Physics - Question and Answer

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=e 4. Indicator The 5. End point Ita. Oe. C suff indcaton> 7 6. Chemical & Lodasnoteaster per “I Equation: kn,» 10h s0, + 811,80, —> K,S0,* 2Mnso, a. seed et TOF ESON HL S04 (80.,)5" FONT ),SO, +8 HG, : * the! 4 ; Oserveton able _ 7 a Barette reading i mb, ae) 4 fs iy I n tier __ Final 1 [ou cw i 00 | 00 | Difference Jo | TOL ‘Calculation: From above chemical equation n wt 2KMnO,+ 10FeSO,(NH,),SO, + 81,50, —» K,S0, +2MnSO, + 5Fe,(SO,);+ 10(NH,),SO, + Ans. 2moles 10 moles SHO + 2 158 = 10 moles of mohr’s salt (molar mass of KMnO, = 158 9) Ww 100 mi 10M Moi’s salt = 316 9 of KMnO, ra to moaMeMotre sat = 1S210*01 He = 0.03169 of KMn0, 3 Henee..(8) CBR ml of KMnO solution contains = 0.0316 9 of KMnO, ss 010316 x 1000 3 1000 of KMn0, containg = ‘ml. of KMnO, contains = F575) CBR x 158 7 Spoce for log caleutaion Hence molarity of KMnO inthe sition is = 0031651000] ("Number [eg] IRL.) CBR x 158 0.2 > dagid! T.d010-1 -Ge4g = 2.2967 Result: The molarity of KMnO, solution is.....2.0\96...M] > © 010g Remark and sign of teacher: saswer from given aternonveS “of each sub aqnestion- eect |} ene mest appropriate 1, Tre indicoor we, od in Redo titration cmecntce ety ora co _Sefovamivm permanente uation a. SO. on state ci the eee ‘tse i ton eckMin0, 1 tirotion is +7, the onda ‘el 2 ‘oxalic ck a, The oxidation sa state of Mini oF redox iraioo orMn gh ar 4. The pt jaton st orion a Mobe a sastheon potion state oF IO “Jner competion of titration is— etl +4 15: The role of Mr? ion during ation of KMnO, by oxalic acid geatalyst 1. whet specie name 9 as. Np ines... Ht andara solution of 9 srote’s sat? 3, Why is dilute sotphurie a oaded while reparing etal ‘Salt to. Ret? ao ‘saludtie.2.-~ ass of Mohr’s 1g N214,H=1,0=16) Ot: hE0. s Se CN Hoa. .f Sige Bx UE Ue fal 4 Caleulate ‘the molar m¢ Maha. salt.2h.£e. mle nat Remark and sign of teacher: Procedure: ‘a8 A, B, C, Drespective J+ Take four conical ask 250 mt, wash with woter and label them as A B,C ly in the flasks A, B, % Bring SO mL burete ake exactly 20, 3,40 ond 500.1 M Na.S,0, > D respectively sA,BandC respective Using another 0m buretteadd28, 8 and 8 distilled waterto flasks A, B 'y (There is no addition of distilled water in flask D) 3. ccontainin, 4 With the help of 10 mL measuring eylinder, ad 2 mL 1 M HCI to the eat 920 ML 0.1 M Na,S,0, and 28 mL distilled water, Statt the stop watch im the cross mark Shake and keep the conical flask on o paper having cross mark and view through reaction mixture from top of the conical flask, : © When the cross mark on the paper just become invisible stop the stop watch immediately ang Fecord the time required in seconds. 7, imultaneously, Repeat the experiment by adding 2 mL 1 M HCl to flasks B, C and D, simult neously: By ZAG stop watch record the time required, when cross mark on the paper just becomes invisible. (Use same paper having cross mark for flasks B, C and D) Time required to | Concentration become eros mark 1 invisible Mist of NaS.0," > |» |. [2] 8s eoiser a | [ L Graph Plot a graph of 1/t against concentration of sodium thiosulphate solution, Result: Rate of reaction (11) is hi tig Aza, C09]. Nes, Sadidlur Rad gd [Na,5203] Remark and sign of teacher: 7 TU Seate = Te UT Select 7} the most SpPropriate answer from given alternatives of each sub question. 