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Reflective Essay about Seafarers Life.

At first sight, seafarer might be hazardous, hence, of sea is enormous and long and full of
uncertainty. Ships used to small, made of wood, high risk being lost of the sea, but today ships
are larger, made of steel or aluminum and much less risk being lost at the sea. Being a seafarer
is you can experience loneliness but you are not alone, because you have a co-worker or buddy
in your ship. You have a family that’s support you every time, you’re love ones that always
beside you, life being seafarer have lot of difficulties and challenges and you need to overcome
them by enjoying your being a seafarer just fun and don’t overthink many things that can stress
out of you just think your purpose in life being a seafarer, you have a purpose in life right? then
what it is? Is to travel around the world? Is to be financial stable in life? Is to taste of variety of
foods of every country? Is to help our family? Or just having fun and attend parties? Who
knows? We all have a different purpose in life, just think your purpose why did you choose to
be a seafarer, why are doing this. Being a seafarer is not a joke, difficulties might come to,
challenges need to overcome, and you need a lot of dedication and motivation to overcome
these challenges, you need to be brave and excellence in every challenge or difficulties you face
for. Being a seafarer is difficult to contact family and other relatives either messages or phone
calls because the signal is weak, however seafarers traveling around the world, there are places
with limited phone calls or internet access, so you can communicate your family in the
meantime, technology is useful in these times that can you easily communicate your family or
relatives. Why did you want to be a marine engineer/deck officer? Is to great way of living? Or
somewhat of an adventure, Interesting, Challenging? Who knows? But I want to become a
Marine Engineering, because is it a great way make a living, decent money and I have always
like machinery or structures, I always wanted to do something creative which would perform a
function. Life on board ship is tough and dangerous for seafarers, you’ll be isolated from your
friend, family, and especially your loved ones for up to nine months at a time, but this is a
better choice to enable for a better life for their family, it is better to sacrifice your time to your
family for a better life and to be financial stable, and do you know? Seafarers are the one who
delivered goods or products in every country, 90% of the world fuels and goods are transported
in the world, thanks to seafarers, without them the world would hunger and might be dead
because of the hunger, this is why seafarers is important to help maintain our current way of
living, that’s all Thank you.

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