Stat Final

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College of Business and Economics

Department of Economics
Final Examination on Introduction to Statistics
Weekend program

Time allowed: 2:00

Total mark: 40%
Date: 18/12/2011

Name: _______________________________

ID. No._______________________________

Department: __________________________

 Switch off your Mobile phone

 The exam constitutes three parts and 3 pages including cover page
 Attempt all questions
 Give your answers only on the answer sheet provided at the end of the question paper
 Show all the necessary steps for each questions on the space provided clearly for part III
 Trying to copy or cheat will cancel your result

Good luck!!
Part I True/false

1. If the mean of x 1 , x 2 , … , x n is x , then the mean of x 1 ± k, x 2± k ,..., x n± k will be x ± k

n n n
2. From the property of summation notation one is ∑ x i y i=∑ x i ∑ yi
i=1 i=1 i=1
3. The first quartile, Q1, is the value for which 25% of the observations are smaller and 75% are larger
4. The probability of the union of two events is P(AUB)=P(A)+P(B)-P(AnB)
5. If the Cov(x,y) > 0 then x and y tend to move in the opposite direction
Part II Choice

1. Statistically, scatteredness or spreadness of the individual items in a given series is called

A. Standard deviation C. Range
B. Dispersion D. Quartile
2. The second moment about mean is always equal to
A. Mean C. Inter quartile deviation
B. Variance D. Standard deviation
3. The distribution is positively skewed
A. If mean is greater than the mode
B. If mean is less than the mode
C. If mean is equal to the mode
D. If median is less than the mode
4. Given the data for five student’s mark obtained in statistics: 25 , 45 , 25 , 20 ,35 then, the range and relative
range respectively
A. 25 and 0.385 B. 65 and 0.85 C. 0.385 and 25 D. None
5. In a negatively skewed distribution:
A. The mean is pulled towards the low-valued item
B. Some values are much smaller than the majority of observations.
C. Mode is greater than mean and median
D. All
6. In moderately skewed distributions
A. Mean < mode > median
B. Mean > mode > median
C. Mean – mode = 3 (mean - median)
D. A & C
7. One of the following statement(s) is/are false
A. First moment about origin( M1) is zero
B. Zero moment about origin (M0) is one
C. Second moment about mean (M2’) is variance of the observation
D. None

8. Which one of the following curve indicates most frequently distributed extreme value
A. Platykurtic C. Leptokurtic
B. Mesokurtic D. All
9. __________ is a statistical tool that helps to measure and analyze the degree of relationship between two
A. Simple linear regression
B. Simple correlation
C. Multiple linear regression
D. Covariance
10. A correlation of zero means
A. There is no relationship between the two variables
B. The values of the variables change with the opposite direction
C. The values of the variables change with the same direction
D. All of the above
11. One of the following measurement is not the measure of dispersion
A. Mean B. mode C. variance D. Mean deviation E. A & B
12. Which one of the following is used to show the correlation between two quantitative variables
A. Scatter diagram
B. Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation of correlation(r)
C. Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient(rs)
D. A&B
E. All
13. Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient (rs) is used to measure
A. The correlation between two quantitative data
B. The correlation between two numerical data
C. The correlation between two qualitative data
D. All of the above
14. If there is a negative correlation between two variables
A. The scatter diagram dots advanced from left to right in downward direction
B. r is lies between -1and 0
C. rs is lies between -1and 0
D. r is lies between 1and 0
E. All except D
15. For the sample distribution 2, 4 and 6 the standard Z- score of 2 is
A. -1 B. 1 C. -1.25 D.1.25

Part III work out

1. The research director of the Saving and Loan Bank collected 25 observation of montage interest rates X and
number of house sales Y at each interest rate. The director computed that,
∑ x i=125 , ∑ ∑
y i=100 , x i yi =520 , ∑ 2
x i =650 ,∑ 2
y i = 436
i. Compute and interpret Coefficient of correlation (r) (4Pts)
2. Suppose that a photographer must arrange three people in a row for a photograph. How many different
possible ways can the arrangement be done?(3 Pts.)
3. There are 8 different statistics, 6 different calculus and 3 different physics books. A student must select one
book of each type. How many different ways can this be done?(5Pts)
∑ XY −n X Y
4. Given Y=α+βx+ε prove that β= 2 2 (5 Pts.)
∑ X −n X
5. Prove that the algebraic sum of the deviations of a set of numbers x 1 , x 2 , … , x nfrom their mean x is always
zero. (3 Pts.)

Part I true/false
1 8
2 9
3 10
4 11
5 12
Part II choice 13
1 14
2 15

PART III work out

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