1. The rate of Feaction between 0.1 M Na,S,O, and | M HCI does NOT depends on @ temperature b. concentration Pressure 4. catalyst 2. Sodium thiosulphate solution reacts with hydrochloric acid solution to oe {colloidal sotution of sulphur b. transparent solution of sulpl ©. black solution 1 of sulphur 4. white precipitate of NaC! > The time required for completion the eation, when we ad 2 mi of IM HII 0th Masks A,B,C and D Containing increasing order of concentration of 0.1 M Na,S,0, " or increases fecreases © first decre jen decreases 'ases and then increases d. first increases and then d 1MNa,S,0, The nature of graph for effect of concentration on rate of reaction between 0. ? . and | MHClisa straight line with ©. decreasing slope Whrereasing slope ting 2 oni © increasing slope intersecting to y-axis d. decreasing slope inters: Short answer questions ine rate of reaction, Ans Reke.. a}. reacting... the Laith bie spanckamts, ore OS neds. re aa agloona 2. Mention the factors affecting the rate of reaction, ANS. Loancattivatiion them pee lard aceoteslypach: : esses eeenettnteteeetn : sn ee 3. Write the name of law for the study of effect of concentration on the rate of reac L. Defi 4. Explain the nature of Graph of It against concentration of Nqs,0, solution, OR E...G...Nova’ Phapang wde20.. 5. Why rate of reaction is fastest 'Na,$,0, ? | | | | b 7 | spoci 1 Specific heat capacity of water | Calculation: Heat absorbed for dissolution of 0.5 gof CuSO, oe cou pee Q= 25.5 « 4.184 g'C x Q qs. Molar mass of CuSO,5H,O is 249 g/mot At Moles of CuSO, dissolved = —Massof CuSO, _ Molar mass of CuSO, _ OS 249 = 2x10" mol The enthalpy of solution of CuSO, 5H,O is therefore lobSigy Result: . The enthalpy of dissolution of. given copper sulphate is s 4.184 Jig Since dilute solution is used density of solution is 1 g/mL. Hence 25.5 mL= 25.5 9 {Q) is the heat absorbed, when 2 x 10° mol of CuSO, isdissolved Space for log calculation Remark and sign of teacher: .. Select |¥ 1. The re 2. Math, 3. The: 4.The ee epee ame ke HOE OR RL! 83 ‘bservation Table: 1 Mass of 0.2 M CuSO, solution Select {v4 Nee ay 63 2. The mag a2 ov 3.Atherm « 4. Theet Calculation: oo Vieat evolved in displacement reaction is given by WI Q=ms at ‘Ans. Q= 26% 4.184 Jig °C 2. At . Q= 2612.48. oe 1000 mL. 0.2 M CuSO, solution contain 0.2 mol of ‘Cu . 2 25 mL.0.2 M CuSO, solution contain AD - 25x02 ! 1000 = 5x 10° mol of ‘Cu’ 4 6/488) isthe heat evolved, when 5 x 10° mol of 'Cu' is displaced it 1 ‘Space for log calculation Therefore enthalpy of displacement is Result: (Negative sign is because reaction is exothermic in nature) Remark arid sign of teacher: may teen ted CuSO, fe bd at ee sah question, whose va ue i independent of path wine wort 4. whos ida 86 vale depen state are pends on temperature only nA vero 4. different for each clement plue coloured ite balanced chemical equation, when Iron filings are we Kept it 4.Wri ‘er sulphate. x. solution of copP' ‘Ans. Remark and sign of yeacher: - RPS ar Compound Not [1. Test for Carboxylic acia group | Ovenrvetes stance + 10% Nac | | subtenes + 10%4 NaHICO, sotton 2 ee scot Name of the Name of the