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1 | Lecture Note-Intro to Computing

2 | Intro to Computing Learning Module

UNIT 1. The Computer Industry: Careers and Ethics

A. General Learning Outcome:

Discuss different careers in Information and Computer Industry, including ethical behavior.

Specific Learning Outcomes:

• Identified the difference between Computer Industry and Information Industry.

• List different jobs in the information and computer industries.
• Solved ethical dilemmas in the I.T. industry workplace.

B. Pre-Test

A. Identify the 5 companies that belong to the computer and I.T. industries.

1. ________________
2. ________________
3. ________________
4. ________________
5. ________________

B. Match column A with the corresponding description on Column B.

Column A Column B
1. Computer Science A. degree programs, typically offered by a university’s College
of Business, focus on applying computers to business
2. Information Technology B. degree programs focus on the computer equipment and
software used by businesses and organizations—how they
work, and how they are secured, upgraded, maintained,
and replaced.
3. Computer Engineering C. focuses on computer architecture and how to program
computers to make them work effectively and efficiently.
4. Information System D. focuses on the design of computer hardware and
peripheral devices, often at the chip level.
5. Software Engineering E. takes a disciplined approach to developing reliable,
efficient, affordable, user-friendly, and scalable software.

Unit 1| Subject Instructor: GENER M. CUPO, MBA, MBSIT

3 | Intro to Computing Learning Module

C. Content


Computer Industry VS Information Technology (IT) Industry

The terms computer industry and I.T. industry were used interchangeably in news reports and other publications
that make it look like has the same meaning, but these two terms are different. The computer industry
encompasses those companies that manufacture computers and computer components, such as
microprocessors. The term computer industry is also used more broadly to include software publishers and
peripheral device manufacturers. An even broader term, information technology industry (or I.T. industry), is
typically used to refer to the companies that develop, produce, sell, or support computers, software, and
computer-related products.

For example:
Globe Telecom, Inc., commonly shortened as Globe, is a major provider of
telecommunications services in the Philippines was belongs to the IT industry but
is not part of the computer industry.

On the other hand, Microsoft Corporation, an American multinational technology

corporation that produces computer software, consumer electronics, personal computers,
and related services as part of both computer and IT industries.

Here are some companies included in I.T. Industries

Equipment manufacturers design and manufacture computer hardware and communications products, such
as personal computers, mainframe computers, PDAs, mice, monitors, storage devices, routers, scanners, and
printers. Examples of these companies include computer manufacturers IBM, Dell, Lenovo, and Hewlett-
Packard. Network hardware companies, such as Cisco and its subsidiary Linksys, are also examples of
equipment manufacturers.
Chipmakers design and manufacture computer chips and circuit boards, including microprocessors, RAM,
system boards, sound cards, and graphics cards. Intel, Texas Instruments, AMD, and Taiwan Semiconductor
are examples of chipmakers.
Software publishers create computer software, including applications, operating systems, and programming
languages. Examples of software companies include Microsoft, Adobe Systems, Electronic Arts (E.A.), and
Computer Associates (C.A.).
Service companies provide computer-related services, including business consulting, Web site design, Web
hosting, Internet connections, computer equipment repair, network security, and product support. Classic
examples of service companies include AOL, Google, and the computer consulting giant EDS.
Computer retailers (sometimes called resellers) include companies that sell computer products through retail
stores, direct sales representatives, mail-order catalogs, and Web sites. Well-known computer resellers include
CompUSA, which operates retail stores, and mail-order retailers P.C. Connection and CDW.

Although some companies fit neatly into one of the above categories, other companies operate in two or more
areas. For example, Dell manufactures hardware but also resells that hardware directly to individuals and
businesses. Sun Microsystems is known for its Sun servers and workstations but also develops and sells
software, such as operating systems and the Java programming language.


Is every company uses computers
part of the I.T. industry?


