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-yndamentals of Reinforced Eenerete Design CHAPTER TEN Chapter 10 Two-way Slab When a rectangular reinforced-concrete slab is su reinforcement placed perpendicular to the side ma directions. These slabs are known as ftv-way slabs in both directions. However, if a rectangular slab is supported in all four sides but the long side is two or more times the short side, the slab will, forall practical purposes, act as a one way slab, with bending occurring in the short direction, Pported on all four sides, ¥y be assumed effective in the two The bending on these slabs occurs . 4 Beam or walt 1 I fr }7—— J column support \} Beam or wall Figure 10.1: Bending of two-way slab The Code specifies two methods of designing two-way slabs. These are the direct design method (Section 5.13.6) and equivalent frame method Gection 5.13.7) pare zt there are other methods that can be used. These iriclude the strip method an ‘moment coefficients method (Method 2). COLUMN AND MIDDLE STRIPS When the design moments have beer method or equivalent frame method, Panel. ‘The panel is divided into column d eee de of a column centerline equal to 0.25 L: or design strip with a width on each side « 0.25 + 14, whichever is less, Column strip includes beams, if any. The middle strip 's 4 design strip bounded by two column stps a determined by either the direct design the moments are distributed across each and middle strips, Column strip is a Scanned with CamScanner CHAPTER TEN 336 two-way Slab Middle Column Column uP is Strip i ‘strip | 0,25 Ly or 0.25 La 0.25 L; or 0.25 La whichever is smaller whichever is smaller Figure 10.2: Column and middle strips MINIMUM SLAB THICKNESS (SECTION The minimum thickness of slabs without interior beams spanning between the supports shall be in accordance with the provisions of Table 10.1 and shall not be less the following values: (@) Slabs without drop panels (®) Slabs with drop panels . Table 10,1; Minimum Thickness of Slabs without Interior beams Without drop panels With drop panels Note (2) Note (2) | Exterior panes mene Exterior panels Without |With edge Without [with | “edge | “beams cael noone beams _| Note (3) (1) For values of reinforcement betweer in yield stress nin 2 Drop pond icon coined by linear interpolation, 0 275 and 415 MPa in ions and 5.13, Slabs with beams betweer eigen Shalt be aatGe coum along exterior edges. The vale ofa forthe eo Scanned with CamScanner Indamentals of Reinforced CHAPTER TEN ‘oncrete Design Twoway slab SOT ae sic The minimum thickness of slabs with or without bea Nut beams sp. between th L,, (800 + 0.73/,) _1n(800+0.73f4) 36,000 + 5,000, = 0.12(1+ 178] Fq10-1 J he but not less than | jy = Ln(800+ 0737,,) ] : 36,000+ 9,077 410-2) and need not be more than | L,,(800 + 0.73f,) | | " n=) - | " 36,000 Eq. 10-3 | The values obtained from Eq. 10 - 1, Eq. 10 - 2, or Eq. 10 - 3 shall be modified as required by Sec. and Sec, but in no case shall the thickness be less than (@) foray <20 (b) for dy 22.0 Section For slabs without beams, but with drop panels extending in each direction from centerline of support a distance not less than one-sixth the span length in that direction measured center-to-center of supports, and projection below the slab at least one-quarter the slab thickness beyond the drop, thickness required by Eq. 10 1, Eq. 10- 2, or Eq. 10 - 3 may be reduced by 10 % Section 5,9,5.3.5: At discontinuous edges, an edge beam shall be provided with a stiffness ratio a not less than 0.80; or the minimum thickness required by Eq. 10-1, &4.10- 2, or Eq, 10 - 3, shall be increased by at least 10 % in the panel with a “Scontinuous edge. where 1g direction of two-way construction, measured! Ls «= length of clear span in lon; ir thout beams and face-to-face of ea™ face-to-face of supports in sl or r cases. | other supports in other edges ofa panel w= average value of u for all beams 0 Scanned with CamScanner Fundamentals of Reing, cHarTen TEN Concrete 338 —twoway slab flexural