2GPRL Day1

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EXAM REVIEWER - Unstructured Interview is a way of obtaining

information in this type of research design.

2nd Grading, Prelims
DAY 1 - Aims at developing a theory to increase your
understanding of something in a psycho-
social context.
PR OC UC FI PE - A research study following a grounded
theory design takes place in an inductive
manner, wherein one basic category of
PRACTICAL RESEARCH 1 people’s action and interactions gets related
to a second category; to third category; and
9 - QUALITATIVE RESEARCH DESIGNS so on, until a new theory emerges from the
previous data.
- To do a research study based on describing a
person, a thing, or any creature on Earth and SAMPLING
explain what they are and how they act, how - Method or process of selecting respondents
they behave, and its purpose or why it exists or people to answer questions meant to yield
in the first place. data for a research study.
- Usual methods of obtaining information in KNOWN TERMS
this type of research design are…  Population – the bigger portion of your
questionnaire, interview, and observations. sample.
ETHNOGRAPHY  Sample – chosen ones who you are to derive
- A study that involves an ethnic or cultural facts and supporting details from.
group and to determine their characteristics  Sampling Frame - term that means the list
and the relations between group members. of the members of such population from
- To obtain information for this study… you where you will get the sample. (Paris 2013)
must learn to fully immerse or participate in
the group’s traditions or culture and be able PROBABILITY SAMPLING OR
to observe what their characteristics might UNBIASED SAMPLING
be.  Probability sampling - involves all
HISTORICAL STUDY members listed in the sampling frame
- This research design determines the reasons representing a certain population focused on
for changes or permanence of things in a by your study.
physical world on a certain timeframe.  Unbiased sampling – ability to obtain a
- A study refers to the number of years sample that is capable of representing the
covered, the kind of events focused on, and population under study or of showing strong
the extent of new knowledge or discoveries similarities in characteristics with the
resulting from the historical study. members of the population.
- The data collecting techniques for this  Sampling error - occurs if the selection
research design are biography or does not take place in the way it is planned.
autobiography reading, documentary - How numerous the sampling errors are
analysis, and chronicling activities. depends on the size of the sample. The
smaller the sample is, the bigger the number
PHENOMENOLOGY of sampling errors. Thus, choose to have a
 Phenomenon – a lived experience of an bigger sample of respondents to avoid
individual or a group sampling errors.
- This type of study helps you understand the - The right sample size also depends on
world views and experiences of a certain whether or not the group is heterogeneous
group that is based on your research. or homogeneous. The first group requires a
bigger size; the second, a smaller one.
- For a study in the field of social sciences NON-PROBABILITY SAMPLING
requiring an in-depth investigation of - Non-probability sampling disregards
something such as one involving the random selection of subjects. The subjects
national government, the right sample size are chosen based on their availability or the
ranges from 1,000 to 1,500 or up to 2,500. purpose of the study, and in some cases, on
- On the other hand, hundreds, not thousands, the sole discretion of the researcher.
of respondents suffice for a study about any - This is not a scientific way of selecting
local government unit. (Suter 2012; Emmel respondents. Neither does it offer a valid or
2013) an objective way of detecting sampling
- It is the best type of probability sampling
through which you can choose sample from QUOTA SAMPLING
a population. - You resort to quota sampling when you
- Pure-chance selection, every member the think you know the characteristics of the
same opportunity to be in the sample target population very well.
- The only basis of including or excluding a - Tend to choose sample members possessing
member is by chance or opportunity or indicating the characteristics of the target
- Simple random sampling happens through population.
any of these two methods: (Burns 2012) - Specific set of persons whom you believe to
a. Have a list of all members of the have the characteristics of the target
population; write each name on a card, population involved in the study is your way
and choose cards through a pure-chance of showing that the sample you have chosen
selection. closely represents the target population as
b. Have a list of all members; give a regards such characteristics.
number to member and then use VOLUNTARY SAMPLING
randomized or unordered numbers in - Since the subjects you expect to participate
selecting names from the list. in the sample selection are the ones
SYSTEMATIC SAMPLING volunteering to constitute the sample, there
- Chance and system are the ones to is no need for you to do any selection
determine who should compose the sample. process.
- For instance, if you want to have a sample of PURPOSEFUL OR JUDGEMENTAL
150, you may select a set of numbers like 1 SAMPLING
to 15, and out of a list of 1,500 students, - You choose people whom you are sure
take every 15th name on the list until you could correspond to the objectives of your
complete the total number of respondents to study, like selecting those with rich
constitute your sample. (skip counting) experience or interest in your study.