Like companies in many industries, computer companies make effective use of outsourcing to reduce the price
of materials and labor. Outsourcing is defined as the use of components or labor from outside suppliers. On the
other hand, offshoring is defined as relocating business processes, such as development and production, to
lower-cost locations in other countries

Unit 1| Subject Instructor: GENER M. CUPO, MBA, MBSIT

4 | Intro to Computing Learning Module


Apple Inc. is an American multinational technology company that specializes in consumer
electronics, but if you will inspect their packaging, it is indicated that their product was made
in China. Does it mean that the product was fake?
Also, some of the components used in their iPhone was manufactured by other companies,
for example their RAM and some processors used is a product of Samsung. Does it mean,
Apple cannot create those components for their product?


The I.T. industry has been described as the most dynamic, most prosperous, most economically beneficial
industry the world has ever known. That statement might be a bit of an exaggeration, but the I.T. industry
unquestionably has fueled the economies of many countries. Worldwide consumers spend more than U.S. $1
trillion on information technology each year.

Figure 1-2 Global distribution of top 100 digital companies and market capitalization (US $billion)


Apple Inc. is an American multinational technology company that specializes in consumer
electronics, but if you will inspect their packaging, it is indicated that their product was made
in China. Does it mean that the product was fake?
Also, some of the components used in their iPhone was manufactured by other companies,
for example their RAM and some processors used is a product of Samsung. Does it mean,
Apple cannot create those components for their product?



TODAY, IT SEEMS that just about everyone uses computers at work. It is difficult to find a job nowadays that
does not make use of computers in some capacity. But who writes the software that’s used by all these workers?
Who designs their hardware, configures their networks, and troubleshoots their technical glitches? They are called
“Computer Professionals”.

Unit 1| Subject Instructor: GENER M. CUPO, MBA, MBSIT

5 | Intro to Computing Learning Module

What is a computer professional?

In 1999, the U.S. Congress crafted an amendment to the Fair Labor Standards Act that essentially defines a
computer professional as any person whose primary occupation involves the design, configuration, analysis,
development, modification, testing, or security of computer hardware or software.

What skills must the I.T. professionals have?

There are a wide variety of I.T. skill sets that are fundamental for those in the I.T. profession.

Unit 1| Subject Instructor: GENER M. CUPO, MBA, MBSIT

6 | Intro to Computing Learning Module

Figure 1-2. Technical and non-technical (baseline) skills as of 2015 (Source: Burning Glass Technologies)

What kinds of jobs are typically available to computer professionals?

Many computer professionals work in an I.T. department—the wing of a Did you know?
business or organization responsible for computer, data, software, and The Philippine government offers
support services. An I.T. department is also responsible for prioritizing an lots of Job for IT Professionals. One
of this is called Information
organization’s information needs, modifying old systems as necessary,
Technology Officer with a starting
and creating new designs. Most I.T. departments are headed by a chief salary of 46,791 (SG 19).
information officer (CIO), or director. The CIO leads a hierarchy of
computer professionals, who might be organized as in Figure 9-26. The following descriptions highlight typical
responsibilities and skills for various I.T. department jobs:


Systems Analyst Investigates the requirements of a business or organization, its employees,
and its customers to plan and implement new or improved computer services.
This job requires the ability to identify problems and research technology
solutions. Good communication skills are essential for interacting with
managers and other employees.
Computer Programmer Designs, codes, and tests computer programs. Besides, programmers modify
existing programs to meet new requirements or eliminate bugs.
Security Specialist Analyzes a computer system’s vulnerability to threats
from viruses, worms, unauthorized access, and physical damage. Security
specialists install and configure firewalls and antivirus software. They also
work with management and employees to develop policies and procedures to
protect computer equipment and data.

