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What was the problem Johnson Key legislation/Acts Evidence of success Evidence of failure

was trying to tackle? passed under Johnson

Civil rights The civil rights bill was stuck at Civil Rights Act, 1964: Civil Rights is one of the most Johnson was dismayed by the
Congress when Kennedy died – this is regarded as a significant and long lasting Watts Riots of 1965.
he needed to encourage ‘milestone’ in American changes made by LBJ in
Congress to pass it. history. It outlawed the domestic policy. The rise of the Black Power
discrimination on the movement also undermined
There was a divide in Congress basis of race, religion or Voting registration in some of the success of this
that Kennedy could not sex in public places, Mississippi increased to 60%. act.
overcome – he faced a strong including restaurants,
coalition of Southern theatres, motels, sports 54% of black Americans were
Democrats and Republicans stadiums, cinemas, and registered to vote in Alabama
who were opposed to any concert halls. after the act was passed.
changes being made.
Most significant piece of There was a marginal rise n
Black Americans were still legislation passed since Florida of 3%, to 54% of
subjected to segregation in the the Civil War – brings black Americans being overall
South and their voting rights an end to legal registered to vote.
were not protected with many segregation.
voters in the South not being
able to vote: Only 6% of blacks Attorney General of the
were registered to vote in USA was given the
Mississippi. power to take legal
action in federal courts
Only 18% of black Americans against any violation of
were registered to vote in the Act.
Now the federal
government had the
power to without federal
funding to any state not
adhering to the

24th Amendment
outlawed the use of poll
taxes at elections.

1965 Voting Act was

also passed: outlawed
literacy tests for voter
registration and
appointed federal
examiners to ensure that
voter registration was
handled correctly.

Open housing Law,

1968 supported
integrated housing and
that imprisoning black
people in slums was
Education Until LBJ became president, LBJ encouraged 6.7 million poor children did Although LBJ saw the ESEA
education was down to the Congress to double benefit from this programme. as an ‘anti poverty’
federal state. federal expenditure on (ESEA) programme, officials
education to $8 billion. implementing it ensured that
Because LBJ trained as a During the late 1960s and it never was. In 1985 the
teacher earlier in his career, it Elementary and 1970s, according to Elizabeth National Institute of
was an area that he was Secondary Education Casico and Sarah Reber in Education estimated that ½ of
passionate about. Act was passed in 1965. their chapter in Legacies of the expenditure had gone to
This act aimed to use the War on Poverty, federal children living above the
Johnson’s personal experiences federal funding to aid spending through Title I poverty line.
surely informed his deprived children. The diminished the differences
understanding of education. "As act allocated $1 billion a between poorer and wealthier In 2012, The New York
the son of a tenant farmer, I year to schools with districts. The legislation also Times reported that since the
know that education is the only high concentrations of provided the federal 1960s the gap in standardized
valid passport from poverty," he low-income children. government with leverage so test scores between kids from
said upon signing the education it could ensure the lower- and higher-income
bill. When he was a 20-year-old The aim of LJB was to desegregation of southern families had risen by 40
student at Southwest Texas help ‘five million schools. percent.
State University, he took a job educationally deprived
in Cotulla teaching the children children overcome their
of Mexican American greatest barrier to
farmworkers, kids who couldn’t progress: poverty’.
afford to bring lunch to school. 
1968: The ESEA was
When he came to power, some amended, resulting in
of the problems included: the ‘Bilingual Education
Act’: more aid was
- 54 million offered to non-English
Americans had never speakers.
finished high school
- 8 million had under The Headstart Headstart benefitted 8 million
five years of Programme offered pre- children.
schooling school classes to low
- 100,000 high school income families.
graduates with
proven ability could Higher Education Act 11 million students benefitted
not enter college (HEA) was also passed from the HEA – It provided
- Schools were often in 1965. The objective $650 million in funding.
overcrowded and was to strengthen the
there was a shortage educational resources of By 1970, 25% of college
of good teachers. colleges and universities students received some
to provide financial financial aid. As a result, the
assistance for students in number of students rose from
higher education. 34% in 1970 to 52% in 1990.

It also provided loans Dallek: “If his education

for students to pay reforms did not lead to a
college fees, allowing Great Society, they have at
many children from low least made for a better society.
income families to have It is an achievement for which
a university education Johnson deserves the
that they could not country’s continuing regard”
afford otherwise.
Housing and Johnson wanted to tackle the Open Housing Law – Demonstration Cities Act was Unfortunately this was not
urban problem of segregated housing 1968: passed in 1966 and $1.2 enough – LBJ estimated that
problems as “imprisoning the Negro in Over the next two years, billion was given towards it. the total cost of this
the slums’ was immoral and members of the House programme would be $2.4
exacerbated racial tensions. of Representatives and billion, but the New York
Senate considered the Times estimated that NYC
This would be a difficult bill several times, but, would need $6 billion alone.
problem to tackle – black on each occasion, it
movement into white areas failed to gain the Senator Robert Kennedy
made property prices fall. necessary support for criticised the Demonstration
passage. Cities Act – ‘drop in the
Housing and Urban
Development (HUD), New York Times stated that
1965: Co-ordinated the Demonstration Cities Act
various programmes to was spread too thinly to be
combat housing effective as members of
shortages and decay in Congress demanded funding
the urban areas where for their own states – was not
over 2/3 of Americans enough money to go around.
‘Demonstration Cities’:
Chicago, Detroit,
Houston and Los
Angeles became
‘demonstration cities’ –
here the local
community and all Johnson was successful – he Conditions did not vastly
levels of government encouraged builders to improve – white taxpayers
would work on the alck construct reasonably priced still did not want to give their
of cheap housing, good housing by providing federal taxes to improving the
transportation, loans. situation. As a result LJB
availability of needed to amend his approach
recreational facilities, which would focus on ending
and on slum clearance. discrimination in housing as
opposed to having to build
Omnibus Housing Act new houses. This would cost
(1965): financed rent the taxpayer nothing.
supplements and $8
billion worth of low-and
housing in the ghettos.