- The group comprising the sample is chosen - The willingness of a person as your subject
in a way that such group is liable to to interact with you counts a lot in this non-
subdivision during the data analysis stage. probability sampling method.
- A study needing group-by-group analysis - If during the data-collection time, you
finds stratified sampling the right probability encounter people walking on a school
sampling to use campus, along corridors, and along the park
CLUSTER SAMPLING or employees lining up at an office, and
- This is a probability sampling that makes these people show willingness to respond to
you isolate a set of persons instead of your questions, then you automatically
individual members to serve as sample consider them as your respondents.
- For example, if you want to have a sample - Does not give a specific set of samples. This
of 120 out of 1,000 students, you can is true for a study involving unspecified
randomly select three sections with 40 group of people.
students each to constitute the sample. - Dealing with varied groups of people such
as street children, mendicants, drug
dependents, call center workers, informal  Third set of questions - directive questions
settlers, street vendors, and the like is or close-ended questions to elicit specific
possible in this kind of non-probability answers like those that are answerable with
sampling. yes or no.
- Free to obtain data from any group  Fourth set of questions – ending questions
that give the respondents the chance to air
11 - DIFFERENT DATA COLLECTION their satisfaction, wants, likes, dislikes,
AND ANALYSIS PROCEDURES reactions, or comments about the interview.
SURVEY 1. Use clear and simple language.
- Data gathering process or procedure that 2. Avoid using acronyms, abbreviations,
helps obtain facts and information through jargons, and highfalutin terms.
the use of interviews or questionnaire 3. Let one question elicit only one answer; no
- Most popular data gathering technique for double-barrel question.
both qualitative and quantitative research. 4. Express your point in exact, specific, bias-
QUESTIONNAIRE free, and gender-free language
- Paper containing a series of questions 5. Give way to how your respondents want
formulated for respondents that pertains to themselves to be identified.
your research topic. 6. Establish continuity or free flow of the
- Can be factual or opinionative respondents’ thoughts by using appropriate
- Usually formulated to have multiple choice follow-up questions (e.g., Could you give an
answers example of it? Would you mind narrating
- Responses are resulted in numerical forms in what happened next?).
order to determine the statistics of the 7. Ask questions in a sequential manner;
survey determine which should be your opening,
INTERVIEW middle, or closing questions.
- Purpose: Explore another’s perceptions, FOCUS GROUPS
views, beliefs, and/or motivations. - Organized group discussion for research
- Believed to provide much deeper purposes.
understanding of social phenomena - Guided and facilitated by the
- Particularly appropriate in asking sensitive moderator/facilitator/researcher
topics - Used for generating information of
TYPES OF INTERVIEWS collective viewpoints from each member of
 Structured - verbally administered the group
questionnaires, in which a list of - There is no 'best' solution to group
predetermined questions are asked, with composition, and group mix will always
little or no variation and with no scope for impact on the data, according to things such
follow-up questions to responses that as the mix of ages, sexes and social
warrant further elaboration professional statuses of the participants
 Unstructured - do not reflect any
preconceived theories or ideas and are OBSERVATION
performed with little or no organization - Using your sense organs, you gather facts or
 Semi-structured - consist of several key information about people, things, places,
questions that help to define the areas to be events, and so on, by watching and listening
explored, but also allows the interviewer or to them; then, record the results of the
interviewee to diverge in order to pursue an functioning of your eyes and ears.
idea or response in more detail.   Direct Observation - Seeing, touching, and
ORDER OF INTERVIEW QUESTIONS hearing the sources of data personally
 First set of questions – establish friendly  Indirect Observation - not through your
relationship. Usually personal questions not own eyes and ears, but by means of
meant for audio recording. technological and electronic gadgets like
audiotapes, video records, and other
 Second set of questions - generative
recording devices used to capture earlier
questions to encourage open-ended
events, images, or sounds
- Makes you search through several oral or - Weakness: When you forget a line, it loses
written forms of communication to find momentum
answers to your research questions
- Basically parang RRL lang IMPROMPTU
- Free flow
- “on the spot”
- Usually when you have less time or no
SPEECH - Similar to impromptu
- Contains the IBC Format - Main difference is that this type of delivery
(Intro, Body, Conclusion) has proper information and research, without
- Speech Style will matter the use of a written script or memorization.
