The Dry Tree - K I D S I N CO - Com - Free Playscripts For Kids!

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5/18/22, 10:37 AM The Dry Tree | K I D S I N - Free Playscripts for Kids!


NARRATOR: Once upon a time there was a tree that was always crying and looking up at the sky. One day a
cloud asked him.

CLOUD: What is wrong with you?.  Why do you cry?.

TREE:  If I don´t drink water, the sun will dry me up soon, I will never grow up, and I will die. Can you help me?.

CLOUD: Sure, I will try!.  Let me call my friend the thunder and my other cloud sisters.

TREE: Please, talk to them.

CLOUD: I´ll see what I can do.

NARRATOR: Next day the cloud told the tree.

CLOUD: Tree!.  Tree!.  I have the solution to your problem. We will all get together and we will turn into a storm,
that way you can drink water and you will not die.

NARRATOR: And a few months later the tree became big and strong.

TREE: Thanks to my new friends I could survive and will never die!.


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