stiffness ded laterally by of beam section to flexural stiffness a width a= ba or centerline of adjacent panel (if any) in each gi slab bo of beam. = ratio of clear spans in long (o short direction of two-way slabs. E,, = modulus of elasticity of beam concrete Ew = modulus of elasticity of slab concrete ; 1° = moment of inertia about centroidal axis of gross section of beams defined in Sec. 5.13.24. “Section 5.13.24; For monolithic or fully composite construction, @ beam induces that portion of slab on each side of the beam extending a distance equal to the projection of the beam above or below the slab, whichever is greater, but rot greater than four times the slab thickness. I, = moment of inertia about centroidal axis of gross section of slab 1, = 18/12 times width of slab defined in notations a and By ‘The student may find this Code procedure in solving the minimum slab thicl very tedious, but for slabs up to 8 m in length and with beams in all four sides having, almost the same size, the minimum slab thickness is usually not governed by Eq. 10-1 DIRECT DESIGN METHOD (SECTION 5.13.6) Limitations of Direct Design Method 1, There shall be a minimum of three continuous spans in each direction 2. Panels shall be rectangular with a ratio of longer to shorter span cente™ center of supports within a panel not greater than 2. 3. Successive span lengths center-to-center of supports in each direst shall not differ by more than one-third the longer span. Coluinns be offset a maximum of 10 percent of the span (in direst°" of a from either axis between centerlines of successive columns. 5. A 4 pai shall be due to gravity only and uniformly distributed ove? entire panel, Live load shall not exceed three times dead load 6 For @ panel with beams bet a. ween supports on all sides, the rel! stiffness of beams in two perpendicular directions Scanned with CamScanner fundamentals of Reinforced cHarter Ten concrete Design Two-way Siab 339 - fala” ba 10-s| _ _ he 7 fq. 10-5 and shall not be less than 0.2 nor greater than 5.0 a where Li = length of span in direction that moments are being, determined, measured center-to-center of supports length of span transverse to Li, measured center-to-center of supports. See also Figure 10.2 Moments in Slabs (Section The total moment that is resisted by the slab equals absolute sum of positive and average negative factored moments in each direction shall not be less than | ai where w, 1s the factored load in Pa or kPa. of the centerline of supports varies, t transverse spans. When the lored, the distance from edge Ifthe transverse span of panels on either side Lain Eq, 10-6 shall be taken as the average of adjacen span adjacent and parallel to an edge is being consid! to panel centerline shall be substituted for La in Eq. 10-6 to face columns, capitals, brackets, or walls be less than 0.65L1. Circular or regular e supports with the same area Clear span L, shall extend {rom face Value of L,, used in Eq. 10 - 6 shall not polygon shaped supports shall be treated as squart nits ( “ ated at face of rectangular supports ts shall be treated as square Suppor’ Negative and Positive Factored Mome! Negative factored moments shall be loc Circular or regular polygon shaped SUPP with the same area ent Me shall be distributed as follows 065 Negative factored moment bad 035 A ¢ mon A” In an interior span, total stati ™ Positive factored moment Scanned with CamScanner CHAPTER TEN - Two-way Slab B. Inanend span, total factored static, moment M, shall be distributeg given in Table 10.2. istribution of total span moment in an end span, e © o Table 10.2: Slab without beams Slab with between interior beams ‘Supports ite 9e f between all “Without | With edge | rest, fi supports | edge beam ‘ beam* Positive factored moment Exterior negative factored moment * See Sec. Negative moment sections shall be designed to resist the larger of the two interior negative factored moments determined for spans framing int a | common support unless an analysis is made to