functional group | __ Struct _horkecy lic. gna = coo ‘Compound No.2 ee Observation — _Jafeent Ss |. Test for Carboxy! zai | ‘arboxylic acid group | anerce | parbioceylic per Substance + 10% NaHCO, sotut | 2. Test for Phenol ‘Substance + little water + neutral FeCl solution : Tie giv a colt jie giver drg’mic compound né.2 contains following functional group. ‘Name of the functional group ___|_ Structure of functional group. Lhspabin.graup | 7 9" ¢ . ‘Compound No3 \ Bghy SVECRI “ Gprereation ee] Inference \ [1 Test for Carboxylic acid group) || Noo wre eosbocy Mes ‘Substance + 10% NaHCO, solution. gf 2 -wwolt absot | Phonate. (0H) Test for Phenolic group] Neo Glue Substance + little water + neutral FeCl, | » groupabad solution = 3. Test for Aldehyde group Giguid) |) Réede cddehycke grove) Substance + 2-3 mL Schiff’s reagent! | ‘colouration C-cx0) proat | Tollen’s reagent and heat pr TTT Compound No4 Test {Test for Carboxylic acid group) NaHCO, solution. ubstance + 10% jing following functional group. ‘Béructure of functional group -=t=90 » water + neutral FeCl, soln | Substance +i | 3: Test for Aldehyde group (liquid) | Substance + 2-3 mL. Schiff's, reagent Tollen’s reagent and heat (4, Test for Ketonic group (liquid) | Substance+ few drops ofNaOH + few |' drops of nitroprusside soln amino grup] substance + cone. HCI and shake to dissolve, .Cool! under tap water, add excess of NaNO,. + B-naphthol in NaOH Result: The gi sn organic compound no.5 contains following functional group. ‘Name of the functional group Structure of functional group’ = NH2 Remark and sign of teacher: ANS Sect (xc9) 1h ng (tee) | 1 “cing "PFopFite answer toms piven alter HVE OF 60 9 gue €é ‘SOUP Present in Methanal is . uted? nero Si 2. Tdentt wi os catyncl, i on > he fanetonal group of rinay amine Hy oe een ‘ween aleohol and phenot f= brrieutral FeC', test ©. Sodium nitroprusside test 4. tollen’s reagent test ‘Primary amines on treatment with excess of NoNSy concentrated HCl and py alkaline medium gives. : etal ©. green colour 3: The distinguishing teat bn @ bicarbonate txt ». orange colour ©. violet colour ed colour 5: Acetaldehyde when heated with ammonical silver nate solution gives... «@. red ppt A6Silver mittor ©. red colour 4. grey mirror ‘Short answer questions 1, Define: Functional group, Ans..290,,..akzer2... 2. an. grmsupy,.atrny. bey Capen atl gipue manne... dm ta. dasa AB praprthise.. iB fe a ll Fee 2. Draw stricture of an organte eortpound having two fenetfnal group in moet 3 we Sie test for Hn carboryl cid and phenol se Rl sala bn. adeled. pias as ual torhoaybie..agid 7.20. epee eae a gacid, ciao oto he iit RRO setttone ‘Gn or gate Cdhipound, it eines Adentify the | fonction group present in the compound? Remark and sign of teacher: Reelin ppt » Abdoirnd “Sreogent, | Reeleliah ppt | Jpucaar | ru | Jackass pri ni foodstuff contains carbohydrates : Substance + | to a fg. Heat, Piemct Food stuff for fats and oils (Perform any two tests) Result: The given. -food stuff contains protein. i BES: Test Observation | __ Inference Solubility: 5 1 | @. Substance + Water Ansbulob/gaprbooh OWI acd | b. Substance + chloroform saluhb/ Mixabte |el/d Quset ‘Spot Test: Puta drop of substance [Jpremsy /otearabucor 2 | on filter paper Spat aceasta