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Name, surname:

A) Match the words to their definitions. (10x2=20)

1. Capsize:___ a) a spontaneous loss of consciousness

2. Ignite: ___ b) to measure a distance, size, or amount
3. Laborious: ___ c) to cause (a ship) to overturn
4. Gauge: ___ d) start to burn or burst into flames
5. Hamper: ___ e)   man who has not been married
6. Debut: ___ f) to make it easier for a process or activity to happen
7. Facilitate: ___ g) taking a lot of time and effort
8. Faint: ___ h) to make it difficult for someone to do something
9. Dash: ___ ı) A performer's first-time performance to the public
10. Bachelor: ___ j)   throw or push something violently

B) Complete each sentence with one of the wordsbelow. (10x2=20)

Illiterate absorb gain handicap ideally abort edge efficiently deadly damage carve bandit abusively

1. The law allows women to __________ an early-stage pregnancy.

2. Michelangelo _________ this figure from a single block of marble.
3. Don't put your glass so close to the __________ of the table
4. Almost 60% of _________ youth are female.
5. In an attempt of escape, the _________ did away with the life of four hostages.
6. She has ________ a reputation as a good communicator.
7. John runs the family business very _________.
8. Hemlock is one of nature's oldest and most _________ poisons
9. The closure of the factory will cause severe ____________ to the local economy.
10. The team had a good season despite the _________  of having 5 new players.

C) Choose the synonyms of the words. (6x1=6)

1) Cancellation
a) Annulment b) progress c) brightness d) obscurity
2) Absolutely
a) dexterously b) certainly c) satisfyingly d) mutually
3) Eccentric
a) hostile b) helpful c) crucial d) bizarre
4) Halt
a) size b) count c) result d) stop
5) Efficiently
a) individually b)competently c) subjectively d) thoughtfully
6) Illegal
a) spacious b)boundless c) unlawful d) frequent

D) Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the given words. (6x2=12)

1) Friends described Jackson as an _________, hard-working young man. (earnestly)

2) The lighted shop windows threw a bleak _________ on to the empty pavements. (illuminate)
3) James took his ________ morning walk around the garden (habit)
4) It is 40 percent more expensive than coal,there is an _________ of alternative energy sources. (abundant)
5) Millions of people have tried to quit smoking and ________ __ miserably  (failure)
6) Does the company have the __________ to change to meet market needs? (capable)
E) Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.(12x1=12)

a. Those with diabetes have to be cautious ________ the food they eat.
b. The debate _________ school uniforms in public schools has been going on for years.
c. Water pollution has a number of adverse effect _______ the wildlife.
d. Weakness in mathematic is a serious handicap _______ study science.
e. People from britain and germany are keen _______ following a time-bound Schedule.
f. A well-framed CV can portray one as a superior candidate ______ a job.
g. The usable nutrients are absorbed ______ the bloodstream from the small intestine.
h. A flash drive can be ejected ______ the computer once it Works is over.
i. Public fatih _______ the government is extremely low in Kenya.
j. Lack _______ sleep or insomnia can lead to several long term technical conditions.
k. Technological opportunities assist us to communicate ______ ease.
l. Jojoba oil has natural sebum oil identical ______ the one produced by the human skin.

F) Match the words to their definitions. (10x2=20)

11. Recession: ___ a) evil in nature or tending to do great harm or mischief

12. Severe: ___ b) Fertile, producing offspring or fruit in abundance
13. Indication: ___ c) very difficult and needing a lot of effort and skill
14. Prolific: ___ d) easily influenced or tricked; credulous
15. Urgent: ___ e)   To become clearly noticeable.
16. Abduct: ___ f) a sign, remark, event etc that shows what is happening,
17. Susceptible: ___ g) A period when business production, employment and earnings fall below levels 
18. Malignant: ___ h) Ease in learning or in doing something; proficiency
19. Facility: ___ ı) To take away secretly by force; to carry away (a human being)
20. Distinct: ___ j)   very important and needing you to take action immediately

Choose either on of the options

1) We were deeply saddened by the news about the ________ of the former president.
Decease / decade

2) It is England’s government policy to ____ the entry of those qualifying for visas.
Facilitate / eavesdrop

3) Slavery was ___ in Ohio by the state’s oroginal constition in 1802.

Abolished / abducted

4) Bullying is the act of treating people _____ through verbal or pyhsical means.
Abusively / absolutely

5) Studies suggest that pregnant woman should ___ from drinking alcohol.
abort / abstain

6) Many trbies and ____ societies restrict grils to learn reading and writing.
illegible / illiterate

7) Unfortunately the diet of children these days usually ____ the essential nutrients.
Gathers / lacks

8) Child ___ can be defined as any kind of work that is detrimental to the child’s health.
Labour / label

9) Poor nutrition and ___ skin care are some the most common causes of red dry skin.
igniting / ignoring

10) People in the past had to protect themselves against the attack of ___ when travelling long distances.
Casualties / bandits

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