Overall success: Johnson was

unable to solve this issue – it
was simply too great.

Fair Housing Act 4/5 of Detroit ghetto rioters

(1968): This prohibited arrested in 1967 had jobs
discrimination in the paying over $120 weekly,
sale or rental of suggesting that it was housing
housing.. alienation as opposed to
poverty that was causing
Healthcare In 1965, only about ½ of those Medicare (1965): In it’s first year, over 19 Gaps in coverage: eye glasses
aged 65 or over had private Provided medical care million Social Security were not covered.
insurance. for those who were 65 recipients registered for the
years old and above to programme. Medicare and Medicaid were
Only a few could afford members of society who far more expensive than LBJ
insurance covering their did not have health Within a single year, anticipated. The legislation
surgical or out of hospital insurance. Medicaid increased the allowed hospitals and doctors
doctors costs. amount spent by the federal to set the fees.
and state governments on
Four successive Congresses had Medicaid was set up to healthcare for poorer citizens Medicare costs rocketed from
refused to help the large aid the poor who had no from 1.3 billion to over 2 $3.5 billion in 1966 to $144
proportion of over 65’s who had medical insurance. This billion. billion by 1993.
no private health insurance. was also passed in 1965
and formed part of the It became one of Johnsons In 1965 approximately 5% of
Social Security Act. biggest successes as no GNP was spent on healthcare.
president dared to oppose it This increased to over 15%
lest he alienate the powerful by 1990.
‘grey vote’.
Although over 1/5 of the
population benefitted from
Medicare and Medicade by
1976, the problem of
accessing reasonably priced
care for all Americans

Environment Following the book silent Wilderness Act (1964): Water Quality and clean air His combatting of air and
spring, Johnson worked to Aimed to protect 9.1 monitoring gives government water pollution faced debate
increase response to protect million acres of federal authority to react against and controversy in the federal
landscape land. pollution (but triggers debate government about the scale of
· Protect natural of government intervention- interventionism to be carried
reserves Highway Beautification but ultimately his regulations out
Act against water and air Act (1965): Decreased remain, hinting that it had
pollution billboard advertising and greater advantages)
eliminated junkyards.

Expanded National · Wilderness act helps

Parks Service: 50 new to protect 9.1 million
areas would be acres of federal land
administered. · HBA decreases
billboard advertising
Three New National and eliminated
Parks were set up during junkyards which
his presidency: reduces visual
Guadeloupe Mountains pollution
National Park in Texas, · Johnson also adds 50
North Cascades National new areas for national
Park in Washington and parks and expanded
Redwood National Park pre-existing ones
in California.

Water Quality and Clean

Air Acts (1965)

Clean Water Restoration

Act (1966) - government
now had jurisdiction to
act forcefully against air
and water pollution.
Poverty Ending poverty was the most Economic Opportunity VISTA success: 8,000 CAP failures: Northern cities
significant element of his Great Act (1964) – this created volunteers were assisting had CAP’s which were taken
Society. a new federal agency, groups such as needy over by militants who
the Office of Economic children, Native Americans criticised LBJ for not doing
In January 1964 he declared an Opportunity (OEO) and migratory workers. enough.
unconstitutional war on poverty. which had the task of
co-ordinating a variety
Despite the United States being of initiatives to eradicate
the wealthiest country in the poverty within the USA.
world, the top 20% still owned An example of this was
77% of the wealth, while the VISTA (Volunteers in
bottom 20% owned 0.5% of the Service to America) –
wealth. this gave middle class
Americans the
In 1962, 20-25% of Americans opportunity to help the
barely had enough money to needy directly.
buy food and pay for
accommodation. Community Action
Programme also made
up the EOA. The aim of
the CAP was to allow
the poor to play a part in
federal programmes.
Southern black
Americans could also
play a part in
determining policies that
affected them.

Jobs Corps programme:

Designed to improve the IBM was an example of a Much of the training was
skills of unemployed company that got involved in done in camps where there
inner-city youths. the Jobs Corps. were discipline problems.

10,000 youths were placed in

The Appalachian Regional jobs.
Development Act (1965): $1.1
billion was allocated to Members of 25,000 families
programmes in the region to on welfare were receiving
raise the standard of living. training.

Food Stamp Act (1964)

Overall analysis: The number
of families in poverty dropped
from 40 million in 1959 to 28 Overall analysis: The war on
million in 1968. poverty cost $10 billion
35,000 college students were
on work-study programmes, 1/3 of families still lived
under which poorer students below the poverty line.
could earn federal funding
through part time work. Infant mortality rates and
unemployment were still
Over 4 million were receiving twice as high as those of
Aid to Families with whites.
Dependent Children benefits.

Loans were given: Rural loan

expenditure was up to $17
million by 1968.

Number of people helped

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