- Discusses a topic that takes importance in
combining ideas and its main topic/idea SPEECH: MANNER OF DELIVERY
- Considered as an art  Speech according to manner of delivery
- Pronouncing the words the way they should
- Give information about an issue or a  Articulators – lips (bilabial – p, b), jaw,
problem teeth, tongue, palate, glottis (glottal – k, g),
- Getting information through searching from nasal (m, n, ng)
reliable sources MODULATION
- Data sharing to others - Adjust/change/manipulate the…
- Ex. SONA, Seminars, Orientation  Intonation – rise and fall of the voice
PERSUASIVE  Pitch – lowness and highness
- To convince  Volume – loudness or softness
- Should pique one’s interest STAGE PRESENCE
- Needs information to develop topic - Speaker’s ability to own the stage, fill the
ENTERTAINMENT space, and projects one’s own personality
- Not only for jokes  Stage Fright – opposite of stage presence,
- Manner of delivering in an informal and topmost fear in the world of public speaking
entertaining manner FACIAL EXPRESSIONS,
- Can have a serious topic but humor as a GESTURES, AND MOVEMENT
speech style - Reinforces, clarifies, and complements your
stance through the use of nonverbal
SPEECH: DELIVERY communication.


- Prepare a paper with written to text to be
used for later CHOOSE A TOPIC
- Strength: Easiest way of delivering a speech - Must be a familiar topic, already talked
because you can depend on the paper, longer about, considers you and the audience’s
time to practice, better execution interest
- Weakness: May be perceived by people as KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE
unprofessional who is dependent on the - Backgrounds, cultures, interest, and
paper persuasion method must be taken account
MEMORIZED - Audience must be respected in order to not
- Longer time to prepare, lacks script have a difficult situation
- Projecting of idea without the use of written SOURCING/ CITING THE INFO
script - Acknowledge the information from other
- Strength: Perceives sentiment & affection, sources (according to…, in an article of…,
adds spice, let ideas freely flow, perceived etc.)
as a professional - Makes speech reliable and convincing
OUTLINING AND ORGANIZING - Relationship or connection between two or
- Sorting the information - Can either be by blood (descent), marriage
- Logically arrange your ideas (affinity), ritual, or politics
- Must be properly sequenced
PATTERNS OF DEVELOPMENT  Unilineal – based on links through maternal
 Patterns – helps you follow ideas easily and and paternal line.
understand the text better  Matrilineal – family relatives on the mother
 Sequence – the order of patterns side provide support.
- Logical arrangement of ideas  Patrilineal – family relatives on the father
TYPES OF PATTERNS side provide support.
Develop your paragraph using….  Bilateral – family relatives on both sides
NARRATIVE (STORY) provide great support.
- Telling a story, needs chronological
ordering, uses transitional words, signals KINSHIP BY MARRIAGE / AFFINITY
- Convey sounds, smells, tastes, feels, and/or - Marriage in which one man marries two or
looks, transitional words, indicates location more women at a given time.
 Spatial Order – root word: space, Types of Polygyny:
describing the senses of the description, a. Sororal – the wives are sisters.
using space b. Non-Sororal – the wives are not related.
- Uses specific illustrations or examples to - Marriage in which one woman marries two
clarify a statement, uses transitional words or more men in a given time.
- Picturing or portraying something in order to Types of Polyandry:
further understanding a. Fraternal – the husbands are brothers.
PROCESS (HOW-TO) b. Non-Fraternal – the husbands are not
- Describes how something works, steps in a relatives nor do have any close
strict chronological order relationships with each other.
- Uses transitional words and phrases that MONOGAMY
signal time - One man marries one woman or the other
- Why events happen and what their results Types of Monogamy:
are. a. Social – permitted to marry again, often
COMPARISON & CONTRAST after the death of previous partner.
(SAME AND DIFFERENT) Situations where you’re allowed to
 Comparison – Similarity of the subjects marry again: Divorce, Annulment, or
 Contrast – Difference of the subjects Legal Separation.
b. Straight – remarriage is not allowed.
 Division – break down parts OTHER TYPES
 Classification – group separate items  Polygamy – marrying more than one man or
 Group Marriage – marriage of two or more
- The meaning, the term, and the details.
women with two or more men.
- Created to forge bonds between people who
are not literally related.
UNDERSTANDING CULTURE, Types of Kinship by Ritual:
a. Endogamy – marrying within the ethnic
group, class, or social group.
b. Exogamy – the opposite.
 Political Dynasties – lineage of hereditary - Several bands, connected through clan
succession to an essentially same position. structure
 Political Alliance – agreement for - Informal Leadership
cooperation between different political  Headman/Tribal Chief
parties on common political and mutual - Qualifications: Hardworking, Generous,
agenda. Excellent Hunter and Farmer, Possesses
good personal skills
- Set of relationships between at least 2 - Life and hereditary ruling, serves to unite
people related by birth, marriage, blood or - More complicated
adoption. - Two types of chief:
 War Chief
 Nuclear – a father. Mother, and their STATE
child/children. - Most formal, centralized
 Extended – nuclear and its relatives living - May use force to regulate affairs
and functioning together as a unit. NATION
 Polygynous – a father with two or more - People wo share a collective identity based
mother with their children. on: common culture, language, territorial
 Polyandrous – a mother with two or more base and history
fathers and their children.
