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jae? CHAPTER 8: LO NG Oe CHAPTER 8: LONG/SLENDER COLUMNS 8,0 NOTATIONS AND SYMBOLS: 4, = atea of gross section of column, mm? y (en * effective flexural stiffiess of member, Nmm? a = moment of inertia of gross section of column, mm* lo ko effective length factor ly = unsupported length ofthe meraber, mm M, = factored moment used for design of columns, kNm oe smaller factor end moment, kNm Mm = larger factor end moment, kiN Mins = factored end moment on a compression member at the end at which My acts, due to loads that cause no appreciable sidesway, calculated using 5 first-order elastic frame analysis, Num. My = factored end moment on a compression member at the end at which M ‘acts, due to loads that cause appreciable sidesway, calculated using a first order elastic frame analysis, Nmm. Mons = factored end moment on a compression member at the end at which My acts, due to loads that cause no appreciable sidesway, calculated using a firstorder elastic frame analysis, Nmam. My = factored end moment on a compression member at the end at which M, acts, due to loads that cause appreciable sidesway, calculated using a first order elastic frame analysis, Nm. a critical buckling load, N Roo ‘maximum factored axial load, N r 5 radius of gyration, mm [so the ratio of maximum factored sustained shear within a storey to the ‘maximum factored shear in that storey associated with the same load combination 7 Bans = ratio used to account for reduction of sti i all lorls (oon men mt of stiffness of columns due to susan 6 = moment magnification factor used t between ends of compression member ets OF be magnification factor for frames not braced MJBCASTRO. Jateral drift resulting from lateral and gravity Scanned with CamScanner ’ _n §: LONG/SLENDER COLUMNS oar puctiON gi ies ig sid © oe lene iat colt ybjected 10 bending moments producing Ia cols va relative lateral displacement of joints associated wi cay SUE pens and thal may become Very large for slend he defined as a column that h secondary moments that are leading to fi tT araciae pe cciumn bends or deflect laterally an amount A, ils axial load will cause ad Wen 41 to PA. This moment is called ial moment applied othe column equa! e a a will be 42SLENDERNESS BFFECTS -smportant to determine whether the effects of slenderness need to be considered . eae of any column because second-order effects can have a significant infoaes ndoie ea he cegree of sendemness is generally expressed in terms of the slenderness ratio kLy/' , where L, is the path.of the. mem is the radius of gyrato of d > SLENDERNESS EFFECTS ON COLUMNS (NSCP 2015 SECTION 406.25) + 406.2.5 Slendemess effects shall he permitted to be neglected if (a) or (b) is satisfied: 2. For columns not braced against sidesway Ky —*<22 r b. For columns braced against sidesway Kby My Alu e 202 pS 344 12a and Hs 40 r : itive for double Where M,/Mp is negative if the column is bent in single curvature, and positive for curvature. ‘My = sinaller factored end moment ‘Mz = larger factored end moment ‘ecencaronnaanRTER ASS RO on VLAFIED REINFORCED MJBCASTI NCRETE DESIGN, Scanned with CamScanner movement of a storey have a total My Mz Py Py Single Curvature Double Curvature + 4062.5.1 The radius of gyration, r, shall be permitted to be calculated by (a), (b), or (9; Ig b. 0,30 times the dimension in the dit columns; tion stabili is being considered for revangulx c. 0.25 times the diameter of circular columns 8.3 ALIGNMENT CHART The preliminary procedure used for estimating effective lengths involves the use of the alignment chs The primary design aid to estimate the effective length factor k is the Jackson and nd The chart of part (a) of the figure is applicable