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Creating user sub-vi

By, Sandip Nair

Creating connector for the vi

In the front panel go to the upper right corner and click right click on the LabVIEW icon as shown in the following figure

Creating connector for the vi

Click on the show connector and then we find a change in the icon as shown below When the cursor is taken near to the blocks of the new icon there is a change in the cursor type

Creating connector for the vi

Click to one of the block in the left the color changes as shown below

Now click on one of the control block of the front panel. Depending on the data type of the control, the color of the respective block changes

Creating connector for the vi

In the similar fashion all the controls and the indicators can be linked to the vi icon and when used in other vi it should be called from select a vi in the function palette in the block diagram

Note: - Left blocks should be used for input and right blocks for output as it is the standard labview representation

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