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Summited by: Submitted to:

Wajeeha Mudassar Sir Ali

Subject:. Institution:

Communication skills Apex College



Communication skills


 What is paragraph
 Types of paragraph


The word paragraph derived from two Greek words ‘para’ means beside and graphein to ‘write'. A
paragraph is a group of sentences that fleshes out a single idea. Each sentence works together as a
part of a unit to create an overall thought or impression. A paragraph is the smallest unit or cluster
of sentences in which one idea can be developed adequately. A paragraph has five sentences.

Paragraph parts

 Topic sentence:
Tells the main idea.
 Detail sentence:
Explain and support the main idea.
 Conclusion sentence:
Reminds us of main idea.
For example:
Anne is excellent student. ( Main idea) She is intelligent. She is responsible. Anne always
does her home work and she is never late for class (Detail sentence). As a result of her hard
work, Anne is one of the best student in school (conclusion sentence).

Types of paragraph:

1) Chronological paragraph
2) Cause and effect
3) Problem and Solving
4) Comparison and Contrast
5) Categorical

Chronological paragraph:

In chronological order, the information is organized in time. Here the writer states what happened fist,
second, third and last . Chronological organization is typical of, although not limited to, narrative writing.
This method is natural order of telling something. In this kind one event leads to another. This method is
used when minute description of events is required.

For example:

A medical report of a patient is giving the second details for his/her heath treatment.

He is died in 1960, penniless with all her books out of print. However his books are reprint in 1978. In
the above example, the event’s are arranged in chronological order.

At 1,15 p.m we arrived at the site and assessed the patient. At 1. 17 p.m after the stabilizing the patient
we contacted the hospital. At 1 .20 pm patient was rout to the hospital. Our vehicle arrived to the
hospital at 1.35 p.m and hospital staff took over the patient’s care.

Cause and effect:

Cause and effect” is a relationship between events or things, where one is the result of the other or
others. This is a combination of action and reaction. Something happens (a cause) that leads to an effect.
In science cause explains why some thing is happens and in effect description of what happened.

Cause: why some thing happen.?

Effect: what happens?

Examples of cause and effect:

Cause:We received seven inches of rain in four hours. Effects: The underpass was flooded

Cause: I’ve smoked cigarettes daily for 20 years.

Effect: I have lung cancer.

Cause: I never brush my teeth.

Effect: I have 5 cavities

Problem and Solving:

Problem solving is a process of solving any kind of problem. Problem solving is the act of defining a
problem; determined the cause of the problem; identifying and selecting alternative’s for a solution;
and implementing a solution.It is method of analyzing and writing about a topic by identifying a problem
and proposing one or more solution.

Importance of problem and Solving:

Problem solving enables us to identify and exploit opportunities in the environment and exert control
over the future. Problem solving process are a critical part of daily life both as individuals and

For example:

Correcting a mistake at work, whether it was made by you or someone else.

Overcoming a delay at work through problem solving and communication.

Resolving an issue with a difficult or upset customer.

Overcoming issues related to a limited budget, and still delivering good work through the use of creative
problem solving.

Comparison and Contrast:

Comparison in writing discuss elements that are similar, while contract in writing discuss elements that
are different. In this we write about the similarities and difference between two are more people, place,
things and idea

What is a Compare and Contrast Essay?

A compare and contrast essay is a type of essay that provides points of comparison between two
subjects. True to its name, it shows how the subjects are similar in ciertain respects and different in
others. The essay structure tends to feature body paragraphs that describe the two subjects, before
bringing it all together with a final analysis.

For example:

If you want to focusing on the contrasting two subjects you would not pick apple’s and oranges; rather
you might choose to compare and contrast between two types of oranges and apples to highlight
subtitle difference for example red delicious apples are sweet, while granny Smith are tart and acidic.


In the categorical statement the terms are broken down into two groups the subject is the first group in
the statement and the predicte. The goal of categorical pattern speech format in which a speaker
organize the information into categories which help an audience to understand a single topic One of the
best ways to simplify an argument or draw a conclusion is through the use of categorical statements.
These are statements that indicate how two sets of things, like people or animals, relate to each other.
An example of a categorical statement is ''all golden retrievers are dogs.'' In general, the categorical
statement splits things into two groups: what it is and what it is not.
For example:

Here are some examples of categorical statements, some true and some false.

All dogs are mammals.

All mammals are dogs.

No reptiles are dogs.

No politicians are honest people.

Some politicians are honest people.

Some cats are amphibians.

Some dogs are not beagles.

Some beagles are not dogs.

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