POM Question Bank

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Course Code: BMBA11103 Semester: I

Course Name: Principles of Management Credits: 4

Course Type: General Business Electives Duration: 50-60 Hours

Question Bank

Module: 1 Introduction

CO-1: Understand the fundamentals of Management, the relevance of the

environment to Management and the Duties of Managers towards its

Short questions of 2 marks Cognitive Level

(As per Revised

Definition Management R
a. Production- or Efficiency-oriented Definition
b. Decision-oriented Definition
c. People-oriented Definition
d. Function-oriented Definition

Enlist the scientific management principles of management given R

by Taylor

How does Fayol classify various activities of the U


Explain <<---- & ---->> principle of management of 14 principles U

given by Fayol

Enlist the characteristics of Bureaucratic management theory R

State in short about Hawthorne Studies R

Discuss What Theory X and Theory Y are all about? U

Describe what a manager does in planning/ organising/ staffing/ U

leading(directing)/ controlling?
What is Open System and Closed system? Ay

Draw the diagram of the working system approach. R

Describe what TQM is? U

Examine why the Contingency or Situational Approach gained Ay

more popularity?

Explain Information Technology in short. U

Explain <<----- &----->> characteristics of management. U

Discuss what is efficiency and effectiveness? U

Describe Top /Middle/Bottom (Front-line) Level Management U

Draw the diagram showing various positions at various levels of R


Draw the diagram showing the intensity of various management R

functions required to be played by the various levels of

Draw the diagram showing the classification of various functions U

required to be performed by various levels of management.

Draw the diagram of the management process showing the R

inter-related function

Discuss the meaning of planning / organising/ staffing/ U

leading(directing) /controlling.

Enlist activities under the staffing R

Discuss/State the meaning of Corporate Governance U/R

Discuss/State the meaning of Corporate Social Responsibility U/R

Enlist various components of the Task Environment/General R


Evaluate the statement “the administration is a part of the E


Enlist various managerial skills R

Explain ________ skill U

Classify various roles played by the managers in the organisation U

Discuss _________ role played by the manager U

Describe Marketing / Production / Finance / Human Resource

Long questions of 5-8 marks Cognitive Level

(As per Revised

Explain various definitions of management towards various R

orientations (4 marks)

Discuss the literature of (earlier text on) Management in brief (4-5 U


Describe one of the approaches to the study of Management (4 U


Examine any two of the approach to the study of Management (4 - Ay

8 marks)

Explain <<--------- approach>> in brief (4 marks) U

Describe the major contributions of various people in developing U

Management as a discipline? - Explain with reference to various

Discuss characteristics of Management U

State the levels of management in detail. R

Examine various positions and activities required to be performed Ay

at various levels of management. (8 marks)

What is the management process? Explain with the help of a U

diagram showing interrelated managerial functions.

Demonstrate Functional Management. (8 marks) Ap

Demonstrate the various Roles of Managers. (8 marks) Ap

Examine the uses of various skills required by Managers (6 marks) Ay

Compare the terms Management and Administration (4 marks) Ay

Evaluate the statement “Management is Science as well as an Art”” E

(6 marks)

Evaluate the statement “Management is a Profession” (4 marks) E

Examine various components of the organisational environment Ay

affecting the management in the organisation. (8 marks)
Judge the responsibility of Managers towards various E
stakeholders. (4-6 marks)

State the meaning of corporate social responsibility and list its R

characteristics (4 marks)

Module 2: Planning
CO-2: Learn about the planning process considering the strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats. Develop the understanding of rational decision making and

Short questions of 2 marks

1. Define Planning.
2. Enlist the features of Planning.
3. What are different types of plans?
4. What are the planning premises?
5. Give an example of a Mission Statement.
6. What are the Goals?
7. Give points of importance for planning.
8. Point out two limitations of planning.
9. How does an organisation make its plans more effective?
10. Explain MBO.
11. Give two merits and demerits of MBO.
12. What is SWOT Analysis?
13. State the benefits and drawbacks of SWOT analysis.
14. What are the four orientations of planning?
15. What are different types of goals?
16. Explain briefly the types of standing plans.
17. Difference between long term and short term plans.