Unit 1| Subject Instructor: GENER M. CUPO, MBA, MBSIT

7 | Intro to Computing Learning Module

Database Administrator Analyzes a company’s data to determine the most effective way to collect and
store it. Database administrators create
databases, data entry forms, and reports. They also define backup
procedures, provide access to authorized users, and supervise databases'
day-to-day use.
Network Plans, install and maintains one or more local area networks. These
Specialist/Administrator specialists also provide network accounts and access rights to approved
users. They troubleshoot connectivity problems and respond to requests from
a network’s users for new software. Network specialists/administrators might
be responsible for maintaining a network's security, plus they often pick up
Webmaster duties to maintain an organization’s Web site.
Computer Operator Typically works with network servers, mainframes, and supercomputers.
Computer operators monitor computer performance,
install software patches and upgrades, perform backups, and restore data as
Technical Support Specialist Troubleshoots hardware and software problems. Good interpersonal skills and
patience are required for this job
Web Site Designer Creates, tests, posts, and modifies Web pages. A good sense of design and
artistic talent is required for this job and an understanding of how people use
graphical user interfaces.

Do computer professionals work outside of I.T. departments?

In addition to jobs in I.T. departments, computer professionals also find work in companies that produce computer
hardware and software. Some of these jobs are listed below.

A technical writer creates documentation for large programming projects and writes the online or printed user
manuals that accompany computers, peripheral devices, and software. Some technical writers work for computer
magazines, writing columns about the latest hardware products, software, and automated business solutions.

A computer salesperson, or sales rep, sells computers. Sales reps might pay personal visits to potential
corporate customers or staff the order desk of a mail-order computer company. Sales reps’ starting salaries tend
to be low but are usually supplemented by commissions.

A quality assurance specialist participates in alpha and beta test cycles of software, looking for bugs or other
usability problems. This job title sometimes refers to assembly-line workers who examine and test chips, circuit
boards, computers, and peripheral devices. An effective Q.A. specialist has a good eye for detail and a passion
for perfection.

A computer engineer designs and tests new hardware products, such as computer chips, circuit boards,
computers, and peripheral devices.

A manufacturing technician participates in the fabrication of computer chips, circuit boards, system units, or
peripheral devices. Some of these jobs require necessary screwdriver skills, whereas others require special
training in microlithography.

What’s the outlook for computer careers?

People seeking careers in I.T. have a great potential for success if they possess relevant skills. A recent study by
the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) estimates that by 2024 employment in I.T. in the United States will increase
by 12% [Bls1], with information security leading by 36.5% [Bls2].

Unit 1| Subject Instructor: GENER M. CUPO, MBA, MBSIT

8 | Intro to Computing Learning Module

Figure 1-3. Left: Computing occupations projected growth 2014-2024 across all sectors (job outlook) and in the
computing sector. Right: Computing jobs in 2014.

On the other hand, the local industries also evolve, making the demands of jobs in the Philippines. Niche tech
jobs are growing in demand as the national digital economy is expected to be worth $25 billion (P1.27 trillion) in
just five years in 2025. E-commerce is expected to take up $12 billion (P610.4 billion) of that value, followed by
online travel services with $5 billion (P254.4 billion). Here is the LinkedIn’s 2020 Emerging Jobs Report on the

Rank Job Title Description Top Industries Top Skills

1. Robotics Digital bots are the future of • Information • Robotic Process
Engineer digital operations. Those Technology and Automation (RPA)
equipped with knowledge of Services • Blue Prism
robotics process • Outsourcing/ • Uipath
automation are growing in Offshoring • Automation Anywhere
demand as the demand for • Financial Services • Visual Basic For
bots increases. Robotics and Accounting Applications (VBA).
engineers now play a vital • Computer Software.
role in customer
experience, revenue
growth, and risk mitigation
in several industries.
2. Cyber Security Digital safety is a new • Information • Security Information
Specialist global priority. Technology and And Event Management
Cybersecurity specialists Services (SIEM)
are needed to keep • Accounting • Information Security
computer information • Computer & Network • Vulnerability
secure in this time of Security Assessment
phishing, digital attacks, • Computer Software • Network Security
malware, viruses, and • Banking. • Penetration Testing.

