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1: What are the two ways computers

can connect to the network?

Computers and other devices can connect to a network using cables or

wirelessly.WiFi is the common wireless technology for a computer network.

Ethernet is the protocol most often used in cabled networks.

2: What devices do they usually

connect to?

Usually cabled devices connect to a switch. But, computers can also be

connected directly together in some cases, or may connect into a router.

Sometimes special cables are needed,

3: How many protocols are used when

one computer accesses another

- This is a bit if a trick question to get you to think. The answer is, it depends.
As we talked about, protocols are a way to format data.
This means that both ends of the conversation understand what’s being

Some protocols are used to deliver data. They don’t care what the data is

about though. Their only job is to get the data from one endpoint to

another. Ethernet is an example of this type of protocol.

Other protocols work with the application. An example of this is SMTP with

is a protocol that describes how emails are handled. SMTP doesn’t worry

about getting information onto a cable, or across WiFi.

That’s what protocols like Ethernet are for. SMTP is only worried about the

So, several protocols may work together to accomplish a task. We’ll see

more of this throughout the series.

4: Your company has three divisions. Each group has a network,

and all the networks are joined together. Is this still a LAN? Or

is it something else?

If each group has their own network, each network could

be called a LAN. If these networks are joined together,

this could also be called a LAN.

LAN is a simple term, and it doesn’t have a strict

definition. The important thing is that all the components

of the network are in the local area, such as in a single


5: The company adds a retail division. There is a head

office and six branch offices. What type of network is


All the components of the network in the head office are in a local area, so this

part would be called a LAN. Each of the branch offices would also be called a

LAN.But, all of these networks are separated, so the whole network would not

be called a LAN.If the offices were connected together, this part of the network

would be called a WAN. The WAN is the parts that connect the offices

together.Normally, a service provider would be used to provide some or all of

the equipment for these connections.As a whole, this would be called an

enterprise network.

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