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1 [4 “Pp=7 Kp ee 1 8.05) Pp 27 (16121 pp = 1096.84 KN/m Pp Factor of safety = Be 1036.84 Factor of safety ="572.33 Factor of safety = 1.81 py 2006 i heet pile is 8.2 m. long with a depth of embedment of 3.2m sea tsion of the soil supported by the sheet pile is 34° and has a unit weight of 1.91 g/cc. There is water table below the base of the sheet pile. yw =981 KN/m? © Compute the active force acting on the sheet pile. @ Compute the passive force acting on the sheet pile. @ Conpate the theoretical passive force that must be mobilized to ensure lity. Solution: ® Active force: Ket Ka = 0.283 Pa =} Ys Kah? 1 Pa = 7 (18.74)(0.283)(8,2) 2 Pa = 178.3 kN/m @ Passive force: 1+ Sin 34° Kp=T-Sinat" Kp =3.53 1 Pp=2 ts Kp (h)2 1 Pp =3 (18.74)(3.53)(3.2) 2 Pp = 338.70 kN/m ® Theoretical passive force to ensure stability: YMa = 0 : (8.2) (3.2) Pape EP oe (8.2) (3.2) ' 178.3 "= Pp*F Pp = 456.9 kN/m i EBEoblem A cantilever sheet pile wall is supporting a horizontal backfill having a unit weight of 18 KN/m3. Active pressure coefficient Ka = 0.28 and a passive pressure coefficient Kp = 4.6. ® ‘Determine the value of "d" required for stability of the cantilever sheet pile walls using Factored Moment Method (FMM). Factor of safety on the passive resistance equal to 2. : ®@ Determine the value o} rea for stability of the cantilever. sheet p! re walls ee Factored Strength Method (FSM). ® Determine the value of "d" require’ or stability of the cantilever sheet pile wal ih using Net Passive Pressure Method (N! . Factor of safety for lateral forces causing rotation equal to1.5.

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