Unit 1| Subject Instructor: GENER M. CUPO, MBA, MBSIT

9 | Intro to Computing Learning Module

3. Customer Customer success • Information • Salesforce.Com,

Success differentiates itself from Technology and Customer Retention
Specialist customer service by Services • Customer Relationship
proactively working to • Computer Software Management (CRM)
understand client needs. • Internet • Customer Experience
Specialists in this field need • Marketing & • Account Management.
hard and soft skills while Advertising
having a grasp on how tech • Outsourcing/
works. Offshoring.
4. Data Scientist Data is the new currency, • Information • Machine Learning
which is why data scientists Technology And • Data Analysis
are in high demand. Part Services • Python Programming
scientist and part • Financial Services • Data Visualization.
mathematician, data • Telecommunication
scientists are required to Research
spot trends before they • Outsourcing/
trend, understand Offshoring.
enormous amounts of data,
and provide valuable
5. Sales Closely associated with the • Marketing and • Lead Generation
Development Philippine business Advertising • Sales Sales
Representativ process outsourcing sector • Computer Software Management
e (BPO), sales development • Information • Customer Relationship
representatives are tasked Technology and Management (CRM)
with retaining customers Services • Setting Appointments.
and identifying potential • Outsourcing/Offsho
customers ring
• Internet.
6. Full Stack Front-end web • Information • React.js
Engineer development and software Technology and • jQuery
development skills are high Services • Laravel
in demand as the tech • Computer Software • JavaScript
industry continues to boom. • Internet • AngularJS.
• Financial Services
• Outsourcing/
7. DevOps These hybrid engineers are • Information • Ansible
Engineer tasked with delivering new Technology and • Amazon Web Services
software, services, and Services (AWS)
applications to almost every• Financial Services • Jenkins
industry. • Telecommunication • Docker Products
• Computer Software • Kubernetes.
• Internet.
8. Data Engineer If data scientists analyze • Information • Extract, Transform,
data, data engineers Technology and Load (ETL)
develop the means that let Services • SQL
them analyze data. Data • Oil And Energy • Data Modeling
engineers deal with the • Outsourcing/ • Data Warehousing
pipelines, data workflow Offshoring • Hadoop.
management, and the • Financial Services
modeling of data analysis. • Computer Software.
They’re tasked with
building, testing, and
maintaining data systems.

Unit 1| Subject Instructor: GENER M. CUPO, MBA, MBSIT

10 | Intro to Computing Learning Module

9. JavaScript Balancing design and • Information • React Native

Developer programming, JavaScript Technology and • React.js
developers have to be able Services • Node.js, AngularJS
to do both front-end and • Internet • MongoDB.
back-end work. These • Computer Software
developers are tasked with • Financial Services
building and implementing • Outsourcing/
front-end logic, which will Offshoring
define the important visual
aspects of platforms.
10. Cloud Cloud engineers are • Information • Amazon Web Services
Engineer growing in demand as Technology and (AWS)
cloud-based solutions are Services • Cloud Computing
being used more by • Computer Software • Virtualization
companies around the • Oil And Energy • Linux System
world. Cloud engineers • Outsourcing/ • Administration
must deal with the design, Offshoring • Linux.
planning, management, • Financial Services.
maintenance, and support
of cloud systems, which
seem to keep on growing.


What salary do you expect for
an I.T. industry job?

1.3 Information Technology (IT) ETHICS

The term professional ethics refers to on-the-job choices and actions that reflect a person’s values. Ethics define
standards of conduct that specify how workers should behave, particularly in situations where doing the right thing
might not seem to have short-term rewards, or when doing something of questionable legality seems to offer
attractive benefits.

