLAB are provided to illustrate phase
portraits and the qualitative properties of the novel chaotic
In 1963, Lorenz discovered a 3-D chaotic system [1], while
he was studying weather patterns. This was followed by the
Finally, we detail LABVIEW implementation of the seven-
discovery of many 3-D polynomial chaotic systems such as
term novel chaotic system derived in this paper.
Rössler system [2], Rabinovich system [3], ACT system [4],
Chen system [5], Lü system [6], Liu system [7], Harb system
[8], Chen-Lee system [9], Cai system [10], Tigan system [11],
Pan system [12], Sundarapandian-Pehlivan system [13], Lu-
Xiao system [14], Vaidyanathan systems [15-16], etc. The 3-D dynamics of the seven-term novel 3-D chaotic
system with three quadratic nonlinearities is described by
x1 = a ( x2 − x1 ) + dx2 x3
2 bx1 − x1 x3
x= (1)
Dr. Sundarapandian Vaidyanathan is with the R & D Centre, Vel Tech =x3 x1 x2 − cx3
University, Avadi, Chennai-600 062, Tamil Nadu, India (phone: +91-
04426841622; FAX: +91-04426840605; e-mail: where x1, x2, x3 are the states and a, b, c, d are positive
Dr. Christos K. Volos is with the Physics Department, Aristotle University parameters of the system.
of Thessaloniki, Greece (e-mail:
Dr. Ioannis M. Kyprianidis is with the Physics Department, Aristotle The 3-D system (1) exhibits a chaotic attractor, when the
University of Thessaloniki, Greece (e-mail: system parameter values are chosen as:
Dr. Ioannis N. Stouboulos is with the Physics Department, Aristotle = a 10,= b 15,= c 1,= d 12 (2)
University of Thessaloniki, Greece (e-mail:
Dr. Karthikeyan Rajagopal is with the Velammal Institute of Technology, We take the initial conditions as:
Chennai-601 204, Tamil Nadu, India (e-mail: = x1 (0) 0.6,
= x2 (0) 1.8,
= x3 (0) 1.2 (3)
Dr. Prasina Alexander is with the Velammal Institute of Technology,
Chennai-601 204, Tamil Nadu, India (e-mail: The 3-D portrait of the strange chaotic attractor (1) for the

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Latest Trends on Systems - Volume I

parameter values (2) and the initial conditions (3) is depicted

in Fig.1, and the 2-D portraits are depicted in Figs.2-4.

Fig. 4 2-D projection of the novel chaotic system in ( x1 , x3 ) − plane

Fig. 1 Strange attractor of the novel chaotic system in R 3


A. Symmetry and Invariance
It is easy to see that the system (1) is invariant under the
coordinates transformation
( x1 , x2 , x3 ) → ( − x1 , − x2 , x3 ) (4)
which persists for all values of the system parameters. Thus,
the system (1) has rotation symmetry about the x3-axis and any
non-trivial trajectory of the system (1) must have a twin
trajectory. It is also easy to see that the x3-axis is invariant
under the flow of the system (1).

B. Dissipativity
The system (1) can be expressed in vector notation as:
Fig. 2 2-D projection of the novel chaotic system in ( x1 , x2 ) − plane  f1 ( x) 
=x f=( x)  f 2 ( x)  (5)
 f 3 ( x) 
 f1 ( x) = a ( x2 − x1 ) + dx2 x3

 f2 (=x) bx1 − x1 x3 (6)
f =
 3 ( x) x1 x2 − cx3
The divergence of the vector field f on R 3 is given by
∂f1 ( x) ∂f 2 ( x) ∂f 3 ( x)
∇⋅ f + + (7)
∂x1 ∂x2 ∂x3
We note that ∇ ⋅ f measures the rate at which volumes
change under the flow Φt of f.
Let D be a region in R 3 with a smooth boundary and let
D(t ) = Φ t ( D), the image of D under Φt , the time t map of the
flow of f. Let V(t) be the volume of D(t).
Fig. 3 2-D projection of the novel chaotic system in ( x2 , x3 ) − plane By Liouville’s theorem, we get
( ∇ ⋅ f ) dx1dx2 dx3
dt D∫(t )
= (8)

For the system (1), we find that

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∂f1 ( x) ∂f 2 ( x) ∂f 3 ( x) Next, the Jacobian matrix at E2 is obtained as:

∇⋅ f = + + = −( a + c ) < 0 (9)
∂x1 ∂x2 ∂x3  −10 190 10.6622 
J 2 J= 
( E2 )  0 0 −16.8819  (18)
because a and c are positive constants.
Substituting (9) into (8) and simplifying, we get 0.8885 16.8819 −1 
= −(a + c) ∫ dx1dx2 dx3 = −(a + c)V (t ) (10) The eigenvalues of J2 are obtained as:
dt D (t ) λ1 =−15.7860, λ2,3 = 2.3930 ± 18.8508i (19)
Solving the first order linear differential equation (10), we which shows that E2 is a saddle-focus. Hence, E2 is unstable.
obtain the unique solution as Finally, the Jacobian matrix at E3 is obtained as:
− ( a + c )t
V (t ) = V (0)e (11)  −10 190 −10.6622 
Eq. (11) shows that any volume V(t) must shrink = J 3 J= 
( E3 )  0 0 16.8819  (20)
exponentially fast to zero with time.  −0.8885 −16.8819 −1 
Thus, the dynamical system described by (1) is a dissipative
system. The eigenvalues of J3 are obtained as:
As (1) is a dissipative system, all orbits of the system (1) are λ1 = −15.7860, λ2,3 = 2.3930 ± 18.8508i (21)
eventually confined to a specific subset of R 3 that has zero which shows that E3 is a saddle-focus. Hence, E3 is unstable.
volume. Hence, all the three equilibria of the system (1) are unstable.
Hence, the asymptotic motion of (1) settles onto an attractor
of the system (1). D. Lyapunov Exponents and Lyapunov Dimension
We take the parametric values for the system (1) as in
C. System Equilibria Eq.(12) and the initial conditions of the system (1) as:
We take the parametric values for the system (1) as in the x 1 (0) = 0.6, x2(0) = 1.8, x3(0) = 1.2 (22)
chaotic case, i.e. The Lyapunov exponents of the system (1) are obtained
=a 10,= b 15,= c 1,= d 12 (12) as:
To find the equilibria of the system (1), we solve the system L1 = 2.71916, L2 = 0, L3 = −13.72776 (23)
of nonlinear equations The maximal Lyapunov exponent (MLE) of the chaotic
 f1 ( x) = a ( x2 − x1 ) + dx2 x3 = 0 system is given by L1 = 2.71916. The Lyapunov dimension of
 the novel chaotic system is calculated as:
 f 2 ( x) =bx1 − x1 x3 =0 (13)
 f ( x) = x x − cx = 0 L + L2
 3 1 2 3
DL = 2+ 1 = 2.19808 (24)
Solving the system (13), we obtain three equilibria
The dynamics of the Lyapunov exponents of the novel
0 16.88194   −16.88194  chaotic system (1) is shown in Fig.5.
E1= 0  , E2=  0.88852  , E3=  −0.88852  (14)
 0  15.00000   15.00000 
To investigate the stability type of the equilibria, we
determine the Jacobian matrix of the system (1) at the
equilibrium point x∗ as
 −a a + dx3∗ dx2∗ 
 
J ( x∗ ) = ∗
b − x3 0 − x1∗  (15)
 x2∗
x1∗ −c 

Thus, the Jacobian matrix at E1 is obtained as:
 −10 10 0 
=J1 J=( E1 )  15 0 0  (16)
 0 0 −1
The eigenvalues of J1 are obtained as:
λ1 =
−18.2288, λ2 =
−1, λ3 =
8.2288 (17)
which shows that E1 is a saddle point. Hence, E1 is unstable. Fig. 5 Lyapunov exponents of the novel chaotic system

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In this section, the proposed novel chaotic system is
digitally implemented in LabVIEW. For implementing, the
Control and Simulation loop of LabVIEW is used. Figure 6
shows the implemented system using LabVIEW. Figures 7, 8
& 9 shows the time versus the states plot obtained from the
LabVIEW simulation.

Fig. 9 Time versus x3 of the novel chaotic system

Figures 10, 11 and 12 show the 2-D projection of the novel

chaotic system in (x1, x2)-plane, (x2, x3)-plane and (x1, x3)-
plane respectively.

Fig. 6 LabVIEW implementation of the novel chaotic system

Fig. 10 2-D projection of the novel chaotic system in (x1, x2)-plane

Fig. 7 Time versus x1 of the novel chaotic system

Fig. 8 Time versus x2 of the novel chaotic system Fig. 11 2-D projection of the novel chaotic system in (x2, x3)-plane

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