OU got Pw ‘Acrolein Test: Substance + few | Pungart boittig | 1) /, Les | 3 | erystals of potassium bisulphate. | gd» gf acrnliio Heat puen? Result: The given _poanppin.oll Remark and sign of teacher: -- _ : ane ) food stuff contains fats or oils. Sele wet ep Priate answer from given alternatives of each sub 1 Fats ond oits are esters of gee ond fay cite. eto lea end ty oxi aitio® ‘lycerol and fatty acids glycol and fatty acids ~~" oF insoluble in water but soluble in acide or alkaline solutions } naa fos boils verFroteins |. Carbohy eng, ins Contin —— linkage \€ polypeptide polyester ©. polypropylene d. polystyrene ‘4 Glucose powder when heated with Fehling solution givesnmnm- 1. blue ppt “UiCfed ppt «green ppt 4. black ppt ‘Short answer question 1 What or Corby Ans Combathyclite...ano Finny atone ar tahich "gine nfs Ha. Such., 2. Write the name of chemical test, when protein in food stuff s treated with concent, HNO,. a 3. Write structure of peptide linkage present in proteins. HN. Gel SO.2.NA 2 4. Mention Biuret test for proteins in short, Ans. Pretein...n. reacibronh. uni th.10! fosu...clivper..g) 1% 5. Write an important difference between oils-and fats. Ans..Ad.. cerclinony...arperattier....cilr.ome. higuid...ehtl, Remark and sign of teacher: | 2:Aetion of dil. H,S0, :-Take a smal | quantity of mixture + dilute H,80, | Action of cone 1,80, Take a sma! | | geo of mixture +cononth Oot 4, Action.of Cu foils and conc. 'H,SO, Mixture + Cu filings and gone. H,S0, heat itstrongly im ty ton ef Clip sonbarnde a, Face 5. Action of MnO, and cone. H,SO, Mixture + MnO, powder + cone. H1,SO, Individual dey tests for SO? & PO,* (if required) 1. Test for sulphate Mixture + dil. HCL, boil the solution + BaCl, solution ushite pet SO4e~ Hoon HOV 2, Test for phosphate Mixture + cone. HNO, boil + excess, of ‘ammonium molybdate solution aerealubh > mays port al solution (O. jure is dissolved in 20 mL:quantity of distilled Preparation of origin A th glass rod to dissolve the mixture. Clear solution is obtained. Use this water in a beaker, stir wit rc 9.8. for further tests of acidic radicals. @ D. Wet Tests for Anfon (Acidic Radicals) 1.08. + AgNO, Tr white ppt obtained in above t iy “and observe the colour of) +c, vigorous | chloroform layer carefully. 2.0.8. + Ba(NO,), solution [3.08. + dil, oceti prepared) FeSO, sol snenyl amine + cone. H,SO, E. Confirmatory tests for Acidic Radicals 1. CT. for first detected acidic radical. caipertorm following distinetion tes Test T0542) -S drops @ phinal- 2. CT. for second detected acidic radical Test. 1 OS 4 hed Acotae 2 os + bacls -* Result : (Nam The given inorganic mixtureno. 1 contat loka ins following two conbostok Lao » Remark and sign of teach | Losrtaracstes 9) "5 Geat® ae Qr~, E>, NOs ,3047 1. Heating in a dry 4 a Y test tb bi. Take a small quantiy orn ts ity Of the mi lonrleay clove ml ea0g | loan and dry test tube and hear gene, | et wh ands Co 3¥ C204! oe eat it strongly |; | ah tins unto mitay | ny heed | 3. Action of cone. H,S0,: | anti Toke quantity of mixture + cone. H,S0. 