 Single Parent – either a mother or a father
 Authority – right to command/power to
with their child/children.
give orders/enforce rules
AUTHORITY BASE  Legitimacy – a value, something/someone’s
 Patriarchal – father plays a dominant role acknowledged as: acceptable, lawful, right,
and has a predominanat influence in a and proper.
family structure.
 Matriarchal – mother plays a dominant role
 Traditional – governing power must
and has a predominanat influence in a
continue to rule as it is historically accepted.
family structure.
Found in monarchy and Tribalism
 Egalitarian – both parents play a dominant
 Charisma – personally attracts & influence
role and has a predominant influence in a
family structure.
 Rational – popular acceptance of authority.
 Neolocal – independent living.
 Patrilocal – residence in the father side
 Matrilocal – residence in the mother side. FILIPINO 11
 Bilocal – residence with both sides
 Avuncolocal – residence with relatives. MGA SITWASYONG PANGWIKA
 SWS Survey noong 1993, lumabas na 18
POLITICAL AND LEADERSHIP porsiyento na mga Pilipino ang may
STRUCTURES kahusayan sa paggamit ng Ingles, karamihan
sa kanila ay isinilang sa America pero
BANDS (12 and up) bumalik lang sa Pilipinas.
- Fairly small, usually nomadic  SWS Survey noong Disyembre 1995,
- No formal system lumabas ang mga sumusunod:
- Elder Members: Decision Making  2 sa bawat Filipino ay nagsasabi na
- Dozens and Up ang wika ay mahalaga.
- Less Complicated SA TELEBISYON
TRIBES  Telebisyon ay itinuring
- Economy based: crop cultivation pinakamakapangyarihanh media dahil
- More complex than band: political org. madami ay naaabot nito (- dahil sa cable o
satellite connection).
 Wikang Filipino ay nangunguna sa  Ito ay maaaring nakatutuwa,
ginagamit na wika o midyum sa bawat nakapagpapangiti, makakikilig, cute, cheesy,
channel natin. o corny.
 Mga uri ng channel sa telebisyon:  Ogie Alcasid - Nagimpluwensiya sa pick
Patanghaling Palabas, Magazine Shows. uplines at kinilala bilang boy pick up sa
News and Public Affairs, Komentaryo, Programang Bubble Gang.
Dokumentaryo, Reality TV, Mga HUGOT LINES
programang Showbiz, at Programang  Tawag din love lines o love quotes
Pang-edukasyon.  Mga linya ng pag-ibig na nakakilig,
SA RADYO AT DIYARYO nakatutuwa, cute, cheesy, o minsa’y
RADYO nakakainis.
 Nangunguna din ang wikang Filipino sa SA TEXT
midyum na ito.  SMS (Short Messaging System) na lalong
 Ang radio ay may dalawang klase ng kilala bilang text message o text.
estasyon: AM at FM  Mas-murang mag text kaysa tumawag sa
DIYARYO telepono pero ang text ay di mo makikita
 Broadsheet – ginagamit ang wikang Ingles ang ekspresyon ng mukha o tono ng boses.
 Tabloid – ginagamit ang wikang Filipino  Humigit-kumulang apat na bilyong text ang
maliban sa People’s Journal at Tempo. Mas ipinadadaa at natatanggap sa ating bansa
binibili ng mga bus drayber at jeep, mga araw-araw.
tinders sa palengke, mga ordinaryong  Pilipinas - Texting Capital of the World”
manggagawa, at iba pa.  10%- ang itinataas na porsyento ng mga
 Nagtataglay ng malalaki at nagsusumigaw taong konektado taon-taon sa mga
na headline na ubod na makakaakit sa networking site sa ating bansa.
