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Falling action

After Don Pand Dona Lupeng witnessed the ritual and joined in with the ceremony, the two of them
went home. However, once home, Don Paeng threathened to give his wife a beating because
apparently, he wasn’t pleased by how his wife behaved that night. Lupeng performed obscenious acts
during the ritual which I think Paeng did not like because he expects his wife to act decently as a
woman. And that led to an argument. Paeng dared to whip his wife out of love and respect but Lupeng
said she doesn’t just want to be respected but to be adored. Then Lupeng waited and forced her
husband to speak or utter Paeng’s adoration towards her saying that there will be no peace between
her and her husband unless he submits himself to his wife.


Paeng who’s left with no choice and got fed up of the argument, sank to his knees and said his
confession, his adoration to his wife. And lupeng wasn’t content with just words, so she commanded
Paeng to kiss her feet. Kissing the feet of a woman means respect and an act of submission. And that’s
what Paeng did. He submitted himself to his wife. And now, finally, Lupeng gained control over his man.


St. John & Tatarin

- The main theme of the story is about The feast of St. John and Tatatrin. These two completely
opposes each other. The feast of St. John is about men and their fertility that represent their
domination and superiority. Tatarin festival is the exact opposite, showing women as leaders of
fertility since they carry children. This festival is the last trigger to make Lupeng feel as though
she is stronger than a man and deserves adoration. The feasts and events shows the differences
of men and women in terms of who is dominate, or higher, or superior. However, this story, the
last part shows the triumph of woman by Don Paeng’s submission to his wife.


- Most of the time, women are considered the soft ones of the family in the house. The society
always expects women to be submissive to men. In the story, however, it aimed to uplift women
from discrimination and provide them with equal rights. The story opens the eyes of the readers
that an individual cannot be disregarded only by his or her sexual orientation. And that it should
always be equal in every aspects of daily doings.

English Language was used by the author in writing the story. It was used in the story on the
conversation between a Filipino Family throughout their daily experiences. However, Filipino words was
employed in the dialogue since tha author is a Filipino as well as the characters in his fiction.

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