4. Action of Cu foil ——_| | u foils and cone. H, ‘Mixture + Cu filings and - H,SO, | igstrongly ‘98 and conc. H,SO,, heat) 5, Action of MnO, and cone. H,SO, Mixture + MnO, powder + cone. H,SO, Individual dry tests fo 1. Test for sulphate | Mixture + dil. HCI, boil the solution + hs | BaCl, solution | 5 2. Test for phosphate Mixture + conc. HNO, boil + excess of ‘ammonium molybdate solution ixture is dissolved in 20 mL quantity of distilled ‘ear solution is obtained. Use th ‘on of original solution (OS) : stir with glass rod to dissolve the mixture C f acidic radicals. C. Preparati water in a beaker, OS. for further tests 0} OF 1.50, a xe) sera PGi want ty in oacen ae Vigorury “and sien. olur of 508: + FeCl olion |, 6. 0.8. + dil. acetic acid + CaCl, 7.08.+ dil. H,SO, +2-3 drops of KMnO, E, Confirmatory tests for Acidic Radicals’ 1, OS + Lane. HNOS + Jas ouyslal op diprerylorure 2, OS 4 Cu felling + COM. 19, Result: (mi : Tonnage NSD fest ube holder, orn + bat ew Chien de oifradon,Sulphats \ oe ‘Notwre k_oay be pee Co s Iaterence Take a small quaity of Road | eon and dey test ube anaes 8 wan pron nay, Noy | ee ade | me saaios oa ikgO.vtaegy Ne bla es | quintity of mixture + diate HS0. in atily 3. Aetion of cone H “Action of Cu foils and cone Mixture + Cul ‘don itstrongly 5. Action of MnO, and cone. #,S0, Mixture MnO, powder + con, H, $0, Individual dry tests for SO & PO,” (if required) oo vinwte pot insdlatel 90,42" may | 1. Test for sulphate Mixture + dil. HCI, boil the solution +] iy uct BaC, solution tone | le provent 2, Test for phosphate | BI Mixture + conc. HNO, boil + excess o = 3 ‘ammonium molybdate solution 4 | dissolved in 20 mL. quantity ‘of distilled jation (0.5) : Mixture is {ure, Clear solution is obtained. Use this C Preparation of original sol s issolve the mint water in a beaker, stit with glass rod to OS. for further tests of acidic radicals. @ Lgoeo atmos 1 EES mA Js 580 {sO eS syed en “oo @ See ae A G6 ce 190 epeE Distinction bet int ad ersten 08 ele “ Vigoreusly and observe the colour of| ehloroform layer carefully. fs ‘0S. + Ba(NO,), solu ~~ fotal ing 2.08. + Bo(NO,), solution a ee ila OS. + dil, acetic acid + (Freshly: prepared) FeSO, solution No brown Gol “4.0.8. + diphenyl aminé + cone. 1,80, | €¥0 WH 5.05. + FeCl, solution _ [pduceeeer Pe G05. + dil ceicesid+ Ca, fs 7.08. + dil. H,SO, + 2-3 drops of KMn0, 2. Gol. For second detected acidic radical . Test ~ Observation |___Inference 0S + lad. ace) in. Baile Tasdubll 69,2— k Nate Worl a ary Jen hot Sen mona 2 O5'£ Bach, acekst, FON Dy iz anf hac pp} asd, The given inorganic mixture no. 3 contains following two anions (Acidic radicals) nivale ( Simm Analyse two basic (ction) radicals qualitatively frm Apparatus: Test es test beholder test ae stand iller pape te B A. Preliminary tests =_ [ ton ja 8 [ Test ~ Obwervat agp) ana aC | Color Sige qpoer~ My be Pee a t 3 (oaleck ated . PaygyaLtin® | niyeatos baspret [ ‘Nature Cys ‘ BD Tee fora (estar ed rie) See te, [Observation | Take a smal quantity of the Joorete Sebi Im | mati aceanandin dye | tube and heat it strongly. 