mambabasa.  Ang gumagamit at konektado:
SA PELIKULA Facebook- 96%, Youtube - 92%,
 Ingles ang karaniwang ginagamit sa mga Messenger- 85%
pamagat ng mga Pelikulang Pilipino. URI NG TEXT MESSAGE
 Ginagamit ang Filipino upang makaakit ng  Code Switching – pagpapalit-palit ng Ingles
manonood, tagapakinig, o mambabasang at Filipino sa pagpapahayag
makauunawa at malilibang sa kanilang  “Daglat” o Shortcut – pagiikli ng mga
palabras, programa, at babasahin upang salita upang maipadala ang mensahe ng
makakita ng malaki. madali
 Ang tono sa mga pelikula ay mostly PHYSICAL EDUCATION 11
SA IBA PANG ANYO NG KULTURANG Chapter 4: Modifiable Risk
POPULAR Factors of Lifestyle Diseases
 Isinasagawa sa pang-rap  The World Health Organization…
 Nahahawig sa balagtasan (ang deperensya - Non-communicable diseases (NCDs)
ay ang FlipTop ay hindi nakalahad o walang are the top killers in the Philippines.
malinaw na paksang pagtatalunan). - Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) –
 Laganap ito sa mga kabataan. non-infectious illneses, can either be
 Battle League - malalaking Samahan na inherited or developed based on an
silang nagsasagawa ng kompetisyon individual’s lifestyle.
PICK-UP LINES - Examples: Heart disease, cancer, liver
 Makabagong bugtong kung saan may tanong cirrhosis, chronic renal failure, obesity,
na sinasagot ng isang bagay na madalas stroke, and Type 2 Diabetes.
maiugnay sap ag-ibig at iba pang aspekto ng - Of the total deaths in 2008, 57% are due
buhay to to the ‘fatal four” NCDs
 Nagmula sa boladas ng mga batang (Cardiovascular Disease, Cancer,
nanliligaw. Diabetes, and Chronic Respiratory
 Dietary Habits
SMOKING - Dietary habits – usual choices of food
- Almost every organ in the body is that people make.
damaged when a person smokes. - Diet affects an individual’s health
- 5 million die early from tobacco condition.
- Each stick of cigarettes contain more - Having a healthy and balanced diet
than 4,000 chemicals. Consuming one early reduces the risk of developing
can cut one’s life for at least five diseases.
minutes.  Poor dietary habits
- Estimated to kill over 73,000 Filipinos - Occurs when the person does not follow
per year. the principles of good nutrition-
REASONS WHY PEOPLE… adequacy, balance, and variety.
 People start smoking… - Can occur if you either overconsume or
a. Parental Role Model underconsume the necessary intake of
b. Adolescent Experimentation and Rebellion food.
c. Depression - Leads to malnutrition
d. Limited Education
e. Weight Control
f. Aggressive Marketing SEDENTARY LIFESTYLE
g. Stress - Occurs when and individual lacks the
h. Addiction recommended level of regular physical
 People keep smoking… activity.
b. Fear of weight gain UNHEALTHY LIFESTYLE
c. Nicotine Dependence
d. Use of other substances

- Disease of the heart and blood vessels
- Types of Cardiovascular Disease
 Arteriosclerosis – arteries to harden and
 Smoke in cigarettes, hydrogen cyanide,  Atherosclerosis – deposited fat hardens and
insecticides, methanol and butane fuels, becomes plaque
benzene, cadmium, and formaldehyde.  Coronary Heart Disease – coronary
 Tobacco contains… Tar, Nicotine, and arteries are narrow or blocked
Carbon Monoxide)  Heart Attack – cardiac muscle failure
 Angina Pectoris – chest pain from
TYPES OF SMOKING narrowed coronary arteries
 Rheumatic Fever – immune system attacks
MAINSTREAM the heart
- More commonly known as “first-hand  Heart Rhythm Abnormalities/Arrythmia
smoking”, it is directly inhaling and – irregular heart rhythm
exhaling from a cigarette  Congestive Heart Failure – heart is not
SECOND-HAND able or below its normal capacity to pump
- Smoke puffed out by smokers (also blood
known as “sidestream smoke” then CANCER
taken in/inhaled by another person. - Disease where cells divide in an
THIRD-HAND uncontrolled pace
- Cigarette offshoots attached (Ex. Smoke - Types of Cancer
in smokers’ hair, clothing, walls, floors,  Malignant – cancerous
furniture, chairs, and toys.)  Benign – non-cancerous
- Will remain in the environment even if - Four Major Categories:
the smoke is already gone.  Carcinoma – most common
 Sarcoma – supportive cancer
POOR DIETARY HABITS  Lymphoma – immune system
 Leukemia – blood
- Disease wherein body is not able to
produce or effectively use insulin
- Types of Diabetes
 Type 1 Diabetes – insulin-reliant
 Type 2 Diabetes – non-insulin dependent
 Gestational – Body not responding to the
insulin produced
- Occurs In Air Paths and Other Parts Of
The Lungs
 Eat healthy food
 Do daily routines of physical activity
 Do not smoke
 Drink moderate amounts of alcohol only
 Manage Stress

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