Application of Friction in Machine Elements

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Application of Friction in Machine Elements:

Wedges – are simple machines used to raise large stone blocks and other
heavy loads.

Because of the friction existing between the surfaces in contact, a wedge if

properly shaped, will remain in place after being forced under the load.
Sample Problem:

1. Determine the force P required to start the wedge shown in the figure.
The angle of friction for all surfaces in contact is 15o.


Block Wedge
Considering FBD of the Block:

ΣFv = 0
R1 Cos 15o = R2 Sin 15o + 200
R1 = 0.2679 R2 + 207.06

ΣFH = 0
R2 Cos 15o = R1 Sin 15o + 50
R2 Cos 15o = (0.2679 R2 + 207.06)Sin 15o + 50
0.9659 R2 = 0.0693 R2 + 53.59 + 50
0.8966 R2 = 103.59
R2 = 115.54 KN

Considering the FBD of the Wedge:

ΣFH = 0
R3 Cos 30o = R2 Cos 15o
R3 Cos 30o = (115.54) Cos 15o
R3 = 128.87 KN

ΣFv = 0
P = R2 Sin 15o + R3 Sin 30o
P = (115.54)Sin 15o + (128.87)Sin 30o
P = 29.90 + 64.44
P = 94.34 KN

2. In the figure shown, determine the minimum weight of block B that will
keep it at rest while a force P starts blocks A up the incline surface of B.
The weight of A is 100 lb and the angle of friction for all surfaces in contact
is 15o.

Block A Block B


Considering FBD of block A:

ΣFv = 0
R1 Cos 45o = 100
R1 = 141.42 lbs

Considering FBD of block B:

ΣFH = 0
R1 Sin 45o = R2 Sin 15o
(141.42) Sin 45o = R2 Sin 15o
R2 = 386.37 lbs

ΣFv = 0
WB + R1 Cos 45o = R2 Cos 15o
WB +(141.42) Cos 45o = (386.37) Cos 15o
WB = 273.21 lbs
Square-threaded Screws
- are frequently used in jacks, presses, and other mechanisms.
- It is essentially an inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder.
- There analysis is similar to that of a block sliding along an inclined plane.
- used for fastening and for transmitting power or motion.
- Friction developed in the threads largely determines the action of the

L = Lead of the screw

= the distance that a nut will advance along the screw in one revolution.
= pitch for single threaded screw, 2xPitch for double threaded screw
= mp, where m denotes the multiplicity of threading.
Pitch = axial distance between adjacent threads on a helix or screw.
r = mean radius
ɑ = Helix angle

M = Wr tan(ɑ + Ф)

M = Torque required to turn the screw

W = load
ɑ = pitch angle
Ф = angle of friction
r = mean radius.
The plus sign is used when W resists the torque;
The minus sign, when W aids the torque.

Helix angle ɑ can be determined by unwrapping the thread of the screw for
one complete turn

ɑ = tan-1 (L/2��)

To raise load:

P = M/r
From Equilibrium:
M = Wr tan(ɑ + Ф)

If M is removed: the screw will remain in place and be self-locking provided

and will be on the verge of unwinding if ɑ=Ф.

To lower load:

To lower the load by unwinding the screw, we must reverse the direction of
M as long as ɑ<Ф

M = Wr tan(Ф - ɑ) This is the moment required to unwind the screw.

If ɑ>Ф, the screw will unwind by itself. Moment required to prevent
From Equilibrium:
M = Wr tan(ɑ - Ф)

Sample Problem:
A clamp is used to hold two pieces of wood together as shown. The clamp
has a double square thread of mean diameter equal to 10mm and with a
pitch of 2 mm. The coefficient of friction between threads is µ = 0.30. If a
maximum torque of 40 N.m is applied in tightening the clamp, determine
a) the force exerted on the pieces of wood.
b) the torque required to loosen the clamp.

a)Force exerted by the clamp
tan ɑ = L/2�� = 2(2mm)/2(�)(5mm) = 4 mm/ 10� mm = 0.1273
ɑ = 7.3o (lead angle)

tan Ф = µ = 0.30
Ф = 16.7o (angle of friction)

P = Q = M/r
Q = 40 N.m/ .005m = 8000 N = 8 KN.
M = Wr tan(ɑ + Ф)
M = W tan(ɑ + Ф)
Q = W tan(ɑ + Ф)
W= Q_____
tan(ɑ + Ф)
W= 8______
tan(7.3 +16.7o)

= 8______
W = 17.97 KN

b. Torque required to loosen Clamp

Q = W tan(Ф - ɑ)
= (17.97)tan(16.7o - 7.3o)
= (17.97)tan(9.4o)
Q = 2.975 KN

Torque = Qr
= 2.975(.005)
Torque = 0.01487 KN.m or 14.87 N.m
Belt Friction
This refers to the friction forces between a belt and a surface.
Impending slippage of flexible cables, belts, ropes, over sheaves, wheels,

Consider a drum subjected to two belt tensions

M - torque necessary to prevent rotation of the drum
R - bearing reaction
r - radius of the drum
β - total contact angle belt and surface, β is in radians
T2 > T1 since M is clockwise (T1 and T2 refers to the belt tensions)

Equations to remember:

T1 = eµβ

lnT1 = µβ

Rope wrapped around a drum n times

β = 2�n radians
Sample Problem:
1. A rope wrapped twice around a post will support a weight of 4000 KN
when a force of 50 KN is exerted at the other end. Determine the coefficient
of friction.


No. of turns (n) = 2

β = 2�n = 2� (2) = 4� radians

µβ = lnT1 = 4000
T2 50
µβ = 4.38

µ = 4.38

µ = 0.349

2. A rope making 1 1/4 turns around a stationary horizontal drum is used to

support a heavy weight. If the coefficient of friction is 0.40, what weight can
be supported by exerting a 50 KN force at the other end of the rope.

No. of turns (n) = 1 1/4

β = 2�n = 2� (5/4) = 2.5� radians

T1 = eµβ

T1 = e0.40β

T1 = 50 (23.14)
T1 = 11.57 KN

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