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Risk Assessment for Staff with potential work related exposure to COVID-19

This document should be read in conjunction with other advice regarding COVID-19 such as PHE
guidance and Trust Communications. It is imperative that all staff strictly adhere to infection control advice
including hand hygiene and use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

The main aim is to avoid unprotected coronavirus exposure

Completing the risk assessment:

This should be completed for all staff in addition to any pre-existing risk assessments in place (such as
existing Trust pregnancy risk assessment). If in doubt as to whether a member of staff is vulnerable
particularly this risk assessment should be used.

1. This can be undertaken by line manager, supervisor, who can be supported by designated senior manager or
Health and Safety representative
2. Involve the member of staff
3. Identify risks using risk matrix below
4. Consider actions to minimise risk
5. Staff in the clinically extremely vulnerable groups (who have received letters and are shielding) and pregnant
women >28 weeks gestation should not attend work and if practical they can work from home
6. Pregnant women <28 weeks gestation should practise social distancing but can choose to continue working in a
patient-facing role, provided the necessary precautions are taken and following risk assessment. It is
recommended that pregnant women of any gestation should be offered the choice of whether to work in direct
patient-facing roles following risk assessment during the coronavirus pandemic and provided with alternatives
such as working from home.
7. Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) employees – There is some emerging evidence to suggest that those
from BAME backgrounds may be at increased risk in particular if underlying medical conditions exist and this risk
assessment takes account of that increased risk.
8. Record the risk assessment and review if needed

Key considerations following the risk assessment:

1. Strict adherence to social distancing advice

2. Follow current Public Health England PPE guidance
3. Consider whether public transport / rush hour can be avoided through adjustments to work hours
4. Maintain >2m distance from the patient.
5. Recommend no direct patient contact
6. Consider moving to non-patient facing role
7. Consider remote working if the staff member is enabled including access to equipment and Wi-Fi

Higher Risk Aerosol Generating Procedures (AGPs):

Coronavirus is infectious through respiratory aerosol.

- Check the agreed list of AGPs.

- Note that the 2m safe distance provisions in relation to social distancing does not apply when performing AGP on
respiratory system and anyone in the room can be exposed.
- Appropriate PPE to be worn at all times

Further information may be available in accordance with local Trust communication systems
Individual Staff Risk Assessment
Staff Member Staff Role: Date of Assessment:

Ethnic Origin:



Manager Name: Location: Date of Review (if applicable:

Risk Stratification Tool for Staff not Shielding (see Appendix 1 for more detail including references to notes
at 1)
Part 1 – Individual Risk Criteria (complete this section)
Tick if employee
Criteria type Criteria
meets criteria
Gender Male
Ethnicity BAME
lung condition such as asthma, COPD,
emphysema or bronchitis) under current medical
review (severe lung conditions that require
Health Condition
shielding are defined by the British Thoracic
Society here, and criteria for COPD and asthma
are also online
heart disease (such as heart failure or a previous
chronic kidney disease (stages 3-5)
a condition affecting the brain or nerves (such as
Parkinson's disease, motor neurone
disease, multiple sclerosis or cerebral palsy) or
liver disease (such as hepatitis)
a weakened immune system from conditions.
Taking medication that can affect the immune
system (such as steroid tablets)
obesity with BMI >40
Number of Criteria Met
Consideration of any other factors not listed above

Individual Risk Classification (circle as appropriate)

Risk category Criteria

Any of:
>60 years
>55 years and ONE or more criteria from the list in Box 1
>50 years and TWO or more criteria from the list in Box 1
Higher Any age and THREE or more criteria from the list in Box 1
Pregnant <28 weeks
Any severe health condition as determined by a health professional

Any of:
Medium >40 years
High Any TWO criteria from the list in Box 1
Medium Staff member lives with someone shielding
Low Any ONE criteria from the list in Box 1

Lower None of the above

Assessment of Workplace Risk Factors (circle as appropriate)

Risk Category Criteria

1 Performing all work duties from home
2 Can maintain social distancing at workplace (>2m, or with a physical barrier always present
e.g. an effective screen). No shared facilities e.g. kitchen and bathroom
3 Can maintain social distancing (>2m, or with a physical barrier always present, e.g. an
effective screen) but with shared facilities e.g. kitchen and bathroom
4 Cannot maintain social distancing – necessary or possible to be <2m of other people without a
physical barrier (such as a screen). Any time <2m of others is only with the same small group
of people*
5 Cannot maintain social distancing – necessary or possible to be <2m of other people without a
physical barrier (such as a screen). Any time <2m of others is with a broad group of people
(this includes unavoidable use of public transport to and from work)
6 Direct physical contact with people necessary
7 Performing an Aerosol Generating Procedure (asymptomatic patient) (AGP)**
8 Direct contact (<2m) with suspected or confirmed cases of COVID
9 Aerosol Generating Procedure on a symptomatic patient**

Overall Assessment of Risk

Individual Risk Group

Wor Low Medium-Low Medium-High High
7 *** *** *** ***
9 *** *** *** ***

*** NB Intensive Care wards +/- ED are very tightly regulated environments in hospital with the use of very
effective PPE and environmental controls – this may decrease risks to individuals around AGPs
(compared to less controlled environments with reduced experience in this field – hospitals may review
this and elect to decrease the action thresholds associated with the worker/workplace overall risk status).
PPE/ RPE – This section only applies where PPE/ RPE are recommended
Where PPE/ RPE is required but not all
boxes are ticked the staff member should
Staff member is trained to use appropriate PPE.
move to low risk, non-patient facing or
work from home role.
Staff member is confident and competent in using
appropriate PPE.
Appropriate PPE is available at all times
Overall Review of Risk Assessment (comment indicating level of risk)

Agreed Action Plan,

Please tick those that have been agreed
1. Strict adherence to social distancing advice (may include staggered rostering to facilitate social distancing
at work)
2. Follow Public Health England PPE guidance

3. Whether public transport / rush hour can be avoided through adjustments to work hours.

4. Limit duration of close interaction with patient (e.g. prepare everything in advance away from patient)

5. If possible maintain >2m distance from the patient

6. Asking patients to wear mask for staff member interactions.
7. Provide surgical mask for staff member for all interactions with patients or specimens
8. Redeployment to lower risk area
9. Consider no patient contact e.g. non-patient facing role in same department remote consultations with
patients/ service users
10. Redeploy to non-patient facing role out of department.

11. Remote working if the staff member is enabled (staff member does have access to equipment and Wi-Fi
or access has been requested from IT)
12. Others, please specify.

If you need advice from OH please contact/email

Occupational, attaching the completed risk assessment,
Health Support your relevant query and contact details for you and the relevant member of staff in

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