3, Charcoal Cavity Test: Nise NCOs in 12 roportion pice in es charcoal Zavtty, moisten with odrop of | CANTY Sete | reducing (yellow) flame 3. NaOH Test: ‘Mixture + NaOH solution & heat. Hold moist turmeric paper near the mouth of the test tube ~~ Experiment No. 24 (Mixture No. 2) joe ee Gubshanee faa Nigh or can a @ cfausfa the | may be P given inorganic mixte T pyposent al “Flame Tess | | Prepare apaste ofthe given minture| C3Sorraeboxy with cones HCI on a watch glass _ | Make’ e’ small loop atthe ent of] NiO“PouctT cal a the platinum wire & dip it in the! “COLOcLe | mixture or use glass rod, Heat it on oxidising flame (Blue) observe the colour change of the flame. C. Preparation of original solution (0.8) Take a small quantity of mixture in a beaker add 20 mL of distilled water, stir with glass rod ‘0 dissolve the mixture, If mixture does not dissolve completely then warm it to dissolve. (Clear solution is obtained, which is used as a O.S for further tests, 1. Analysis of Group zero (NH,") [ Test 1. 0.8. + NaOH solution + Heat, test with moist turmeric Paper. [Observation Evolutien SF NHs Gas ayhfch | ES Scan a Inference SWoup Lee PYALAE CAI E) eee ON ag AS » Bring a gtasg no 7 ) incon. HCL. neg 4 ped nse, vlbire | aa the test tube, Mouth ot) Fumes r Abgley vial a SHU pees bE acd en Cron pee ag | ae NaF On ened CLOW Pet oy | monlum piers +0 is absent, twa NHaF con, bi me |___ Observation — NO white 2. 0.S.FFiltrate + dit Hy heat) sere +HLS gas or water No Gara por | |— ao | Sfwoup ox abi ee pe | 3.0.8 iltrate (Remove Hs) +| wAWN G.apla¥anek—(. i X a NH.Cl equal) + NiO ea Me ah cee bteop TH CAN, | Virmus) Bed ope | Fee a present 'H,Cl (equal) +NHLOH (illatkaines | NO. PO | litmus) + HLS gas or water 5. 0.S/Filtrate (Remove HS ob | Grn +NH,Cl (equal) NHON No per \ ab (Gill alkatine to litmus) | +(NH,),CO, COSiivae NRG Gn] pip weAFe Groep ¥1 ON) | & +NH,OH (till alkaline to 0 eC bE litmus) + Na,HPO, 2. Analysis of first detected group Test | ‘Observations if Tnference \ st 3h present OS EAMucl He! mie ae : | J 3,7. for first detected radical Observations | Inferense famed ie FPRIRIE qolataneea | pia t fo ohne Let fot Pd pee ee] hn ee bore 60! ho ana was | coo. oH i velutt g PB, mote te -howernaul Raped pel FN AOH Sat Bere atte Fumes Fs oc glass vod Paidoedi< cer, eens a 3 aan OUP REVO iteestecens) Nuyh “presen 3. CT. for second detected radical Inference Test qT Observations ; O+GtNaslen's Bowne PPr (olowtaley a; Moagour oy excess) AOSIS Eppes! D Neat conFismel , O18 F Pictic aud) Yellow ppt o- : Ammon icine 2 Caené izhinn, Plena t Nugt Contre Result:- (“The giveninorganicmixtureno.2 contains following two cations (Basie Radicals) ) Aluumtarum ) Arymonka emark and sign of teacher: Experiment No. 24 (Mixture No. 2) L__, raticalsqualrively fom given inorganic mana 2.05 cevertet tet tbe bode et be nd ltr pope te | fica atest —= \Mheten ~ Observatton Titan A | Color Dark Lavin (Cu, nafs ne | Neste . Frese be \ivos | wove | Coyateetbtrne, Hivarer snc \"e E-Dey Ts tr Daal odicabs nwa oa see Det Tt fo als ett mt be dey forint) Present Ie, | Sie ot 2 I Hteating ina dry (est aber iS ‘Take a small quantity ofthe 3 mixture a clean and in dry test : tube and heat it strongly ac hrareoal Cavity 1 tohtte residvol aw be Lohete Pesidua| AI, Bath rare 4 sre + Na,CO, solid in 1:2 [Mgr Sout roay ‘Mixture + NaOH solution & heat. Hold moist turmeric paper near ‘the mouth of the test tube proportion placed in fresh charcoal sie ar oe iB Water. Heat it wi ina reducing (yellow) flame re 7 Present: 3. NaOH Test: Cor le . No cnangeon | Miah absenr Turmerte paper | 4. Flame Test: Prepare a paste