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What is a calculator?

A calculator is a device that performs arithmetic operations on numbers. Basic

calculators can do only addition, subtraction, multiplication and division mathematical

However, more sophisticated calculators can handle exponential operations, square

roots, logarithms, trigonometric functions and hyperbolic functions. Internally, some
calculators perform all these functions by repeated addition processes.

The evolution of the calculator

Most calculators these days require electricity to operate or are battery-powered
calculators. Calculators work by performing programmed functions based on
numerical inputs.

Before the electronic calculator (circa 1970), a more primitive calculator, the slide
rule, was commonly used. It consisted of a slat of wood called the slide that could be
moved in and out of a reinforced pair of slats. Both the slide and the outer pair of slats
had calibrated numerical scales.
Example of a basic calculator

A movable, transparent sleeve called the cursor was used to align numerals on the
scales. The slide rule did not require any power source, but its precision was limited,
and it was necessary to climb a learning curve to become proficient with it.

One of the most primitive calculators, the abacus, is still used in some regions of the
Far East. The abacus acts as an adding machine that uses groups of beads to denote

Like the slide rule, the abacus requires no source of power. The beads are positioned
in several parallel rows and can be moved up and down to denote arithmetic
operations. It is said that a skilled abacus user can do some calculations just as fast as
a person equipped with a battery-powered calculator.
Modern calculators
As calculators became more advanced during the 1970s, they were able to make
problem-solving computations involving variables (unknowns). These were the first
personal computers.

Additionally, calculators have digital versions that can be downloaded or come with
most smartphone and personal computer operating systems.

Today's personal computers can still perform such operations, and most are provided
with a virtual calculator program that looks, on screen, like a hand-held calculator.
The buttons are actuated by pointing and clicking.

Theoretically, a modern computer is a calculator that works with binary numbers and

has a much larger memory. But in the practical sense, a computer is far more than a
mere calculator because of the wide variety of noncomputational tasks it can perform.

Types of calculators
Calculators have evolved over the last several decades. Today, there are a variety of
calculators, from brands such as Casio and Texas Instruments, available to serve
different mathematical needs. Let's look at a few of them.

Basic calculators
The most basic calculator is the four-function calculator, which can perform basic
arithmetic such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

These are sometimes called pocket calculators or hand-held electronic calculators

because they are small enough to fit in a shirt pocket. They are also the least
expensive calculator, costing around $5 or less.

Four-function calculators usually have a +, -, x and / sign to denote the operations and
can produce decimal numbers. Some also have a % button, which is used to calculate
Scientific calculators
As its name suggests, the scientific calculator is designed for performing scientific

This type of calculator usually has more buttons than a standard calculator, as it needs
to be able to perform trigonometric functions, logarithms, sine/cosine and exponential

The scientific calculator also usually has a larger display to view long equations and
see more digits at a time.

Graphing calculators
The next type of calculator is the graphing calculator. The graphing calculator is
similar to the scientific calculator in that it can perform many of the same operations.

However, the graphing calculator also can graph equations, for example, with more
advanced mathematics like trigonometry, on a coordinate plane. This is a valuable
tool for visual learners or those studying mathematics that requires a lot of graphing,
such as calculus.

Financial calculators
The last type of calculator we will discuss is the financial calculator. The financial
calculator is an electronic device designed for solving financial problems and uses
paper tape to print calculations for hard-copy record-keeping.

This calculating machine can usually compute the present, future, rate of return and
other critical financial concepts such as return on investment. Financial calculators are
essential for anyone studying finance or working in the financial industry.

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