distribute the unbalanced moment in accordance with stiffness of adjoining elements. + Edge beams ot ed A iges of slab shall be proportioned to resist in torsion theit a ‘are of exterior negative factored moments. For moment transfer between slab and an edge column, column strip nominal moment strength provided shall be us isd ed as the transfer moment for gravit Factored Moments in Column Strips Column str'ps shall be interior negative cactore Proportioned to resi ¢ Moments: : of ist the following portidns in perce Line ‘ear interpolation shali be made be ‘tween values shown. Scanned with CamScanner CHAPTER TEN sign oncrete Desig) TwowaySiab 341 Table 10.4: Interpolated values of Table 10. 1500 7500 7800 no naw ne nw sam ow 660 as aan s1s0 soo Column strips shall be proportioned to resist the following, exterior negative factored moments: tions in percent of Table 10.5 (aalo/li) (aula/Li) > 1.0 Linear interpolation shall be made between values shown walls extending for a distance equal to o1 jength [2 used to compute M, negative imly distributed across |» Where supports consist of columns or sreater than three-quarters the span | ™oments shall be considered to be unifor Column strips shall be proportioned to resist the following, portions wy percent o! Positive factored moments: Table 10.6 (wuts 0 asbylly) = 1.0 Linear interpolations shall be made between values shown Scanned with CamScanner CHAPTER TEN Fundamentals of Reinforceg c 342. twoway Slab oncrete Design Table 10,7: Interpolated values of Table 10.6 11a 180180 For slabs with beams between supports, the slab portion of column strips shall be proportioned to resist that portion of column strip moments not resisted by beams Factored Moments in Beams (Section Beams between supports shall be proportioned to resist 85 percent of column strip moments if (arL2/Li) is equal to or greater than 1.0. For values of (ajL2/li) between 1.0 and zero, proportion of column strip moments resisted by beams shall be obtained by linear interpolation between 85 and zero percent. Factored Moments in Middle Strips That portion of negative and positive factored moments not resisted by columt strips shall be proportionately assigned to corresponding half middle strips. E3< mle jmp cal be proportioned to resist the sum of the moments assigned toils Seared sh swips A middle strip adjacent to and parallel with an oo the half middle sgn call be proportioned to resist twice the moment assigne P corresponding to the first row of interior supports Modification of Factored Moments Negative and . the total static ‘ames et Moments may be modified by 10 percent pr y : required by Eq. 10g. 1°" # Panel in the direction considered is not less U™" Scanned with CamScanner ry yamenta’® merete DESI Tw tals of Reinforced CHAPTER TEN ayia 343 ft Cot “dS em with Beams fae with (4ala/L1) equal 10 OF gHeaer thaw 1.0 shall be proportioned to resist Ber caused by factored loads on tributary areas bounded by 43° lines drawn pry the comers of the panels and the center-hnes of the adjacent panels parallel to the long, sides. Beams with (iL2/Li) less than 1.0 may be Proportioned to resist Myrebained by linear interpolation, assuming beams carry ne Toad atta = am S. for wade beam shear Scanned with CamScanner Fundamentals of CHAPTER TEN ici. a a ee nonce 344 twoway slab ign TROBLEM 2 RATIV’ blem 10.1 vn «, determine the mirimum slab thickness for the Jsing the NSC? Specification: pals panel shown, The slab has beam between all supports which are poured monolithically with the slab. Use fy = 414 MPa and f, = 21 Mp, ‘scume E, be the same for slab, beam, and column. 5m | sm fe 5m ——.