Rizal Group 3

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Group 3

Activity 1: Critical Reading

1. In excerpt 1, what impression of the Filipinos do you get from reading
Morga’s description of the the type of food the natives eat? Which particular
phrase gives you an impression.
- Filipinos on this era are already resourceful in terms of preserving foods for
future needs. They already have a process in preserving foods in a natural
way that are useful until right now. From the phrase “They prefer meat and
fish, salt fish which begin to decomposed and smell because Morgar’s
description those phrase give me an idea that Filipino in those era are already
know the concept of preserving foods.

2. What is Rizal’s purpose in writing an annotation about the food preferences

of the English, Spaniards and Chinese?
- Rizal’s purpose on writing an annotation about the food preferences is to
inform other the people that Morga’s description about Filipino foods are not
probably true and it is not disgusted as it is. He used the food preferences to
show that everyone have different taste that is based on culture and nature,
and eating something that are not familiar to us in the first time does not
taste good. But for those who already eaten or tasted it for a long time know
that it is contrary on what Morga’s description about Filipino food.

3. In Excerpt 2, How did Morga portray the Filipino?

- Morga portray the Filipinos on those era as scared in this animals and
honoring animals as superior to the Filipino people. He describe the Filipino
as a coward kind of people who are afraid to the crocodile and treat them as a
superior to the Filipino people.

4. In Rizal’s subsequent annotation, what does he mean when he says,

“Perhaps for the same reason, other nations have great for the lion and bear,
putting them on their shields and giving them epithets.?
- Just like other nations, being scared on lion and bear is normal because of
the danger that is brought to the person, Filipino people is also scared in
crocodile is normal because just like Lion and Bear its also brought a danger
to the Filipino people. Building a tape and fences using bamboo give them a
since of protection against the danger that was brought by the crocodile. They
also considered the life of the crocodile as they know that they are not the
only one who inhabitant on those habitats therefor they consider also the life
of other living things on those place where they lived.

5. In general, what is Rizal’s motive in writing his annotations of Morga’s

work? How does this fit into the aims of other propagandist working for
reforms during this time?
- Rizal’s motive in writing his annotations of Morga’s work is to give the side of
an ancient Filipino about their customs and traditions based on a Filipinos
perspective and not the perspective of others. Rizal sought to correct such
bias by representing the ancient Filipino perspective. And it fit into the aims of
other propagandist because through of this they will change the perspective of
other towards Filipino people. They will prove to others the biases of the
colonizer to the Filipino.

Activity 2: Annotating a Text

Children’s Rights

Philippine civil law sets out that a person can only be legally married at age
18. But this law does not apply to Muslims; under another law, a Muslim boy
can marry at age 15 while a girl can be married off when she reaches puberty.
The proposed “Girls Not Brides Act,” passed by both houses of the Philippine
Congress and now awaiting President Duterte’s signature, will make it
unlawful for anyone to marry a child (younger than 18) and make it a criminal
offense to officiate such a union. According to the UN, one in six Filipino girls
are married before age 18.

Another law awaiting the president’s signature would raise the age of sexual
consent to 16 years from the current 12 years. In September, the Senate
passed its version of the statutory rape law after the House of
Representatives passed its own version the year before. According to
legislators, the Philippines currently “has the lowest age of sexual consent in
Asia and one of the lowest in the world.” In a 2015 study on violence against
children in the Philippines, UNICEF said one in five Filipino children
experienced their first sexual encounter at age 13 to 17.


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