Entrep Reviewer

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THE ENTREPRENEURIAL MIND ▪ Entrepende – “To undertake“

▪ Entrepreneur – “between taker“ or “go

What is Entrepreneurship?
Contemporary views on
Setting up a business or businesses,
taking financial risk in hope of profit.
Lloyd Shefsky - define entrepreneur
by dissecting the word entrepreneur into
BUSINESSPERSON VS three parts as follows:
▪ Entre means “to enter“
Businessperson – Enters the business ▪ Pre means “before“
world by contributing to an existing ▪ Neur means “nerve center“
business or product ideas, usually in the
form of franchising or retailing. Jeffrey Timmons and his co-authors of
the book entitled New Venture Creation –
Entrepreneur – enters the business Described entrepreneurship as the
world by transforming the original idea ability to create and build a vision from
or innovative product into a start-up practically nothing.
William Bygrave – An entrepreneur is
Original Ideation someone who perceives an opportunity
Inherent risk taking and creates an organization to pursue it.
Risk management
Embracing change Howard Stevenson – The pursuit of
Revenue growth opportunity beyond resources
ORIGIN AND NATURE OF ▪ A class of professional entrepreneurs
ENTREPRENEUR is emerging today who rely more on
There is an indication that the term their brains than their guts - and who
entrepreneur or entrepreneurship have been trained to use both methods
originated in Europe sometime in the and technology to analyze the business
middle ages. environment.
ELEVATOR PITCH How to Write an Elevator Pitch
The concept of elevator pitch is to engage It’s always a good idea to write your
your audience, make your point quicklu, elevator pitch well in advance, then hone
and leave your audience interested and it to perfection, and learn to deliver the
wanting to hear more – not an easy feat speech perfectly.
when your have two minutes or less to ▪ Know your subject
state your business (O’connell, 2018)
▪ Present your case
▪ Here’s what I do
Asking for Business ▪ Here’s what makes us unique
▪ Summarize and capitalize
1. Introduce yourself
What to Avoid?
2. Provide a summary of what you do
3. Explain what you want ▪ Don’t be generic
4. Finish with a call to action ▪ Not making eye contact
Advantage of an Elevator Pitch ▪ Not making the case for yourself
▪ Talking too fast
▪ Builds confidence ▪ Coming off as desperate
▪ Fewer/ No mistakes
3C’s of an Elevator Pitch
▪ Concise and precise
▪ No awkward pauses 1. It should be clear – Make your
▪ Sound professional point directly and efficiently.
▪ Good impression 2. Keep it concise – Be short and
▪ Practice makes perfect sweet.
When to use an Elevator Pitch 3. Having a compelling angle – Make
your audience want to hear more.
▪ To investors
▪ Website sales page
▪ Social media pages
▪ A short bio about your book
▪ Pitching a new idea to management
▪ Job interview
GUERILLA MARKETING • Grassroots marketing
▪ Guerra - War Aims to win customers over an
▪ Guerilla is a form of irregular warfare individual’s basis.
in which a small group of combatants, • Astroturfing Marketing
use military tactics including Generating an artificial hype
ambushes, sabotage, raids, petty around a particular product
warfare, hit-and-run tactics, and through a review or discussion
mobility, to fight a larger and less- • Street Marketing
mobile traditional military. Advertising or promoting products
▪ An advertisement strategy done in the and brands in public areas
streets or other public places with Objective
little money.
➢ Establish direct contact and
▪ Uses multiple techniques and practices
create connection
in order to establish direct contact
➢ Get people to remember the brand
with the customers.
in a different way
➢ Low cost, wider reached
• Ambient marketing ➢ Element of surprise
-Use of elements of the ➢ Tap emotion (affective)
environment ➢ Create a buzz
• Ambush Marketing ➢ Tap the unconscious mind
-Form of associative marketing
• Stealth Marketing
Entering, operating in, or exiting a
marketing in a furtive, secretive or
imperceptible manner
• Viral/ Buzz Marketing
Encourages individuals to pass on a
marketing message to others.
Entrepreneurship as an organizing
process that leads to a particular
1600 – Entrepreneurship is an old
output, namely the formation of a new
phenomenon. Conquest of countries was
regarded as a form of Entrepreneurship.
1755 – Entrepreneurial phenomenon
formally introduced into the literature Rather than defining
on trade, economy and business. entrepreneurship in terms of
organizational formation, the
1800 – The distinction was made between
opportunity tradition defines
those who supply funds and those who
entrepreneurship as the discovery,
create profit. (Coulter 2003)
evaluation and exploitation of
1900s – Frank Knight saw it as the opportunities to introduce new goods and
entrepreneur’s function to carry the services, ways of organizing, markets,
uncertainty within the economy on his processes and raw materials. (Shane
shoulders. 2003)