to braced frames, whereas the one of part (b) 5 applicable to unbraced frames. Touse the alignment charts for a particular column, factors are computed at each end of the column. Te 'Y factor at one end of the column equals the sum of the stiffness [Z(E1/L)] of the columns: meetings fon, inching the column in question, divided by the sum of all the stiffhess of the beams esis 7 cas ma srg Gnd of the column be pinned, Y is theoretically equal to 0, and if fixed, W = os Fired ends, When is Practically impossible to have, is usually taken as 1,0 instead of fr ASPs, ~ When column ends are supported by, but not rigidly connected to a footing, ¥ is be" infinity but usually j 2 aod BE other i called W,. Aer ott for Practical design. One of the two values is called Ya, straightedge between W, and Wy ‘fe computed, the effective length factor k is obtained mS ish ‘The point where the straightedge crosses the middle nomes™ MIBCASTRO REINFORCE, sIMPLIFIED 68 SIMPL RONCRETED™ : LO! jateral 5 elements resisting TE. TF the columns in the directin cotter iinin the storey to be braced against sidgaygr 4 W onside & Scanned with CamScanner ~ ons SLENDER COLUMNS NG! Dips YEI/L of columns = SEI/L of beams fen Cinbicreed). Ninety races) ‘ACI 318-14 Effective Length Factor k yoMENT MAGNIFICATION METHOD a instademes in long columns may be approximately accounted for in design by empicically et ge cored design moment set 41 SLENDERNESS EFFECTS, MOMENT MAGNIFICATION METHOD (NSCP 2015 " SECTION 40654) + (664.1 Unless Section 406.2.5 is satisfied, columns and stories in structures shall be designated {sang nonsway or sway. Analysis of columns in nonsway frames or storeys shall be in secrodance with Sesion, ‘Analysis of columns in sway frames or storeys shall be in szzordance with Section 406.6.4.6, $66.44. The critical buckling load, Pe, shall be calculated by: mEDey Ce 4664.44 For non-composite columns, (EN)epy shall be calculated in accordance with (a), (b), a9: tb 1 ENFORCED, MJBCASTRO Scanned with CamScanner (IR CHAPTER 8: LONG/SLENDER COLUMNS ely + Eslse 1+ Bans Eel © EDM TFB ‘Where Bans shall be the ratio of maximum factored su: ssl lad ith the same load combination and 1 in Eq 406. is cate le (b) for columns and walls. Maximum factored dead load Moment Total factored Moment bo EDey = Bans = > 842 MOMENT MAGNIFICATION METHOD: NONSWAY FRAMES SECTION 406645) SCP ays * 406. The factored moment used for design of columns and walls, Me, shall be ‘order factored moment Mz amplified for the effects of member curvature, the fi, M. = 5My + 406. Magnification factor 6 shall be calculated by: + 406. Cm shall be in accordance with (a) or (b): For columns without transverse loads applied between supports; Cm 5 0.6 ~ 0,424 in 5 0.6~ 0.457 ‘where M,/Mz is negative if the column is bent in single curvature, and postive iftetia double curvature, b. For columns with transverse loads applied between supports. Cm = 1.0 * 406. My in Eq, 406. shall be atleast Mz my calculated according to Eq. 4066454 about each axis separately Maynin = Pu(15 + 0.038) | EE NN xc MJBCASTRO siMPLIFIED REIN esioN Scanned with CamScanner ons SLENDER COLUMNS 2 L RBiggy shall be taken equal 10 1.0 or calculated based + Cn coeds Ma M,/Mz using Eq. 406.6.4,5.3a On the ratio of the GNIFICATION METHOD: SWAY FRAMES (NCP 2915 SECTION MA 3 ont ) the ends of an indivi 7 gait aster My and Mz at of an individual column shall be calculated by (a) + a0! 5 Meats ‘te moment magnifier 3 shall be calculated by (a), (6), or ©) IF, exceeds 15 (62 re ' a fy (e) shal be permitted: a q_ Sewnd order analysis where: 2, =summation ofall the factored vertical loads in a storey 3, =suinmation for all sway resisting columns in a storey Phi calulated using Eq. 406. with k determined for sway members from Section 4066443 and (ENeyy from Section 406. or 406. 