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The Secure Field Bus (SecFB) Protocol -

Network Communication Security for secure

Industrial Process control
Swaminathan P Padmanabhan K Ananthi S Pradeep R
Graduate Student in Computer Professor Emeritus Sr. Lecturer Graduate Student
Science and Engineering AC College of University of St. Joseph
IIT Madras Technology Madras Engineering
swaminathankp(&gmail. com Anna University College

Abstract hacking, for the malignant X factor to raise its

head and threaten proper operation of these
This paper describes a protocol by which networks. To alleviate these security hazards,
network security can be included in existing the need of the hour is an established protocol for
Fieldbus systems. The protocol makes use of the Data protection to run over commercial Fieldbus
56-bit DES cipher for data encryption. It also networks. Our SecFB protocol is an attempt in
includes a scheme for symmetric Key exchange this regard to utilize the standardized encryption
and automatic Key Update at specific time algorithms for providing communication security
intervals. In addition, the protocol includes a over the Fieldbus networks.
new idea called Key Refresh. The Key Refresh is
a simple scheme that can be an alternative to Security and safety in such systems
operating the cipher in processor intensive
chaining or feedback modes. The industrialfield Associated with the Fieldbus networks are
devices are equipped with the TMS series of problems of sudden unexpected sabotage and
Digital Signal Processors to perform DES consequent failure and damage to plant and
encryptionldecryption. Since these processors personnel. Secure data communication relies on
are already present embedded in many of the suitable encryption of the data flowing in across
state-of art field devices, they were chosen so the network and a decryption at the received end.
that the protocol would not require additional In large process plant, where the Field bus is
hardware. The protocol is generic and can run used from the Management or Company level
over any of the commercial Fieldbus networks. down to the plant operation level, (fig. 1), there is
a possibility at the intermediate levels for data
corruption and mismanagement. This possibility
Security Requirements in Fieldbus is rare is older systems not using the bus at all,
since the layers are wired systems and there is no
The world of process automation is changing. possibility of data intrusion, though improper
Industrial field devices are being upgraded from connection changes can happen in marshalling
the old 4-20 mA analog communication standard racks.
to the new digital architecture known as the
Fieldbus. The new technology promises a lot, in Even a single data packet that is purposely
terms of reduction of installation costs and sabotaged might cause plant variables to go
feasibility of intelligent request/response systems astray and cause damage or loss of production.
across the network with 2-way communication When there are three levels of bus based
facilities. Shadowed behind this striking feature- communication - the Factory level, the Cell level
list however, are the familiar security and the plant or field level, - (fig. 1) - the security
predicaments, very much part of digital of the data relating to plant set points, control
communication networks. The digital system parameters and the thresholds etc has to
revolution is promising to revolutionize process be maintained at all times absolutely.
automation, but without proper security, the
move would backfire and lead to information

1-4244-0549-1/06/$20.00 (2006 IEEE.

