L2 BSCE3 4 TanGarien

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Polytechnic University of The Philippines

Civil Engineering and Railway Engineering Department

Garien Mae T. Tan 2022-17450-MN-0 November 18,2022

BSCE 1-0 Mr. Julius Mark V. Masbate




1. In your own words, define what is “intellectual revolution

Based on what I understand, intellectual revolution is an event in the history of mankind

defined by the change in thinking and beliefs. Intellectual revolution, just like in its direct
translation, is a state where humans and the society start a revolution or change due to
the realization that we can understand the different things around us. Before the
intellectual revolution the society tended to rely and believe on the teachings of the church
or their religion. Everything changed when some individuals like scientists and
philosophers started to challenge the traditional beliefs of people by using their minds and
providing empirical evidence against it. Intellectual revolution is the period where people
break from the chain of old teachings and myths and start to trust their own mind to figure
out the reason and explanation not only for everything on our planet but also in the
universe. Intellectual revolutions open the mind of humans from the teaching that we
cannot explain everything and there are things that our mind cannot grasp.

2. Explain how the Heliocentric Theory changed the religious views of people and how
did these views change the structure of society?

Heliocentric theory explains that the sun is the center and earth is not the center of the
universe or the solar system. This theory is in direct contrast to the teachings of the church
and other religions in which earth is the center of the universe. The confirmation of the
heliocentric theory by scientists provides a massive blow to the religious belief of people
and the credibility of the church. Before the birth of heliocentrism or the intellectual
revolution the church was one of the primary sources of knowledge in the society, and
because of the heliocentric theory the religion was proven wrong. Aside from the spiritual
and knowledge part of religion in the society they are also involved in the political aspect
since they are one of the things that legitimizes the power of monarchies. Because of the
blow on the credibility of religion to provide the facts of our world, their influence as one
of the sources of knowledge weakened and it started to shift towards the scientist and

College of Engineering PUP A. Mabini Campus Anonas Street, Sta. Mesa, Manila
website: www.pup.edu.ph


Polytechnic University of The Philippines
Civil Engineering and Railway Engineering Department

scholars. The religion's part in politics was also challenged since people started to trust
scientists more than the church.

3. Give an impact of the Darwinian Revolution in your life.

The Darwinian Revolution’s greatest impact is in the field of biology especially in the field
that Charles Darwin paved the way which is evolutionary biology. The different
discoveries brought by this revolution provided us with a great understanding about the
history of the different organisms in this world and the reason why they are that way.
However, the impact of Darwinian Revolution is not only isolated in biological sciences,
but it is also in effect in our society. The Darwinian Revolution also brought the concept
of “Survival of the fittest”, where everything needs to adapt or to be fit in their environment
in order to survive. This is adopted in our economy in which companies strive to produce
the best products and continually adapt to the ever-changing trends for them to survive
and thrive. Because of this we have technologies and other amazing products that make
our life easy. An example of this is my phone that is an essential part of my everyday life.
This phone is a result of phone manufacturers adapting to changes and trends for them
to be not beaten by their competition.

4. Cite a situation in your life when your ego worked best for you. Illustrate by stating
which are the id and superego that were mediated by the ego.

An example of the id and superego being mediated by the ego in my life is every time that
I am doing online shopping. In this case the id wants to have all the things that I need and
most of the time want. My Id kicks in every time that I see something that I want to or
something that piques my curiosity and wants to be satisfied by getting it. In this scenario
I cannot just buy anything that I want even if I have the money to buy it or not. This is the
side of the id that my ego needs to mediate. On the other hand, my superego will say that
I need to stop buying things impulsively in order to save money for emergencies and for
my future, it is not wise of me to spend things that I just want or sometimes need. But
deep inside I know that buying this thing will not only satisfy my id but also it will make me
happy. The ego enters into the equation by helping me to satisfy my id and confer to my
superego. In this case I will take my time to decide what to buy and even delay buying so
that I can ensure that my finances will not suffer in the future.

College of Engineering PUP A. Mabini Campus Anonas Street, Sta. Mesa, Manila
website: www.pup.edu.ph


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