Professional ethics are derived from principles of right and wrong. In most modern societies, the foundation for
ethical decisions and actions is based on
values such as impartiality, fairness,
objectivity, honesty, regard for privacy,
commitment to quality, and respect for

A code of ethics is a set of guidelines

designed to help professionals thread
their way through a sometimes-tangled
web of ethical on-the-job decisions.
Some codes of ethics are short and pithy,
whereas others are long and detailed.
Most codes of ethics are created for a
specific career field, such as medicine,
accounting, or I.T. Figure 1-4 contains a
code of ethics from the Computer Ethics
Figure 1-4 Ten Commandments for IT Professionals

Unit 1| Subject Instructor: GENER M. CUPO, MBA, MBSIT

11 | Intro to Computing Learning Module


Why professional ethics are
important for I.T. workers?

What kinds of situations in an I.T. career might require ethical decisions?

Situations that require computer professionals to make ethical decisions often involve software copyrights,
privacy, and conflict of interest, use of work computers, software quality, hacking, and social responsibility.

Sometimes, computer professionals are pressured to participate in activities that border on being illegal and are
unethical. These marginal activities are sometimes justified with statements such as “Everyone does it” or “No
one will know.” Employees might be assured, “You won’t be responsible” or “It’s for the good of the company.”
Such justifications are not, however, always true or appropriate.

Outside of corporate I.T. departments, individual entrepreneurs sometimes get caught up in unethical activities
because they make bad judgments or have not done their homework regarding applicable laws and regulations.

Situations that require computer professionals to make ethical decisions often involve:

• Software copyrights
• Privacy
• Conflict of interest
• Use of work computers
• Software Quality
• Hacking
• Social responsibilities

Some questions that you might ask that need ethical Decision.

• How would software copyrights become an ethical issue?

• What kinds of ethical issues revolve around privacy?
• How might confidentiality lead to ethical dilemmas?
• Can I get into trouble using my work computer for personal activities?
• Why would I get involved in hacking?
• Am I responsible for software quality?
• Am I responsible for how my software is used?

How do I make ethical decisions?

Ethical decisions that you make on the job can have long-term consequences for your career and lifestyle, so it
is important to approach these decisions seriously. First, take time to think about your situation before responding
or taking action. Before you begin to examine the immediate situation, make sure you have a good handle on
your long-term and short-term career goals. Gather the information needed for a decision, and make sure the
facts are credible. Use Web resources and legal services, if necessary, to check applicable laws. For help in
defining and evaluating your options, you can use strategies, such as those listed below.

• Talk to people whose judgment you respect. Mentors and responsible friends might be willing to help
you evaluate your options. Remember, however, that after you’ve gathered opinions and advice, you
are ultimately responsible for the outcome of your decision.
• Consider what the most ethical person you know would decide to do. Think of a real-life person or
fictional character who has strong values and impeccable ethical judgment. Use that person as your
decision-making role model and ask yourself what he or she would do in your situation.
• Think about what you would do if your actions were made public. Ask yourself how you would feel
if you made a particular decision and everyone found out about it. Would you be proud or uncomfortable?
Decisions that look good only if no one knows are usually wrong.

Unit 1| Subject Instructor: GENER M. CUPO, MBA, MBSIT

12 | Lecture Note-Intro to Computing

• Look at the problem from the opposite perspective. Put yourself in the place of other stakeholders,
such as your boss, your clients, or consumers. How would you want to be treated if you were them?
• Consult a code of professional ethics. The guidelines contained in a code of professional ethics might
offer a path of action suitable for your situation.


What are the Laws/Policies/Standards in
force relating to Computer in the

D. Learning Activities

Activity No. 1

Direction: Interview a person known as an I.T. or computer professional. Use the form below.


Job Title:____________________________
FB Account(for identity verification):_________________________

Question Answer
1. What motivates you to enter the field of
Information Technology/ Computer
2. Based on your experience, what do you
think is the advantage of working in an
I.T./Computer industry?
3. What is your advice to the students like us
pursuing BSIT?

June Jamrich Parson and Dan O. (2014). New Perspective on Computer Concepts, Cengage Learning

Unit 1| Subject Instructor: GENER M. CUPO, MBA, MBSIT

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