Difficulties exist in incorporating the * The algorithm is an IEEE prescribed
contemporary cryptographic algorithms over standard
Fieldbus networks. Some have been listed
below. The Secure Field Bus protocol
1. The end devices must be capable of
supporting the volume of computation
required to decrypt the data and apply it The implementation of the protocol is based
to the control of process. upon a prescribed set of primitives that is
2. Encryption must be two-way. When common to the various levels of the Fieldbus
field process variable data are being architecture. The one major hurdle in the
sent upwards over the bus, the same implementation of symmetric encryption
should also be encrypted. This imposes algorithms like the DES, is the process of key
an additional requirement for the field exchange. There has to be a way by which the
devices to run encryption algorithms. communicating parties can securely exchange
the key. This cannot be done by directly
transmitting the key without encryption over the
The Algorithm of Choice network. So, key transmission requires
encryption, which in turn requires another key
Of all the contemporary algorithms available (infinite recursion!).
in the market today, we propose to use the Data
Encryption Standard (DES) as the backbone for A straight forward solution could be to
our SecFB protocol. There are several reasons manually exchange the keys, which would be a
behind this preference for the DES. one-time process during network setup.
Communication could then proceed using the
* The DES is absolutely symmetrical. manually distributed keys and should
The algorithm is public and the theoretically remain secure, but for how long?
encrypted message is a function of the Network interveners could employ guessing
Input text and the 'key'. Decryption is schemes such as the known message or the
done using the same key probable message attacks, or some form of key
deduction by analyzing encrypted samples, and
figure out the key. This process could happen
within days of installation, depending upon the
IX amount and frequency of messages transmitted
over the network. This is an added disadvantage
for Fieldbus systems as many of the control
messages are usually short and frequented over
the network.
To get over this problem, the highest level in
the Fieldbus network, namely the Master
supervisory level is equipped with a secure
trusted system known as the Key Distributor
(KD). The Key Distributor is installed in a
physically sealed environment with access
Fig.1. Possibility of intervention at permitted only to trusted management level
various levels of the Fieldbus personnel. It does not require frequent manual
A=Control level, B=Automation intervention as the operating protocol is fully
level, C=Field level automated. In fact, ZERO manual intervention is
a reasonable option.
* The algorithm is probably the fastest of
all the commercial cryptographic The Initial Configuration
algorithms available today To kick start the protocol operation, the
* The key length is manageable at 56 bits following initial configuration should be
and is more than enough to guarantee established.
security for Fieldbus networks carrying
short data chunks.
* The Key Distributor should share a and diverts it over to the Field device F,
DES key with each of the devices in the encrypted by the key kfd,kd (shared between KD
Master level and also the Field level and F). Along with the key, the identifier of M,
PLCs. a new Timestamp (current clock) and the original
* The Key Distributor should be timestamp value when M initially placed the
recognized as the trusted system on the request (TSI) are also included in the message.
network and every message sent by the The Field Device stores km,fd in its key database
KD should be encrypted (except for few
allowable exceptions, such as acks, to against the identifier of M. It follows up by
be discussed later) sending a key acknowledgment (k-ack) back to
KD. Note that this k-ack need not be encrypted
This initial configuration is only required because of the implicit restriction that only one
to turn on the security system. The master can enter key acquisition phase with a
manually established keys are very much particular Field level device, at a time. In case
transient, and will change automatically multiple masters issue key proposals, the
(without manual intervention) from time to requests are queued up by KD and forwarded to
time, to ensure tighter system security. F one by one. The k-ack need not include the
identifier of the master to whom it corresponds,
thus saving on encryption/decryption processing
times. It however, includes a digest of the key,

