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Activity 1.

Directions: These are the 5 basic social institutions. Complete the table by researching its functions and
importance to us here in our society.

Institution Function Importance in shaping

an individual in the

1. Family The function of the family is to The family influences their

give security, advice, and children by supporting them
support to each of the members while growing up and giving
inside that social institution them the necessities in life, not
such as supplying them in terms just the basic needs but also
of life necessities (shelter, food, through emotional, spiritual,
name, and clothing). and mental support.

2. Education The purpose of education in a This institution is important in

society is to provide people with every individual’s life because it
knowledge and information. To benefits them in gaining
build understanding and knowledge in different issues
educate each and every one and matters that is needed to
about everything that is needed gain information in everything
to know about how everything inside the world.
functions in this world.

3. Religion Religion serves its purpose in a Religion shapes an individuals’

society by helping people to mindset in terms of their
reach or gain enlightenment perspective in life and with their
about the meaning of life and it concerns about their self as an
also promotes the good moral individual in a society whether
and right conduct to be they are in good or bad side of
included in our life. life.

4. Economic Institution Economics focuses on the Economics develops an

distribution, consumption, and improvement in an individuals’
production of the goods and decision making skills and
services in a society. In addition, critical thinking skills since
economics also studies about economics is a study about how
the fulfillment of the society’s people decides their choices in
needs and wants using the the face of scarcity.
limited resources.

5. Government The government is the The government has the

institution that focuses on the responsibility to protect the
concerns of the state. It nation and its people in a
influence, control, and society. With that, it shapes an
implement policies that are individual for their well-being
important in a society. and happiness.

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