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Alejandra Martinez

ENGL 1302-101

Dr. Sharity Nelson

3 December 2022

Helpful Homework Assignments

Homework 10.24
Now you try it:
Subject: same-sex marriage
Topic: gay rights movements, discrimination, legal rights
Question #1: What are some ways the gay rights movement has shaped the United States today?
Answer #1: politically, religiously, and socially
Thesis #1: Some ways that the gay rights movement in the United States has shaped the political, religious and
social standards in present time.
Question #2: Who, other than people associated with the LGBTQ, does the gay rights movement affect?
Answer #2: politicians, religious people, families of those affiliated
Thesis #2: The gay rights movement not only affects those who are apart of the LGBTQ community, but politicians,
people with religious affiliations, and families of those who are a part of the community.
Question #3: How does the gay rights movement affect those who are not homosexual?
Answer #3: affects our nation’s laws, and social language
Thesis #3: The gay rights movement affects everyone even if they do not identify as homosexual because of the
new laws that are being adopted as well as the social language and shifts that are being accepted.
Question #4: When did the gay rights movement make such a drastic shift/change in our nation?
Answer #4: people got tired of being discriminated, felt that they were not equal
Thesis #4 When the gay rights movement was gaining attention in the United States, many people fought for
equality in social, political and religious settings.
Which thesis statement is the one that you will use for this essay?
I will probably choose the thesis from question one, however, the thesis from question four also looks convincing.
Now, identify the five reasons you have for making the thesis statement. Remember above when it asked you to
find the three most interesting details?? That should lead you to the focus for each paragraph and to your topic
sentences. Take the five reasons you have for making the thesis statement that you did and turn them into topic
Topic sentence #1: Some of the ways that the gay rights movement has shaped the United States include the
supreme court rulings regarding the rights of homosexuals including their legal rights to adoption and marriage,
the public views on the topic along with the way that the LGBTQ experience discrimination within society, and how
the adoption of these laws have impacted the church and various religions.
Topic sentence #2: One major concern regarding same-sex relationships is the different political views and stand
points of Americans.
Topic sentence #3: Adopting a child in the United States can be lengthy and expensive and this process can seem
more troublesome to couples of the same-sex.
Topic sentence #4: Although the LGBTQ have gained some rights in the country in recent years, many people still
face social prejudice and this mainly affects younger generations.
Topic sentence #5: Most of the social opinions are backed up and based upon religious beliefs.
Homework 10.31
1. I need to finish the introduction and the conclusion, I need to finish citing all my sources
correctly, I need to include all 8 of my sources in the essay, I need to revise and edit sentences,
and i need to meet the word count.

2. I want to change some of the transition words, i want to change and move
sentences/paragraphs to different parts of the essay, I want to change where I use my sources, I
want to change the sentence structure, and I want to change how I use my sources within the

3. I will not change the sources that I used, I will not change the arguments that I have chosen, I
will not change the title of my essay, I will not change the topic I have chosen, and I will not
change in what order I give my arguments and counterarguments.

Homework 11.18
1. Make the thesis less vague and create more of a stance, delete evidence that does not connect
well with the subpoints. Proofread and edit the essay as a whole.

2. Use all 10 sources and make sure that citations match the refrences, and rework the body

3. I haven't recieved comments for this essay however, I know that I want to make a stronger
stance and a stronger argument, as well as make sure citations are correct throughout the essay.

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