Essay 3 Rhetoical Analysis Revised and Edit

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Melanie Juarez

Dr. Nelson

English 1301-119

03 November 2022

Service dogs and their benefits.

Dogs have been known to be a man's best friend, but some dogs are more than just that to

others. Service dogs help people with disabilities in their daily life and provide the daily comfort

they need. Service dogs are provided by applying and providing information over the disability

that is in need of a service dog.Halls, et al, wrote this article in the year 2017 about service dogs

on Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. The author Hall, et al, uses pathos, logos, and ethos to

persuade the readers on how important services dogs are. Halls, et al, states how service dogs

help and are beneficial to people with medical needs. Halls, et al, studies how effective service

dogs are and provides information to the readers that they could acknowledge. The argument is

how service dogs are important and effective. Hall, et al, succeeded in persuading readers by

providing enough arguments and evidence to support the statement.

Firstly, the authors use pathos by providing the emotion of a better life to sway the

readers by acknowledging the author cares. According to Halls, et al, ¨Quality of life can be

defined as an individual’s experienced standard of health, comfort, and happiness [1]¨ (2). These

sentences are provided in order to make the reader feel and think that these statements are also

provided for them. It states emotions and feelings a person wants in life, making the reader feel

the joy and helpfulness of a service dog. Another statement used by the Halls, et al, is ¨Service

dogs allow their owners to gain a larger degree of freedom and enhance their ability to partake in

everyday outings or tasks that may otherwise have been a struggle, or impossible, alone,¨ (2).

Disable or medical ill people suffer and cannot perform their every day task fully, so a service

dog helps establish a stable life. This statement helps readers feel how important and necessary

service dogs are for people who need them. It makes the reader get a feeling of security and

having someone to rely on. This statement also makes it seem as if the service dog was a body

part of the owner, in which they cannot live without.

Secondly, the author uses logos by providing many statistics and percentages of

participants to prove their point of service dogs being helpful. Halls, et al, provides a survey with

accurate and recent evidence. ¨From these 96 responses 72 participants had been trained to work

with, and currently lived with a service dog (53% response rate); 24 participants had qualified

…(89% response rate),¨(Halls, et al, 3). The survey helps support the author's logical reasoning.

Halls, et al, uses these surveys to persuade the readers into agreeing with him, since response

rates on a survey are being shown. This strategy helps the author prove the point that service

dogs are needed and helpful. Halls, et al, provides the numbers in order to give the readers an

idea of how many people have service dogs and prove that the service dogs are helpful. The

Halls, et al, also provides tables with reported uses of service dogs, ¨All values are reported in

Table 2 (physical service dogs) and Table 3 (hearing service dogs) for total group …¨ (4). The

author provides us with tables in order to make his statement reliable. The graphs are provided in

pages 5 and 6 with the information given. These statements make the reader know that what the

author knows is what he is persuading in the article.. The author provides this logic to provide

how many people require,need, and have service dogs. This also helps with his statement that

service dogs are a need for people with medical issues.

Thirdly, the authors use ethos by providing research of service dogs and their owners they

personally did, and citations of cited work Hall, et al, reviewed. For example, according to Halls,

et al, ¨In the first stage, we conducted a univariate Analysis of Co-Variance (ANCOA), with total

Quality of Life Scores as the dependent variable, …,"(4). The research they conducted tells the

readers that they can trust the author's statements. The authors provide us trusted resources and

tell us that they know what they are talking about, since they themselves did the research. The

research is used to make the reader feel that the author has knowledge and can gain the trust of

the reader. Furthermore, Hall, et al, includes ¨All testing procedures complied with the British

Psychological Society (BPS) Ethics Code of Conduct [23] and ethical approval was obtained …¨

(2). This makes the authors look more acknowledged on service dogs and the people who need

and/or have them. It provides that what the authors conducted was within the guideline they had

to follow. This makes the author seem like a person who cares about following the codes and

conducts, and someone who cares about ethical procedures. Halls, et al, also provides

¨Participants gave written, fully informed consent to participate in the study and for their data to

be reported anonymously¨ (2). This informs readers that the authors have a sense of respect

towards the participants that they ask for the consent of every individual. The authors show

morals by doing this act to their participants. Making the author look like a genuine person who

cares about the participants.

In conclusion, the author uses all these rhetorical reasoning in order to demonstrate how

effective and necessary are service dogs to people who need them. Hall, et al, gives valid

information over services dogs, and the care they give to people with medical conditions.

Information over statistics and surveys was provided, emotion was persuaded throughout the

essay, and personal experience that is reliable was also provided making the author points valid.

The author's purpose was to inform readers of how helpful and how he recommends service

dogs. Hall, et al, also provides the right citations and grammar in order to persuade the readers

that his idea is correct. It provided all the key points needed to make sure the reader has enough

evidence to evaluate and agree with the point of view of the author. This article is agreeable,

because of the statement and rhetorical reasoning it is providing.


Work cited

Hall, Sophie, et al, ¨A survey of the impact of owning a service dog on quality of life for

individuals with physical and hearing disability: a pilot study.¨, Health and Quality of

Life Outcomes (2017), DOI 10.1186/s12955-017-0640-x


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