Story Remedy Feeling Student Questions

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Student Questions

1. Can you take a stock remedy interspersed with taking a

mixture bottle?

2. What other techniques are there for uncovering the

true source of someone's fears? For example, a person
might be frightened of starting a new job (for which
you might initially suggest Mimulus) but the underlying
trait creating the fear might be pessimism (Gentian) or
a need to be in control (Vine), these might be missed
of the person's true nature is not understood.

3. What techniques are there for grasping a stranger's

true nature?

4. Which remedies to help with working from home and


5. I would like to work on a more precise way to explain

the flowers in a layman's terms.

6. If I make a daily mix for myself in a water bottle, can I

just use 4 drops (or even 2 drops) of each (from a dose

7. When keeping a journal for the class about personal

use of the remedies, should I just work on one thing in
a day?

8. Any tips for getting more in touch with my emotional

self?  This is an ongoing difficult thing for me.

9. When I help somebody to choose a remedy how can I

be sure that I am not judging them or making
assumption projecting my personal point of view?
10. Is there any active listening technique that I could
learn or other I could do to be empathetic and do not
rush to wrong conclusion?

11. Regarding B6:We are all different and on different

paths. If your path is one where you feel you would like
to share your knowledge of the system more than you
do, what sort of actions and habits could help you do
that more effectively? I am stuck on the last question
of activity B6. I really would like to share my
knowledge of the system in an effective way, but I do
not have any idea on how to do it. I really would
appreciate to have any input on this regard.

12. How long does it take for the remedy to work?

There are 2 cases that I don't see the remedies work: 1
is I went watch a movie and cried a lot, which caused a
terrible headache later and I was unable to sleep. I feel
overwhelmed so I took Cherry Plum and Vervain but
did not get better. The 2nd case is when I get angry
and out of control, so I took Cherry Plum continuously
but after 15 mins I still burst out and threw
a tantrum. Did I take the wrong remedy? Or does it
need longer to be effective?

13. I was wondering if you recommended the

following book you mentioned in Level 1. 

The Encyclopedia of Bach Flower Therapy by Mechthild


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