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Quiz No.1 (100 Points)

Test 1. What are the (4) four types of Learners? Explain each type. (5 points each)

1. Imaginative learner.

They used to learn through experience, inan interactways way listening to others being open to evaluating the shared
ideas. They enjoy learning about topics that are important to them and feel the need to express themselves. Imaginative
learner perceives information in concrete terms and processes it reflectively.They focus to answer the question “why”.

2. Analytical learner

From the root word analyze, they are learners that used to analyze new ideas or information and things that they
already know through the fact that leads to their conclusion or concepts. They used to work alone, think in their way
though observing stick of what they observed,analyze and organizing that’s why they are having difficulty in
collaborating in a group discussion/work.

3.Common-sense learner

These are learners that mostly concerned with how things work.To answer their focused question “How does this
work?” They prefer to learn and think through learning by doing . Thay are active learners and problem solver and
through actual demonstration through experimenting,creating and building they shared their ideas.

4.Dynamic learner

They gain knowledge from their perceptions and the outcomes of their experiences.They are creative interms of
problem solving they are willing to take the risk just to find answer and find meaning of it through experience.

Test 2. With the understanding of the learners, how would you incorporate technology in the teaching of the different
macro skills? (5 points each)

Listening: Let them listen to radio online. Ask them what they understand to measure their listening skills let them
speak about their opinion of what they hear and share it in the class. Dictation would be helpful also.

Reading: Reading with comprehension and right pronounciation of words are important technology would be helpful for
reading. We can use a minus or a song that can be apply one while singing for example a story while reading in a
powerpoint presentation for them to catch their attention to participate.It is an creative way for them to understand the
story/topic and read word by word.

Tech tools and methods out there for teaching writing that can make the process easier and more fun for both teachers
and students. To help students learn and improve grammar and making essay writing ,letters we can have an activity
where they are ask for their own experience that arouse their personal expression and creativity where they can do it in
following format in a Microsoft word/powerpoint with title, introduction,body and conclusion also proper line and
spacing .As teacher I can use some videos a powerpoint presentation to help them to improve grammar ,essays etc.
From individual writing output to group activity where they can shared their ideas and use techtools as medium for
their output.


Test 3. Using multi-literacy approach, think about activities to teach each of the competencies below. (5 points each)

 Linguistic Competence:
Riddles can help children understand the riddle, read or say riddles aloud to each other and explain to them the different
definitions of a single word, such as school as in a place of learning or school as in a group of fish.The repetitive chanting,
reading, writing, or hearing of rhymes promotes good listening skills and memory retention, aside from developing speech.
Narrate what you do at home with rhyming words or let your children tell you about their favourite toys using rhyming
words.Another activity is songs it not only help children develop their musical abilities, but they also help them learn new words.
Because the lyrics have a sense of rhyme and rhythm, they will find it easy and entertaining to sing along. Furthermore, simply
adding music to an activity can be a fun game to play with children.Lastly tongue twisters are an excellent and enjoyable way to
teach children proper word pronunciation and enunciation. It is a fun way for them to practice pronouncing words. Begin with
simple ones and work your way up.

Sociolinguistic Competence:

Create a language experience chart, which is a story based on a shared experience that is written collaboratively by the
teacher and young students on chart paper. This experience is usually based on a class trip or special event. Decide on
starting sentence and teacher ask for additional sentences concentrating on grammar rules and punctuation. Morning
Message.The morning message is a variation on the language experience chart Students /teachers collaborate to write a
message of the day's activities. Basic process of construction and rereading the text remains the same.Teacher can refer
to morning message throughout the day. Both the learning experience chart and morning message are consistent with
the Sociolinguistic Theory.Students reread the whole story. They look for target words. This chart helps the readers'
literacy development.

Strategic Competence:

Discourse Competence:

Test 4. Describe what traits should your class have in order to ensure that they could attain the goals of the
curriculum. What features should your class have based on the following elements? (10 points each)
Elements Traits/Features

Teachers •understand and accept the lesrner’s diverse background

• must use appropriate methodologies,approaches and strategies

•innovative and resourceful in their teaching methods.It must be appropriate to learners and
aligned to objectives of the lesson.

• approachable,collaborative and friendly

•Teachers care about their students' personal problems and can empathize with them. Numerous
stories demonstrated how caring teachers' sensitivity and compassion had a profound and long-
lasting impact on them.

•believe every student can be successful.

Learners The learners considered problem solvers

Capable of directing and guiding themselves in resolving problems,this they become
independent learners.

Learners should be trained to solve real problems that come about because of the

Curriculum The curriculum leads the learners in the recognition of concerns and problems in seeking

Performance is a feature of a curriculum that should be given emphasis.

The curriculum is deemed to be successful if the performance of the learners is higher than the
target set.

Curriculum is constructed based on the needs,interests,purposes and abilities of the learners.

The curriculum is also built upon the learner’s knowledge,skilss,learnings and potentials.

School Every classroom is made up of activity centers where the children are given time and
opportunity to hone their skills and capacities.

The school produce the best graduates in town

The school gives emphasis to intellectual development and sets aside emotional and
psychomotor development

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