MSBP Logbook2

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Unit Code, Number and Title

D/508/0491 – Unit 6: Managing a Successful Business Project

Semester and Academic Year Semester 2, Academic year 2021-2022

Unit Assessor(s) Ms. Pham Tran Minh Trang; Mr. Nguyen Van Dai
Ms. Pham Thu Van; Ms. Phan Thu Trang

Assignment Number and Title MSBP: Managing a Research Project (Assignment 1 of 1)

Logbook 1

Submission Date 5.00pm 02/03/2022

Student Name Nguyen Le Minh Anh

NEU Student ID 10200539 Pearson ID

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Student name / Signature Minh Anh Date:

Logbook 1
Scope of Research

Points to consider as follows:

1. What is your ‘tentative’ research title? (Why did you choose the field/industry/sector
to do research on?)

- My ‘tentative’ research title is “Changing performance and talent management in

the digital era for organizations in the financial-banking sector”. The reason I
chose this title for my research is because Banking is one of the leading fields in
applying digital achievements. Moreover, talent management (TM) is a very new
topic, applied by many successful companies in the digital transformation era. And it
has the starting point of the company's strategy so the higher percentage is correct the
human resource strategy, which corresponds to the relevant company's talent
management strategy. Therefore, conducting research and analyzing the perception of
bankers related to TM will make it easier to make recommendations to improve the
impact of TM activities in the digitization period. In addition, I have reliable sources
from people I know who work in this field. I will choose Hanoi as my research
location because I am currently living and studying here.

2. What are the problems in the field/industry/sector that you are doing research on in
terms of the transformation in workplace? (Provide with some real data and
accredited sources)

- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dinh Trong Thinh - Academy of Finance said that Vietnamese banks
currently have favorable conditions for digital transformation. Firstly, the number of
Vietnamese people using smartphones is increasing. Second, the bank staff are subject
to a certain level of information technology. Third, Covid-19 has brought the financial
and banking system to a halt as well as the production and business system, which is
the time for banks and businesses to train and retrain their staff. Apply digital
technology in the best way.

As mentioned, how to manage human resources to match the trend of digitization is a

"headache" problem not only for Vietnamese banks but also for banks around the
world. In fact, digital technology has changed the communication and processing
process, requiring less labor to create high productivity, the ability to interact with the
community, and reduce risks compared to traditional transactions. That will inevitably
lead to a redundancy of some bank staff as well as managers, but experts also noted
that machines cannot completely replace humans, especially in some areas. stitch as
- Besides, Ms. Nguyen Thi Hien - Deputy Director of Banking Strategy Institute said
that products and services or methods of providing products and services of
Vietnamese banks are still relatively simple compared to banks in Vietnam. developed
countries. This requires banks to think about developing new areas and new goods
that banks can best apply in the future. More specifically, these are micro and utility
products and services, aiming to promote financial inclusion to remote areas and
small community groups, thereby making full use of the bank's capacity. current
goods. Therefore, human resource management must be considered as a division
strategy, in harmony with the business strategy and general development strategy of
the bank.

- In the employee survey we received 43 valid answers, the target number being
110 (the response rate was 39%). The profile of the survey respondents is the

a) 61.4% of the respondents are females;

b) 50% of the respondents are aged between 35-45 years, 31.8% between 25-35 years, 11.4%
between 45-55 years, 4.5% between 18-25 years and 2.3% over 55 years;
c) 31.8% of respondents have a work experience between 8-12 years, 25% over 16 years,
20.5% between 4-8 years, in equal percentage between 12-16 years and only 2.3% of
respondents have a work experience between 0-4 years;
d) 43.2% of the respondents have a work experience on the job between 1-3 years, 31.8%
between 4-6 years, 13.6% over 6 years and only 11.4% under 1 year.
e) 79.5% of the respondents occupy middle positions, 13.6% top positions and 6.8% occupy
entry level positions.

Regarding the respondents' opinion on the approach taken by the company they
belong to, the data is as follows:

a) 61.4% of the respondents consider that the inclusive approach is the most appropriate
approach, all employees being regarded as having a talent,
b) 38.6% of the respondents consider that the exclusive approach is the most appropriate
approach, according to which not all employees are talented.

We note that the respondents' opinion reflects the approach the studied bank
promotes according to the interviewed HR specialist.

With regard to identifying the employees' knowledge of programs, actions or

activities undertaken by the bank which they consider to be classified as TM actions,
the data are:

- 84.1% of the respondents confirm that they know projects, programs or activities that can be
categorized as talent management and development actions,

- 15.9% of the total number of respondents believes that they do not know any projects or
actions that could fall within the limits of the TM concept.
These results indicate that the numerous programs and projects the bank claims to
offer to its employees are known and appreciated by the respondents to the survey.