| 8 | —__} ——— = na = | Panel to be | designed 6m 4 t t a | 6m 350 mm. Section A-A >= 350m Section B-B 8 350 mm Scanned with CamScanner amentals of Reinforced pune Design CHAPTER Ten conte Twoway sian 3465 jon sant L,1(800 + 0.73 , 1 Assume [t= W I) 36,0004 9,0008 longelearspan 6009 359 shortclearspan ~ 5009—359 p=1.22 ~ 5650(800 +0.73 x a1ay = AN 0.73 x 414) 36,000 + 9,000(7.22) h= 133 mm say 150 mm h 2 Effective flange projection of beams a) 500-150 = 350 mm 8) 4h = 4(150) = 600 mm (ection 5.13,2.4) The value of | is computed from that of a T-beam, This procedure, however, is very tedious. From computer calculation, the author fone that for edge beam, with slab on one side only, 1 = 14 bil/12 and for interior beams with slab on both sides, = 1.6 bd?/12, where b is the beam: width and d is the total depth of beam. Moment of inertia of the beam (approximate value): 350(500)* For edge beam, I= 1.4 x ae 1=5,104 x 10° mm* 350(500)* For interior beams, 1 = 1.6x 1 = 5,833 x 105 mm 4 Value of a — Eu xLof beam E,, x lof slab For edge beam with 3 m slab width: 5104 10° y= 3000(150)* / 12 y= 6.05 Scanned with CamScanner cuapTeR TEN Fundamentals of Retitor, ed 346 twoway slab Concrete Design a eee Te Fr interior beam with 5-m slab width (2 beams) 583810" _ "*5000(150)" / 12 ay = 415 For mtertor beam with 6-m slab width 5833 x 10° 6000(150)* /12 a = 3.46 Average, (tn = 6.05 + 2(4.15) + 3.40 4 Average, tt = 4.45 length of continuousedges \ . perimeter 2(6)+5 2(6) + 25) B= 0.773 ' Me 1, (800 +0.73,) 36,000 + 5,0008{c.,, -0.12(1+ 1/8)] 5650(800 + 0.73 x4 14) ” 36,000 50001 22)[4.45—0.12(1 1 /1.23)] = 101mm Put not less than: h £n(800 + 0.734) 36,000 + 9,000) = 2050(800 + 0.73 « 414) 36,000 + 4.0 ‘ 00(1 22) Scanned with CamScanner jamentals of Reinforced Concrete Design CHAPTER TEN Twowaysiab 347 but need not be more than 1.,(800 + 0.73, ) 36,000 5650(800 + 0.73 414) 36,000 h=173 mm Also, it may not be he less than 90 mm (for ty > 2), see Page 337 Thus, Jim = 133 mm Problem 10.2 Design the slab in PROBLEM 10.1 assuming that the load of 5.7 kPa and a uniform weight Use 12-mm main bars floor carries a uniform live dead load of 1.3 kPa not including its own Solution Use = 150 mm Sm Floor weight = jane * slab thickness am = 23.5015 t—— Hoor weight = 3.53 kPa Total dead load = 1.3 +3 Total dead load = 4.83 kPa = 1.4(4.83) + 1.7(5.7) = 16.452 kPa Using 12 mm bars: 4= 150 - ¥3(12) - 20 d= 124mm Check the depth for shear: (ect. 5.13.68) ly 4.15(5/6) +. for wide beam shear 1, 7 345>1 = 25-0.35/2-0.124 = 2201 m Scanned with CamScanner . : Slop 34B _twoway slab — "Taking b= 1m V,, = 10, * Ashadted = 16.452(2.201)(1) V, = 36.21 KN web lfebd = 4 Vii (1000)(124) V, = 94,706 N #V, = 0.85(94.706) V, = 80.5 KN > Vu (OK) Moment along :he short span (5-m interior span): Note: This an interior spa;:. 0 Code Sect. applies: (See Page 339) (ukp by? 8 Ln = 5 - 0.35 Ly = 4.65 m — l2=6m = Mo My= (8.452% sxe. M, = 266.8 kN-m Negative factored momen Negative factored moment Positive factored moment = 0.35(266.8) Positive factored moment = 93.38 kN-m Distributing these momen L/L = 6/5 Le/Ly = 1.2 ts Lo bear and column strips. ‘© a = 3.46 (in the direction of L) ‘eu(Lo/ La) = 4.15 from {abl le olumn at 0.4 the wl “ . sisted rip bon percentage of interior negative moment to be re! / 173.42) = -119.66 kN-m Scanned with CamScanner yndamentals of Reinforced ncrete Design CHAPTER TEN According to Section 5,13.6.5 (See 342) resisted by the beam, and 15% oy 156 roe Not! KN will be “ _ . 86 = -17.95 kN remaining (17342 - 19.66)= 53.76 satitted adhe a Ne {0 the slab, The © strips, : from Table 10.7, the percenta column strip is 69% (93.38) = 64.43 kN. feo the beam and 15% of 64.43 = Ni, 5% of 644 .66 kKN-m - 64.43 = 28.95 is allotted to the middle stipe ‘othe sal eof Be at the positive moment to be resisted by 3 = 54.77 kN-m goes to b. ‘The remaining 93.38 Moment along the short span {along edge beam): According to section Ly = 6/2 + 0.35/2 “La=3.175 m Ly =5-0.35 Ly = 4.65 m y= (euladln? 