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The society is living in the XXI century. Globalization is evident in today’s

world. Every aspect of society has been changed, and university education is not an
exception. Over time, university education changed, the teaching methods as well and
the technology has been there to help the education system to innovate education.
Nowadays, university education is facing many challenges, especially in this country in
which the government does not invest in educational materials. It is true the fact that the
job world is very demanding and the play which plays university education is to train
professionals to meet the demands and needs of the country. There are factors that affect
university education. It is very important to take into account the challenges of
university education, the mistake that authorities make in relation to university
education and the current situation of university education in Honduras. The education
should be a priority for the authorities and government.
Education has become globalized because of the relationships between
authorities from Honduras and authorities around the world as well. There some
important challenges of university education that must be considered. Diaz (2018, para.
3) states that there four important challenges to face. “Internationalization of higher
education, evaluation and accreditation, long distance education and responsible
autonomy”. Those aspects are being put aside. Well, why are those challenges
important? For example: The internationalization is the key of the expansion of
Honduras’ culture. Evaluation and accreditation are important to the expansion of
universal relationships and academic offers. Responsible autonomy is important for
universities and students in order to enjoy access to the search of the truth, without
restrictions. Those keys must be fulfilled in order to make the process more efficient.
It is stated that university education in Honduras does not cover the
demands and needs of students. First able, some young people want to go to university,
but they do not have the same opportunities that another people have. Those people live
in poverty, or even they work in order to survive. Even, some students leave their
studies because of the lack of money, job, opportunities or something like that. This is
the mistake that authorities make in relation to university education. Authorities of
university education do not pay attention to those issues. They must obey and try to
solve some issues of student’s population. “It is the main challenge of the nation that
inhibits social and therefore economic progress.” (El Pais Redaction, 2018, para. 1) It
means this is the biggest challenge in this topic. So, authorities have to look at those
problems, analyze them and take measures for the well-being of students and extend the
coverage of higher education. For example: The government pays more attention to
other problems without a great importance. Education should be the most important in
government’s labors. They must invest in education instead of police implements.
The current situation of university education in Honduras is hard to
talk about it. “The pressures or demands of today's society on higher education lead to
question the adequacy of the institutions that intervene in it, for example, with respect to
attributions within the system, level and type of training, research topics, etc.”
(Maldonado, 2012) As university education is not in good conditions, those challenges
are difficult to fulfill. It does not mean that they can not be achieved, but it is not
impossible. What it happens is that authorities do not give the most appropriate
attention to education. It is believed that university education just covers 30% of
capacity, just after Guatemala. Some experts affirm it is a big issue because of the
number of students who desert and do not finish their career, and also the limitations
with the educational system. The Honduras’ educational system is not the best, but it is
not poor.
To summarize, the number of students who go to university is
increasing, and the coverage is not sufficient in order to fulfill the needs of students who
enter and those who graduate. Education in general terms is neglected by authorities,
especially by government. It is not strange, but education is facing problems that must
be solved with responsibility, confidence and especially wisdom. It is important to
consider the fact of possible new problems that may affect the educational system of the
country and universities. University education is important for the training of
professionals who ill help to the economy of the country. Unfortunately, authorities and
government do not pay attention to the call of population. The future of the country is in
the hands of the students, of those who are going to serve the people as they should. It is
not possible the negligence of authorities.
Diaz, S (2018) Challenges of higher education in Honduras.
El Pais Redaction, (June, 28 2018) Promoting access to higher education is a challenge
in the country.
Maldonado, J. A. (February, 2012) THE CHALLENGE OF HIGHER EDUCATION IN

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