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Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay Department of Mechanical Engineering Thursday, 21 July 2011

AY: 20112012, S: Autumn(1) Instructor: U. N. Gaitonde (Room 209, intercom 7508) Arindrajit Chowdhury (ICEL, intercom 7504) Time Table: Slot 3. Monday 10351130, Tuesday 11351230, Thursday 08300925. Classrooms : LCH12 and LCC11. Divisions: There are two divisions, Powai and Vihar. The split is as follows: Division Students Instructor Classroom Powai B.Tech. UNG LCH12 Vihar Dual-Degree AC LCC11 ASC-Moodle Site: The Moodle site for this course will be used very heavily for this course. Students should check this site regularly for announcements and information. References M. Achuthan, Engineering Thermodynamics, Prentice-Hall of India, Second Edition, New Delhi, 2009. M. J. Moran and H. N. Shapiro, Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics, Fourth Edition, Wiley, New York, 2000. F. W. Sears and G. L. Salinger, Thermodynamics, Kinetic Theory and Statistical Thermodynamics, Addison-Wesley/Narosa, New Delhi, 1975. R. E. Sonntag, C. Borgnakke, and G. J. Van Wylen, Fundamentals of Thermodynamics, Sixth Edition, Wiley, Singapore, 2003. M. W. Zemansky, Heat and Thermodynamics, Fourth Edition, McGraw-Hill Kogakusha, New York/Tokyo, 1957. Steam Tables M. L. Mathur and F. S. Mehta, Steam and Other Tables (with Mollier Chart), Revised Edition, Jain Brothers, New Delhi, 2010 (or later). Exercises The Exercise Set will be made available through the ASC-Moodle site for this course. Course Outline Introduction to thermodynamics. System, surroundings, boundaries, classication of systems. Units and dimensions. Conversion factors. Properties of systems. Equilibrium, processes, interactions. The work interaction. Thermodynamic denition of work. Characteristics of the work interaction. Evaluation of work. Adiabatic boundary. Adiabatic systems and processes. Adiabatic work. The First Law. Basic form. Energy of a system. The heat interaction. Sign con1

vention. Diathermic boundary. Zeroth law. Isothermal states. Empirical temperature. Principles of thermometry. Scales of temperature. Gas thermometer. The ideal gas. Ideal gas temperature scale. The state principle. Equations of state. Properties of gases. Properties of steam. Introduction to steam tables. Other equations of state. Van-der-Waals gas. Critical state. Reduced equation of state. The Second Law. Kelvin-Planck and Clausius statements. Equivalence of statements. Carnot theorem. Thermodynamic temperature. Kelvin scale. Carnot engine. Equivalence of thermodynamic Kelvin scale and ideal gas Kelvin scale. Clausius inequality. Denition of entropy. Evaluation of entropy. Principle of increase of entropy. Formulation of second law for closed systems. Auxiliary functions. Property relations. Maxwells equations. Applications to equations of state. First law for open systems. Derivation of the general form. Special cases. Steadyow energy equation. Second law for open systems. Combined rst and second laws. Availability and exergy. Lost work. If the schedule permits, some additional topics will be included: Introduction to 1-dimensional ow. Ideal uids. Compressible uids. Velocity of sound. Isentropic ow. Nozzles and diusers. Normal shock. Introduction to Psychrometry. Introduction to Combusion. Assessment (proposed) Quizzes (once a fortnight; tentative dates 03/8, 17/8, 30/8, 21/09, 05/10, 19/10, 02/11); time 2100 IST, duration 20-30 min.): 60% There will be no mid-semester examination. Semester-end examination: 40% IMPORTANT All quizzes and examinations will be closed-book, but each student will use her/his copy of steam tables and charts. No exchange of this material will be permitted. Any misuse of tables/charts will lead to punishment. The IITB rule about attendance will be implemented. Students with an absence of over 20% may be awarded the XX grade.


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