Midterm Exam English

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1. According to the text, some measures to protect us from monkeypox infection should be taken.

What do you think our government has done to prevent the spread of monkeypox in our country?
country? Do you think these efforts are effective? Outline your argument. What can you recommend
for a better strategy?

Answer :

In my opinion, because the Monkeypox Virus is still considered a new virus outbreak, our
government can first disseminate widely about this disease. In particular, regarding how this disease
can be transmitted, the risk of conditions that can be infected and how to avoid Monkeypox. In
addition, the government can urge the public to implement a clean and healthy lifestyle as an effort
to avoid various kinds of diseases. The government's efforts have proven to be effective in
overcoming this Monkeypox Virus Outbreak. Because if we look at the data circulating on the
Internet, it is noted that only 1 person infected with the Monkeypox Virus in Indonesia. In my
opinion, the main strategy is to cooperate with other countries regarding the Monkeypox Vaccine, as
well as urging the public to continue to wear masks and maintain health protocols when in public

2. In your perspectives, whose responsibility is it to counter infectious diseases such as monkeypox?

The Government? Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbud Ristek)?
or another party? Why? How can they do it? Please elaborate your answers with arguments, valid
sources/references and specific examples.

Answer :

In my opinion, it can be said that all parties are responsible for fighting infectious diseases such as
Monkeypox. The government can provide socialization to the public regarding this infectious disease
of monkeypox and give an appeal to maintain the health protocol when in a public environment. The
community must also be able to cooperate with the government, by complying with all appeals. And
also change the pattern of life to be cleaner and healthier. Institutions such as the Ministry of Health,
which is engaged in the Public Health sector, also have the responsibility to find vaccines related to
the Monkeypox Virus or medicines for patients infected with the Monkeypox Virus.

3. How worried should we be? Does this come close to covid 19-level worry? Is the world going to
shut down again? Please elaborate your answers with arguments, valid sources/references and
specific examples

Answer :

We don't need to panic or worry too much about this Monkeypox Virus. Because according to the
Ministry of Health, the Monkeypox Virus is much lighter than the Covid-19 virus. As long as we as a
society continue to maintain the Health protocol and continue to use masks when in public places.
Monkeypox can also heal on its own without having to be given various kinds of drugs and if infected
with Monkeypox, you can just self-isolate at home. This method of detecting monkeypox can also be
done using a PCR swab but rubbed on smallpox rashes. To detect the Monkeypox Virus is slightly
different from the Covid-19 Test. In Indonesia alone, only 1 person infected with monkeypox has
been recorded, but overseas there have been more than 35 thousand people. But the impact will
not be as severe as the Covid-19 pandemic and also because the death percentage is very small,
which is only 12 deaths out of 35,000 cases. So, as long as we can maintain all existing Health
protocols and change our lifestyle to be cleaner and healthier, then we don't have to worry too
much about this Monkeypox Virus.
4. Elaborate what you personally do or will do to protect yourselves from or fight against
monkeypox? Please elaborate your answers with strong arguments and specific real-life examples

Answer :

What I did in fighting the Monkeypox Virus was actually not too different from dealing with Covid-
19. Such as undergoing the Health Protocol, not leaving the house if there are no important
activities, continuing to wear a mask when outside the house, and maintaining a clean and healthy
lifestyle. We can apply a clean and healthy lifestyle through easy things, namely throwing garbage in
its place, using hand sanitizer before touching or handling something, and cleaning ourselves like
taking a shower when after traveling out of the house. We don't need to panic or be overly panicked
in fighting this Monkeypox Virus, because if we panic too much or fear it will affect our mental, weak
mentality makes us easy to get sick.

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