Regarding the respondents' perception of the importance given by the Bank to

Talent Management, the data gathered are: most respondents (43.2% and 29.3%)
consider that Bank A gives great high or very high importance to talent management,
only a small percentage (2.3% and 6.8%) considering that the group attaches little or
no importance to the concept. We can say that these answers largely reflect the
organization's approach to TM, which is also known by the employees who
participated to the survey.

3. Please list at least 03 research objectives to be achieved to complete your research


- Research objective 1: Discuss favorable conditions for digital transformation in the

workplace of the financial-banking industry in general and Vietnamese banks in
- Research objective 2: Analyze the impact of digital technology to help in the strategic
human resource management process of the bank to change the performance of
products and services.
- Research objective 3: Propose changes in human resource management to match the
current digital transformation trend of banks.

4. Summarise at least 5 research articles you have found with some general background
definition, concepts relating to your research interest

1. Stefano Cantù (2021), “How bank can buid their future worforce-today”.
[online] McKinsey&Company. Available at:
McKinsey research shows that redeployment with effective reskilling is 20 percent more
cost-effective than “hiring and firing,” as it reduces the number of new hires and the number
of layoffs needed. It also boosts an employer’s brand reputation by building a healthy
employee value proposition marked by robust investment in people. However, to many HR
leaders, reskilling has always seemed like a complex and lengthy process that requires a lot of
preparation and shows impact only in the medium or long term, which has slowed its
adoption by large organizations.

2. Nicoleta Dorina Racolța-Paina et al (2019), “THE TALENT MANAGEMENT


Banking is one of the leading fields in applying digital achievements.

Talent Management (TM), a very new topic, adopted by many successful companies, has as
its starting point the strategy of the company, more exactly the human resources strategy,
respectively the talent management strategy of the company concerned. This paper presents
the issue of managing and developing the most suitable people in banking, a sector in which
the Racolța-Paina N. D., Bucur A. C., 2019,
Contemporary Research on Organization Management and Administration, Vol. 7 (1), 2019
59 increasingly tough competition for talent requires the imperative implementation of talent
management (TM) strategies, processes and programs. Considering this, the paper seeks to
analyze the efforts of TM companies, more precisely at the level of practices and instruments,
with a special interest for commercial banks.

3. J Jerry Moses (2019), “The future of talent in digital banking”, [online]

PEOPLE MATTERS. Available at:


Digital technologies are radically transforming the world of banking. The growth in digital technologies
has been phenomenal. In just the last five years, according to data from the RBI, the volume of digital
payments has moved from 6.09 million in 2013 to 24.33 million in 2018

“Banks will need to have a different mindset in the way they treat employees. It is not just money that
today’s talent is after—it is meaningful work, flexible methodologies (like letting them work in smaller
groups and across groups), and being challenged by working with more agile teams,” Kurane said.
To succeed in the marketplace of talent, banks will need to get better at not just identifying and reskilling,
they need to build an organizational culture of  continuous learning. In essence, they need to be an
employer brand that is perceived as a great place to work.

4. Khuê Nguyễn (2020), “Giá trị nhân lực ngân hàng thời kỳ số
hoá”. ”, [online] Thời báo ngân hàng. Available at:

Ngân hàng là một trong những lĩnh vực đi đầu trong áp dụng thành tựu số hoá. Khi
hàng loạt các công việc chuyên môn được đưa vào quy trình tự động hoá, các ngân
hàng sẽ bắt đầu quá trình thay đổi nhân lực bằng việc cắt giảm số lượng lao động.
Tuy nhiên phải làm gì với công tác quản trị nhân sự, phát triển nguồn nhân lực phù
hợp với thời đại số để mang tới những kết quả tích cực cho ngân hàng là một bài
toán không đơn giản. 

rao đổi với phóng viên, PGS-TS. Đinh Trọng Thịnh - Học viện Tài chính cho rằng,
ngân hàng Việt Nam hiện nay đang có những điều kiện thuận lợi cho việc chuyển
đổi số. Thứ nhất, số lượng người dân Việt Nam sử dụng điện thoại thông minh ngày
càng nhiều. Thứ hai các cán bộ ngân hàng là đối tượng có trình độ công nghệ thông
tin nhất định. Thứ ba, Covid-19 khiến hệ thống tài chính ngân hàng cũng như hệ
thống sản xuất kinh doanh ngưng trệ, đó là thời gian để các ngân hàng, doanh
nghiệp có thể đào tạo và đào tạo lại cán bộ của mình, từ đó ứng dụng công nghệ số
một cách tốt nhất.


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