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The agreement made this ………………………. Day …………………. between Vivek Varpe, Jagruti Creations
(PAN no : ) on one part and the SHARAN CHS, Plot 198, Sector 28, Vashi,
Navi Mumbai 400703 (Therein after called the EMPLOYER of the other part).

WHEREAS THIS agreement is supplementary to the main contract hereinafter called the contract No.
………………. Dated …………… and made between the GUARANTOR OF THE ONE PART and the
EMPLOYER of the other part whereby the contractor interalia, understood to render the building and
structures in the said contract recited completely water and leak proof.

AND WHEREAS THE GUARANTOR agreed to give a guarantee to the effect that the said structures
will remain water and leak proof for 5 (Five) years from the date of completion of work.

NOW THE GUARANTOR hereby guarantees that the work done by him quoted above will render the
structures completely water and leak proof and the minimum life of such work shall be 5 (Five) years
to be reckoned from the date of completion of the main contractor.

Provided that the guarantor will not be responsible for leakage caused by earthquake or cracks
caused by structural defects or by misuse of roof for any operations & use which will damage the
treatment on the roof or any alteration by way of any construction of additional storey or part or
due to adjoining construction involving removal in parts of the treatment done earlier or
replacement of flooring, buried pipes, sanitary fittings like water closet etc in toilet.

During this period of guarantee the guarantor shall make good all defects and in case of any defects
being found, render the building water and leak proof to the satisfaction of the EMPLOYER at
Guarantors own cost and shall commence the work for such rectification within seven days from the
date of issue of the notice from the EMPLOYER calling upon him to rectify the defects failing which
the work shall be got done by the EMPLOYER by some other contractor at the GUARANTOR’s cost
and the decision of the EMPLOYER as to the cost payable by the guarantor shall be final and binding.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF these presents have been executed by the Guarantor, Office of SHARAN CHS
and by Vivek Varpe for Jagrutee Creations for and on behalf of SHARAN CHS, PLOT 198 Sector28,
Navi Mumbai, on the day, month and year first above written.

UNDERSIGNED, SEALED and delivered by GUARANTOR in the presence of


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