2s appropriate with Bas substituted for Bans 64.63 Flexural members shall be designed for the total magnified end moments of the cola a the joint, sway frame. * $664.6.4 Second-order effects shall be considered along the length of columns ia is caleulated {shall be permitted to account foF these effects using Section 406.6.4.5, where Cm ‘sng M, and Mz from Section 406. MJBCASTRO- Scanned with CamScanner _>_ iS 8: LONG/SLENDPR COLUMN: RB: pee cHAPTE! ILLUS TRATIVE PROBLEMS: My Solution: a, M, = smaller factored end moment = 110 kN ‘M, = larger factored end moment = 120 kN Check Slendemness effect: bby M, —s34 ae, Fi + ae > where M,/M, is negative for single curvature MIBCASTRO. Scanned with CamScanner |Z | oa we ¢ My 110 wh 234-12 = 344l2a 7 720 = 23 sly _1.0(4600) _ == —tras ~ 108? > 23 + Slenderness effect should be considered 40.889 cq) Buckling Load Fe: citi ‘ 2(EDesf P, = Ckbu)® bh? _ (300)(375)* _ ly =p =A > 1318359975 mmt E,= 4700/ fz = 4700V27.6 = 24691.780 MPa _ 180 _ y36 “500° ie OAEcly _ 0.4(24691.780)(1318359375) eff T+ Bans 1 +036 = 9574305.779 x 106 Nmm? 12(9574305.779 x 108) R= [1.0(4600)}? P, = 4465.719 KN Moment Magnification factor 5: For columns without transverse loads applied between supports: My Gy = 0.6 — Ob > where M,/Mp is negative for single curvature 110 Cn = 0,6 + 0.4—— = m + 20 0.967 Scanned with CamScanner re gf MSRMRNBNE CHAPTER 8: LONG/SLENDER COLUMNS ‘~“ 0.967 oe 500 1~ O75(4465719) Therefore, 5 = 1.137 = 1137>1.0 ¢. Equivalent eccentricity of the column section: = }9°S eine Main = Pu(1S + 0.03h) = 500[15 + o.03¢375) 13.125 ky, ¢ ny ‘The factored moment used for design of columns, Fay Me = 5Mz M, = 1.137(120) = 136.44 kNm = M,, My = ye 136.44 = 5002 e= 0,273 m= 273 mm ‘M, = smaller factored end moment = 0 ‘Mz = larger factored end moment = 0 Check Slendemess effect: by My — 5 34412 r ot ~ where M,/Mz is negative for single curvature 7 = 0.30h = 0.30(300) = 90 m 34—12(0) = 34 MIBCASTRO. = Scanned with CamScanner oNG/SLENDER COLUMNS sb pR : wr uckling Load Fe ' 0 caiteat » w(EDefth Rel bh? _ (300)(300)? _ l= Gy 712 = 675000000 mit = 0.15 O4E ely _ 0.4(21538.106)(675000000) Def = TF Bang 1+015 = 5056772.713 x 106 Nim? n2(5056772.713 x 108) R=— T0600) P, = 2358.617 KN Moment Magnification factor 5: §= 5-210 1 O75R; Forcolumns with transverse loads applied between supports: Cn = 1.0 Then, 1 6= yy —— = 1.204 > 10 7 300 0752358617) Therefore, 6 = 1.204 Total moment including the secondary moment due to lateral delection.: MJBCASTRO Scanned with CamScanner LONG/SLENDER COLUMNS [ERIE CHAPTER 8: 450mm Solution: ‘Check Stendemess effect: For columns not braced against sidesway: by <2 a kly _ 1.3(5000) 7 ~ 0.30(450) ~ *8-148 48,148 > 22 + Slenderness effect should be considered ens SIMPLIFIED. MJBCASTRO SIMPI ‘CONCRETED! , - Scanned with CamScanner 7 a LONG/SLENDER COLUMNs r ca yomnent Magnification factor for frames not brag Au 1 ed against Sidesway 5, 21 ee 1 oe a0 72000 1814>1 — 075(214000, 1.814 o,_ Magrifed factored momento be used for the design of column My = Mans + SoMas yy = 132+ 1.814(122) = 353.308 km Manin = Pu + 0.034) ye Meyain = 0 +0.03(0,450)] & Main = 36082400 kar =-36-082 kNm Spt mn Minimum value of factored end moment for the given cross section as specifi ed by ified by NSCP tem, Scanned with CamScanner ‘The factored moment at the top 18 4Pa and fy = 41SMPa. Assume bomel dead axial load Pot sport? SIMPLIFIE! REINFORCE ‘CONCRETE D) Scanned with CamScanner Service Loads: Poy, = T100kN Puy = 900kN Service Moment Loads My: Mp, = 110K My, = 160kNm Service Moment Loads My: Mp, = 150kNm_ My, = 180kNm Scanned with CamScanner

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