8 (16.452 x 3.175)(4.65) 8 = 141,18 kN-m Negative factored moment = -0.05(141.18) Negative factored moment = -91.78 kN-m Positive factored moment = 0.35(141.18) Fositive factored moment = 49.40 kN-m For this case, Table 10.5 will be used for distribution of negative moments b= ty 350 Ce x{1-o005 5 ae = (1-063) S06) * 1068555 = 4282 x 106 mn Scanned with CamScanner 50 CHAPTER TEN 900(150)* hee RD pe manrs 1mm 428210" * 3(p43 75> 10°) 7 254 fh Lal 26/5212 ay = a, ~ 6.05 (for edge beam) ay(Ly/ 11) = 7.26 By interpolation from Table 10.5 1-12 Percentage = 75 ~ (75 - 45) Percentage = 69% Exterior Negative Moment Column strip = 69% (-91.78) Column strip = -63.33 KN-m 5% (-63.33) 53.83 kN-m Middle Strip = -(91.78 - 63.33) Middle Strip = -28.45 kN-m Positive Moment (Percentage = 69% from Table 10.7) Column strip = 69% x (49.4) Column strip = 34.1 kN-m Beam = 85% (34.1) Beam = 28.99 kN-m Slab = 15%(34.1) Slab = 5.12 kNem Middle Strip Middle Stryp (494-341) =19.3kN-m Scanned with CamScanner gamentals of Reinforced fur rete Design CHAPTER TEN, cos Twowaysiah 351 | 125m 5 m 125m Edge beam 1.25m Exterior column strip Intenor column strip Moment along the long span (6 m end span) la=5m 6-035 L,=5.65m M,= @eubadbn? . 8 = (16.452 x 5)(5.65)? 8 328.24 KN-m From Column @ of Table 10.2: -0.7(328:24) . tive moment Factored interior negati “209.77 KN-m Factored interior negative moment Factored positive moment = 0.57(328.24) Factored positive = 187.1 kN-m ent = -0.16(328.24) Factored exterior negative moment = -0.16( ) ent = = 52.52 KN-m Factored exterior negative moment 5 Lili = 5/6 L/L = 0.83 Scanned with CamScanner aye ay 7 45 sa(a/L) = 435089) cay(La/Ls) #34 From Table 10.4 Percentage of negativ Percentage of negative mo! 3 =81- — (81-; e moment 0 (81-78) ment =80.1% Interior Negative Moment: ‘Column strip = 80.1% x (-229.77) Column strip = -184 kN-m Beam = 85%(-184) Beam = -156.4 KN-m Middle Strip = (229.77 - 184) Middle Strip = -45.77 kN-m Exterior Negative Moment: (80.1% by interpolation from Table 10.5) Column strip = 80.1% x (-52.52) Column strip = -42 kN-m. Slab = 15%(-42) Slab = -6,3 kN-m Middle strip = -(62.52 - 42) Middle strip = -10,52 kN-m Positive Moment (80.1% from Table 10.7) Column strip = 80.1% x (187.1) Column strip = 150 kN-m Beam = 85% (150) Beam = 1275 kN-m Slab = 1554150) Slab = 22.5 Nem Middle Suri Middle Sap oy gyn P= 37.1. kNem Scanned with CamScanner uf ey SSN OTEN | aS Desig TwowaySia 353 he student must understand th I ‘at the column strip exist: Note eam. Since we are to conside; esta ee we side, the value of T only the part on one {Moment allotted to slab must be er, the middle strip te divided by 2. Howev: longer divided by 2 because the same Moment is also allotted to it by the mite column strip. opposite Edge beam ' ' ' ' t 1 a 2} = 5) 8 a fe ' € e} 3 3! is | ' ' \ \ i ' i t i ' i 125m | ! t ' 1 ' i i $2) 4.5113 mm? 14 4 Poin = 0.00338 Prax = 0,75 9:85(21)(0.85)(600) “”-414(600 + 414) Pnes = 0.01626 Pan = Scanned with CamScanner Rows A &C Fundamentals of Reins Concrete Design TE ca taan Across F Across E | Across D || Across F 11.250 -13.800 -10.500 1075.00_| 1075.00 2500.00 124,00 112.00 124.00 0.73624 | 1.13708 | 450.77 407.15 0.00187_| 0.00284 pf .00284 0.00338 | 0.00338 pst 0.00338 | | 269.71 260.00 Bottom pea | 29h 64 ee ee 260.00 Scanned with CamScanner amentals of Reinforced veneret Design CHAPTER TEN 355 » Two-way Slab RowsD&F Row E Across B | Across C || Across A | Across B | Across fo | __-5.120 9500 | 35330 | 29780 35.0 t M5.) {1075.0 | 1075.00 TT 350000 | aso000 | 330000 d 124.00 124.00 124.00 124.00 121.00 12100 R Gessoo | 03447 | asrs6o | iiazz | owas 1.14237 % 0.00157, 0.00084, 0.00157, 0.00285 0.00283, Usep OOOS | 0.00338 | 0.00238 | v0nas | ooo | ooons A 450.77, 450.77, 450.77 1467.63 1467.63, 1467 63. N 3.99 3.99, 3.99 12.98 12.98 12.9% s 269.71 269.71 269,71 269.71 269.71 269.71 Uses 260.00 260.00 260.00, 260.00 260.00 260.00 Position Top Bottom Top Top Bottom Top According to Section, reinforcement in each direction shall not be less than the required spacing for shrinkage and temperature bars. Temperature bars: As, = 0.0018(1000)(150) = 270 mm3;,N = 2.39 Required Spacing = 1000/2.39 = 418 mm < 260 Maximum spacing of bars (Section = 2 x slab thickness = 300 mm Scanned with CamScanner bothiways bent at 1.25 12 mm 9 @ 260 mm, 'm from middle of beam — 2 ee eee

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