ofthe given mixture with cone. HCl on a watch glass. Make a small loop at the end of| the platinum wire & dip it in the mixture or use glass rod. Heat it on oxidising flame (Blue) observe the colour change of the flame. to dissolve the mixture. If mixture Clear solution is obtained, which is I Cerdmson 40d | phe may be Rieseut- C. Preparation of original solution (OS) er add 20 mL of distilled water, stir wit los od Take a small quantity of mixture in a beak does not dissol ‘used as a OS for further tests Ive completely then warm it to dissolve. or 1. Analysis of Group zero (NH,°) I Inference paper. Test ‘Observation % 1.0S.+NaOHsolution+ | NO . eNoluen oy Sysop. Xevo \ Heat, test with moist turmeric |-\y49. yor (os ut ON eee ab Fe | test and eres copper neh Sell Pose PPeT nite OW Feiler yptesie 3 Fiver nitray ment sah questi aes Sena “ ance ves rn ig ei tov vie 3B Me eOUT oF aS Melon cyt . Mate observe ae HL eck dig BP a teak “het peng > 4. Which oft bow ‘added to water st vt NO tal | @ charcoal co 8HS NOT tg I ay | © NOH tet 8 liminary os 5. The colour of car ae en 4: lack 90 ation pacing AMES on | “ >. green ‘OUP V is, FAS 995 from fi Pt obtained, whca Ness rope bad is OS fe confirmatory test of ammonium ion, nese Tancuny.(H),..amiel Ladin During the detection of group fGropiis dic thao ae inp wh should be taken? 7 group... Shreusld, br. th slit a ae eae aug datcton fon rarrolibo.) sh FPR ail a de ee taps aa ma Canckang sop, rene .4d.. are. din ry omeabeceg a} ncn ay yh w 3 soa. haga teacttare ot tad Sr, viol. aye. wrbhanned...9a-Hikes.NO2,1 “Sad cxsptal..suhch a ‘which is not obtained from metal 3 sie . INH Devwenrsnnennn 5, Name a cation, Ans. icc gage NO. 2) (Dae Td) olde, SY om given ‘norganie mixture, 7 ‘Stand, filter paper ete ——_ | Torts eo) Nur nad be Preset | Nyt ow coat Gabe Tra be poesent rey sau ol Boerne’ hp nityh may be Present ire se Oxidising ame Gi 28. Heat it on Colour change ofthe see Buuish white Pre reat” Of original soutien (05) ss Smal quantity ofmixt in beker ad 30 mo ded wate, with glass rod cisolve the mixture. minute oes not dines ogc ee wernt ede. ‘lear solution is obtained, which is used as. 2.0.5 for further tests. snalysis of Group zero (NH) 9.8.+NaOH solution + — | EYO\Ute9 SF Group Leeo eo ie at, test with moist turmeric [Nia das ashien Pyesenk CNHUt) ver + NoOH sol fico, Bring a glass ro, fncone- HCL neg Seg outh of Wher ober Ute | SHuk obec Bley! Wat abseud " EEE mat eda . ‘S/Filtrate + dil} > botutie pee } cafemavaa my Base Pre ; Kk 08 Fila Remon (Remov ry “wuEES 1H,C! (equal) + NH b ea _atine tay onan) OEE op derek ™H és mL Canard ‘Seat attines™| NO pps | Gronks + (til alkali litmus) +S anor way No PP Group, tv sosa rap > (Remove His s) | name __ ebsents., + (equal) + NH61 0 b¢00 (ill alkaline to litmus)’ fet up e Sant) ,co, absent (OS teats NHCr equal’ =~ +NHOH (illatkdling | NO woLete Gpooup TEs litmus) + Na,HPO, Per ebent~ \ .Analysis of first detected group ‘Test Observations [7 Inference A Geeup at ppt Has and ber | Podctp ber disses PHY presen | 3.C.T. for first detected radical FE Test — “Observations | ae ved ‘ Patt. yerlow.. ppr | Pb Confiam ' Solution +h t ra etlow ppt | PE Con Fira J te. + then ap Inference E at ‘Observations Inference Result: The, “> siete mixture no. 2 contains following two cations (Basic Radicals) ) Remark and sign of teacher: pur presenk ier Bens nite i ae | elec “Peuiow pet Aromonlum plottr gro ara aac aD gL FCI ead | i tone) RHLCI equa) alkaline to litmus) pee en a + NH,OH (it alkane unui) +14 gas S or water 5. 