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Mechanics of
Complex Activity

Group Members:
Muhammad Ijaz [957-FET-BSME]
Salman Bin Siraj [965-FET-BSME]
Muhammad Rizwan [971-FET-BSME]
Mubesher Shehzad [973-FET-BSME]
Muhammad Usman [985-FET-BSME]
Department of Mechanical Engineering Complex Activity


To Determine the Torsion and Angle of Twist in two Rods when

Force is applied.

Two power-rods are attached with a support with the ground and the round circular
steel plate placed to formed force on each two shaft. We don’t know exactly that this
Mechanical components is shaft or not but considered it.

Problem Statement:
Determine the Torsion in two different rod when a force is applied.

Theoretical Background:

There are two Rods attached together which each other and the round disk that tend
to force on the rod is usually by it weight so the reaction which is almost equal to it.
What we required is the torsion for rod to proper rotate.
To keep things simple, we're going to focus on structures with a circular cross section,
often called rods or shafts. When a torque is applied to the structure, it will twist along
the long axis of the rod, and its cross section remains circular.
The rod produces the stress caused by its force require some torsion for turning.
Thus, formula for finding Torsion is given by

For Second part, we will analysed with-respect to angle of twist and the sheared
strain when both rod are twist. So, that formula for finding angle of twist is
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Department of Mechanical Engineering Complex Activity

where for hollow rod is Polar Moment of Inertia.

Outside the Department of Mechanical Lab at 1:55pm
1. Analysed with respect to torsion.
2. Analysis with respect to Angle of twist.

1. The two rods are shaft.
2. Force acts on shaft BC due to mass of round circular plates.
3. The Material used is iron.


Shaft 01 Shaft

Case: 01 Analysis With respect to Torsion.

Given Data:
Diameter of AB dAB= 8.5in = 0.2159 m
Diameter of BC dBC = 6in = 0.1524 m

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Department of Mechanical Engineering Complex Activity
To Find:
(a) Reaction R = ?
(b) Sheared Stress  = ?
(c) Torsion T = ?
Force F act on Shaft F = mg = (2.62kg)(9.81) = 25.70N
For shaft AB
d = 0.2159m so, c = d/2 = 0.108m
For shaft BC
d = 0.1524m so, c = d/2 = 0.076m

Polar moment of inertia J = {(0.108)4 – (0.076)4} = 1.613m4
We know that,
(a). For finding Reaction using equation of equilibrium RA F
 Fy = 0:  RA – F = 0
 RA = F = 25.70N
𝐹𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒 4𝑃
(b). Sheared Stress  = =
𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎  𝑑2
= = 1408.2 N/m2
 (0.1524)2
(c). Using Formula, here c is the radius of rod AB
𝐽 (1408.2)(1.613)
Torsion 𝐓 = = = 0.021x 106 Pa = 0.021GPa
𝑐 0.108

Case: 02 Analysis with respect to Angle of Twist and Shear Strain

To Find:
(a) Angle of Twist  = ?
(b) Shear Strain  = ?
For twisting the both shafts, 
Total length of rod = L = 53in = 1.3462m
Radius  = 0.108m
For Iron,
Modulus of Elasticity E = 200GPa
Modulus of Rigidity G = 41GPa
Torsion T = 0.021GPa
Polar Moment of Inertia J = 1.613m4
We know that,
(a). Using Formula to find Angle of Twist 
Angle of twist  = = [(0.021 x 106) (1.346)] / [(1.613) (41 x 106)]
= 4.27 x 10-4 m-3
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Department of Mechanical Engineering Complex Activity
(b). For finding sheared strain when rod twist.
 (0.108)(0.000427)
Shear strain  = = = 3.42 x 10-5
𝑳 (1.346)


1. Torsion for two rods when loads is 0.021GPa

2. Angle of twist for torsion is 4.27 x 10-4 m-3
3. Shear strain we obtain from torsional angle is 3.42 x 10-5

Discussion and Conclusion:

Shear stress produce torsion that cause some angle for twisting and shear strain we
get from the experiment. Usually, This experiments we done used two different topics
analysis at same instant. We can also calculate power for the twist using the same


 Relation between Sheared stress and Torsion.

 Relation between Torsion and Angle of twist.
 For Helping material, Mechanics of Material 6th edition book chapter 2,3 and 4

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