>i ia 11I so that spoofed acks can be counteracted. In the
final phase, KD redirects this received k-ack
back to the master M. Once again, there is the
similar restriction that prevents a particular
master from making key proposal for more than
one Field level device. Hence, the k-ack need
not include the identifier of the Field device.
Although these restrictions appear to be
stringent, they serve to improve performance by
reducing the need for transmitting encrypted
acknowledgments during key exchange.
Fig 2. The presence of the Key
Distributor at the highest level The outline of the key exchange protocol is seen
Key Exchange
* M 4 KD: Ekmkd(IDM ID F km,fd
Now that the initial configuration has been TS1)- (1)
put in place, the KD can securely exchange
messages with other devices in its level and also
* KD: Verify the key
the Field level devices (usually PLCs). This * KD - FD: Ekfd,kd(IDM km,fd TS2
secure channel is made use to facilitate key TS1) note TS, from (1)
exchange between Master and slave devices so
that they can proceed to communicate directly. * FD stores the key in its DB
The actual key exchange occurs as follows.
* FD - KD: k-ack
(Note: Only one Master Device can enter Key acquisition
The Master (M) starts off by sending an phase with a FD, at a time)
encrypted message to KD (encrypted by the key
km,kd shared between M and KD) that includes * KD - M: k-ack
(Note: Any Master can acquire key to one field device at a
the master's identity (optional - depending upon time)
underlying communication protocol), the * M stores the key in its DB
identifier of the Field device (F, usually the PLC,
terms used interchangeably) with which it wants
to communicate, a newly generated 56-bit key Once Key Exchange is completed, both
km fd for communication with F and a Time parties can directly exchange encrypted
stamp TS1. KD then proceeds to verify the key information over the network. It is advisable to
include timestamps in each message before
encryption so that replay attacks are not possible. undesirable load upon the Field level
In addition to timestamps, the messages should microcontrollers. A better alternative is to go for
be appended with a hash (or CRC) prior to Key Refresh.
encryption. This will ensure that no attacker is
able to transmit well-furnished junk packets in The Master Time Frame (MTF)
an attempt to confuse the communicating parties.
However, it is not advisable to allow the
Key Refresh (KR) Master to infinitely refresh the key without the
intervention of the Key Distributor. In case an
One well-known use of time stamped eavesdropper manages to crack a particular key,
messages is guarding against packet replay he can very well keep track of all KR messages
attacks. But in this case the timestamp also helps and deduce the updated keys. To get over this
to thwart Known Text & Cipher Attacks problem, a Master Time Frame (MTF) is preset,
(KTCA) and other key guessing schemes. A once again beginning from TS1. At the end of
KTCA is possible if the attacker has knowledge this time interval, the shared key is abandoned
of both the plain text and the corresponding and rendered invalid by both parties. Now, the
encrypted version (in pairs). An obvious Master has to once again go through the key
vulnerability of Fieldbus networks is that control exchange protocol by contacting the KD, and
messages from the supervisory levels are very propose a new key.
much recurrent. Thus, if the attacker knows the
command likely to be frequented by a particular Security at the Field level
master, he can deduce its corresponding
ciphertext simply by a frequency analysis. To
guard against this type of attack, the protocol At the Field Level, the individual field
mandates Key Refresh (KR) operation at fixed devices are equipped with the TMSC50 and
time intervals, beginning from time TS1. This is C240 to run the DES cipher. In case of a Multi-
the significance of forwarding TS1 to F. Both the Master configuration, with more than one PLC
communicating parties (M and F) start a counter connected to a bus, the same protocol can be
from the value of TS1 This interval should be operated, with each node acting as the local Key
large enough for the key exchange protocol to Distributor for itself
finish and small enough to avoid KTCA attacks.
The Key Refresh(KR) operation occurs as Conclusion
highlighted below.
The TMS C240 is present embedded in many
Key Refresh (KR): of the state-of-art field devices such as motorized
control valves and sensors. Hence, it is easier to
implement the SecFB protocol without the need
* M - FD: Ekm,fd(IDM new km,fd)
for additional hardware. SecFB is highly
* FD - M: ack customizable and can run over any of the
existing commercial protocols such as the
Here, the Master chooses a new key and Profibus. It was tested with the Simple FieldBus
transmits it to the Field device, encrypted by the Protocol (SFBP) [2] stack as the underlying
old key. The Field device, upon receipt of the platform.
new key, updates its database and fires back an
acknowledgment. From here on, all future
communication must use the new key. References:
[1] Data Encryption Standard (DES) Implementation
on the TMS320C6000, Internet Whitepaper
NOTE: If we include timestamps with every
recurring control message, it is possible that the [2] Claudio Ghiotto and Paolo Marchetto, "Simple
encrypted versions will differ from one another. Field Bus Protocol"©) Softmedia 2003, HEXEL
However, there is the difficulty of packing the Electronic Lab
entire packet (control msg + timestamp) into one
DES block of 64 bits. To get over this, DES can
be operated in chaining or feedback mode so
that adjacent blocks influence each other during
encryption. This however, levies an additional

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