0.8 Filtrate (Remove H.s) | +NH.Cl (equal) + NHOH, (ll alkaline to titmus)* |_+NH),CO, (6. O.S /Filtrate + NH,CI (equab| | |” ENH,OH Gill alkaline wo litmus) + NaHPO, following Wo cations cron ne > Copper: Vow Bat oe) Aeveno mbt ra \oo Sic Ra ark aud sign of teacher: awe 28 patatio weit Procedure: 1. Take 2 g of} A 2. Cover the ene fn ina dry evaporating df F Keep an inverted funnel pee erp ruierof sat tes conte: oe Pepe er paper and lose nozae ST cael with cotton Svaporating dish onthe tripod stand with “hive gauze os ston qbove diagram. 4, Now heat the china dish slowly and carefully on low flame. ‘5 After sometime the avid sublines id nyéride callers on thE nner side of he Funnel & stop heating and remove fhe Mel carefully with pair of 19S and cool. 7, Collect the erystals sr pthtic anhydride om 1S paper ond weight Result: the orystals \e. shaped. 1. Colour o 2, Shape of the crystals =~ =) - {nt Sear olin tous ammonium phate May, \ 1 | | pe ferrous anne tum sulphate is FeSO,(N1),80,¢4¢0 9 8 8 eis SH distited wete,dtute 1,80, Weigh accurately 3.93 9 Ferrous ammonium, ‘sulphate on watch glass. Tohed FAS. ty gy tch glass with distilled wore, . iker and wash the wat ng ‘90 the beaker, ner and Transfer the we; transfer washin ‘Transfer the solution OFFA. from beaker to 100 mL standard flask. ’ Wash the beaker twice with distilled water and transfer washing to the standard flask, : 100 mL. Dilute the solution up to the mark on standard flask to make volume Add few drops of H,SO, to get clear solution. es % fel... AS AOOM % ON standard phate Cptohy’s soul) alt/Conelusi prc abd: siete NE ee (a 5 Signe 7 3. The Dor eA Sig gisele gecona AR AS, Aig distited water end died 1k i a To te Reena fr fey iste it stiled water and dituted (91 of solution | ryepare elle gate TOUS cm atl water and diluted to 1 Lof solution . 0.39; mL onium sulphate (F.A.S.) 18-0 : Eis 92," OrFAS Mondera ot Won Whats FAS) ee gat seas 739, TEA Sai 7 solution of F. 399, 208 ras is dissent in sted Sad aituted to 100 om? 5. The green JOPPA, js tistolved in distilled water and diluted to 100 er, in an aig eo oF 9,1 hesolved ‘in distilled water and diluted to 100 em a red” 2 long FO. Ma inl water ond diluted to 100 om? ime? -S. solution tums to which colour if we keep that: solution oper! oun (a Le Fellowish brown 4.violet - Calculate the ch = a ort . On Mount of F, tort answer questions ed to prepare 1000 mL of 0.1 M standard solution of PL Solue S9luLEIOM. FAS LoMnEain..2I2 Ea FAS EBS... 2IU LAMEREP 0 BHR Ge athe She hasan dbs AN ne Ge Rie = 3438, ae BACT AE coping open fora tong time” ndergesA...crvidleret tellekon oat’ pinen ik. 1s. eng AeA 4 Wilt necessary t oda fee i Feta Thus. changing. the cole Ect. to y a few drops of cone 1,50, nthe reparation fF f oe WADERS. pea. .Aysresl yas Lan bvgdaralys.. ONE: ADS OM, ded... "HOON... poLeMeEMs..t One. 980M. e- fxd. are present in Mohr’s salt? Remark and sign of teacher:

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