From the 1960s until the 1980s Schumpeter (1934), stress the
entrepreneurship was often defined from importance of the entrepreneur’s
the perspective of a psychological character traits and personality.
mentality. Overall, he sees the entrepreneur as a
Hornaday & Bunker (1070) – particularly innovative individual – ‘A
Entrepreneurial qualities: Energetic Great Man’ who through creative
participation in endeavor, confidence, destruction creates new waves of change
desire to be your own boss, and need to in the economy.
accomplish. Factors such as birth order,
entrepreneurial parents, encouraging
parents, work experience, education, per can from the City Government of
gender, age, etc. are assumed to influence Manila.
whether you become an entrepreneur
Striking a deal with Tan Bunting,
(Hisrisch & Peters 2001)
Manila’s Gobernadorcillo agreed to give
the garbage collector the vast tracts of
marshlands of Divisoria, Tondo, Malabon,
and Navotas, according to the history
▪ Novice Entrepreneur – No page of Tambunting.
entrepreneurial experience
▪ Habitual Entrepreneur – With In 1896, Doña Filomena Concepcion
previous experience de Tan Bunting, wife of Don Ildefonso, with
▪ Serial Entrepreneur – Constantly the help of the money derived from their
establishing and selling organizations new estate, began to realize her dream of
▪ Portfolio Entrepreneur – Owns setting up a pawnshop.
several organizations simultaneously. At that time, only the Catholic
▪ Nascent Entrepreneur – in the Church was the other organization that
process of considering the lent money to Filipinos through the Monte
establishment of a new organization – de Piedad, the first savings bank in the
can be either a novice habitual, serial country.
or portfolio entrepreneur
In 1953, Antonio, the second to last
▪ Intrapreneur – Acting
son of Ildefonso took a particular
entrepreneurially within an existing
interest in the pawnshop business, Under
the guidance of his father, Antonio
opened their sixth store in San Juan
FILIPINO ENTREPRENEUR Manila under the trade name Casa
(TAMBUNTING) Agencias de Empenos de Tambunting Y
Hijos. He operated the store with the
Don Ildefonso Tan Bunting – Started
same passion and dedication as his
making a living by collecting garbage in
parents. He will later inherit all the
the streets of Manila using a horse-
pawnshop stores.
drawn carriage receiving five centavos
All businesses suffered during WW2, the ENTREPRENEUR’S PERSONALITY
Philippines is under the regime of Japan. A
few days before the Japanese-supported
government collapsed, many of the
businesses refused to open to avoid
1. Environment
transacting with the ailing Japanese
2. The personality of the
currency, knowing that it will soon be
demonetized once the American
government took over. In spite of this,
Antonio Tan Bunting willingly open its door ▪ Easy – Fully supportive of
and allow his customers to redeem their Entrepreneurships.
pieces of jewelry and valued belongings, ▪ Less easy - Moderately supportive of
Within days, all the remained in the vaults Entrepreneurships
were a few pieces of unredeemed jewelry ▪ Hard – Not supportive of
and a pile of worthless Japanese Entrepreneurships

Every person has a personality

Antonio L, Tan Bunting Sr. had to that is unique and different from others,
began the painful process of rebuilding and each personality type has a
the business altogether, He immediately corresponding type of jobs that fits it.
raised the capital required to jump-start
the business and successfully opened his ▪ Realistic – prefers activities involving
doors a few weeks later. Soon, the loyalty aggressive behavior and physical
of his customers paid off and Casa exertion skills, strength and
Agencias de Antonio Tambunting y Hijos coordination.
was back in business. ▪ Investigative – analytical, curious,
methodical, and precise.
▪ Artistic- expressive, nonconforming,
original, and introspective.
▪ Social – Enjoys working with and ▪ The desire to create one’s own job
helping others and purposefully avoids security
systematic activities. ▪ The desire to improve one’s quality
▪ Enterprising – enjoys verbal activities of life.
to influence others and to attain
power and status
▪ Conventional – enjoys systematic
manipulation of data, filing of records,
or reproducing materials

Successful entrepreneurs possess

certain characteristics that are unique
and different from those having other
• Drive
• Thinking ability
• Human Relations Ability
• Ability to Communicate
• Technical Knowledge
• Reasonable Risk Taker
• Self-confident
• Goal Setter
• Accountable
• Innovative

▪ The desire to be one’s own boss

▪ The desire for financial rewards

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