Long questions of 8-12 marks

1. Describe the orientations to planning.

2. What are the essentials of effective goals? Explain.
3. Elucidate the types of planning based on specificity and time frame.
4. “ Business environment is volatile and poses challenges to operations.” Explain
the statement in light of the limitations of panning.
5. “Government recently announced an incentive package to the Pharma Sector”.
Describe the importance of planning for Abbott India a Pharma Company to
benefit from it.
6. Examine the need to keep planning premises while planning.
7. Explain the types of planning.
8. Discuss the barriers to planning.
9. Describe the ways to make planning more effective.
10. Critically evaluate SWOT Analysis.
11. Elaborate on Decision Making Process.
12. Give a detailed view of forecasting along with qualitative and quantitative

Module 3: Coordination and Organising

CO-3: Learn about the significance of Coordination throughout the organisation.
Develop the understanding of Organisation structure with the concepts of
departmentation, authority, responsibility and accountability in Organising

Short questions of 2 marks Cognitive Level

(As per Revised

Define Coordination R

Enlist the principles of Coordination R

List down various types of coordination R

Enlist techniques of Coordination R

Describe what is Organising? U

Enlist principles of organising R

Draw the diagram of the Organising process R

Discuss what is an organisational design? U

Explain what is an organisational structure? U

Describe span of management U

Draw a diagram of Line Organisation / Line and Staff Organisation R

/ Committee Organisation / Matrix Organisation structure.

Define what is Departmentalisation? R

Discuss the meaning of Authority / Responsibility / Accountability U

Differentiate between Responsibility and Accountability Ay

Draw a diagram of the Delegation Process R

Differentiate between Centralisation and Decentralisation Ay

Describe what is an Informal Organisation? U

Long questions of 5-8 marks Cognitive Level

(As per Revised

Define Coordination and Explain its significance (8 marks) U

Discuss the meaning and principles of Coordination? (5 marks) U

Define Coordination and Explain its various types (5 marks) R, U

Explain various Techniques of Coordination (8 marks) U

Define Organizing and Describe its characteristics. R, U

Examine the various principles of organising (8 marks) Ay

Discuss the process of Organising. (6 Marks) U

Examine Line organisation / Line and Staff Organisation / Ay

Committee Organisation / Matrix Organisation through its merits
and limitations (8 marks)

Examine Product / Geographical / Process Departmentation Ay

through its merits and limitations (8 marks)

Describe the process of Delegation (8 marks) U

What is Delegation? Critically evaluate the challenges faced by E

managers in the Delegation Process? (5 marks)

Compare the advantages of Centralisation and Decentralisation Ay

Module 4: Staffing, Directing and Controlling

Short questions of 2 marks

1. Define the term Directing.

2. List down the points of importance of directing.
3. Enlist the characteristics of directing function.
4. What do you mean by the principle of harmony of objectives in directing?
5. What is the principle of maximum individual contribution?
6. Write briefly about laissez-faire directing.
7. Give meaning to supervision.
8. What are different kinds of supervision?
9. Define: Motivation.
10. Define: Leadership.
11. What is controlling?
12. What do you mean by Staffing?
13. Define: Recruitment.
14. What is selection in staffing? Why is it considered a negative process?
15. Differentiate training and development.
16. What are different types of control?
17. Distinguish between the internal and external control.
18. Enlist the steps in the control process.
19. Describe the points for resistance to control.
20. How can a business overcome resistance to control? (Explain any one point)
21. Enlist the importance of controlling in management.
22. What is strategic control?
23. Give types of financial control.
24. What are different types of operational control?
25. What do you understand by formalisation in reference to structural control?
26. Briefly describe three types of activity ratio.
27. Explain: Liquidity ratio.
28. Define: Budget.
29. What do you mean by financial audit? Give its type.
30. Enlist the points of importance in controlling.

Long questions of 8-12 marks

1. Enumerate the importance of directing.

2. Describe the principles governing the directing function.
3. Critically evaluate the different elements of directing with appropriate examples.
4. Give the essential characteristics of an effective supervisor.
5. Explain the different techniques of directing.
6. Detailed the process of controlling.
7. What different types of control can be exercised in the organisation for effective
management? (Explain any two types in detail)
8. Discuss in detail reasons for resistance to control. Describe the strategies to
overcome the same.
9. You were recently appointed as a finance manager of MJSD Group. On scrutinizing
the financial statement it has been come to your notice that the company has
consistently borrowed the capital on debt since the last 7 years resulting in the poor
performance on the part of your company's performance. Poor financial
performance has an impact not only for profitability of the firm but has also
impacted other areas like liquidity and long term capital structure too. Discuss the
above scenario in light of importance and types of controlling.
10. Write a short note on:
● Operating Control.
● Financial Control.
● Importance of Control.
● Steps in effective control.
● Structural Control.
● Approaches to Supervision.
● Elements of Directing.
● Elements of staffing function.
● Resistance to Control.
● Techniques of Directing.

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