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Skills Practice #1

Explain each item:

1. How does the following concept affect the quality of a report?

a. Using the best language

 With using the best language, affect the quality of a report by making it more understandable.
When it comes to the words being used the audience or reader should also be considered, if
possible, the words should be simple without making the report look less formal.

b. Avoidance of errors of form

 Avoidance errors of form, affect the quality of a report by preventing misunderstanding. With
correct format of report the readers can easily understand the idea or the message of the

c. Avoidance of errors of substance

 Avoidance of errors of substance, in making a formal report only facts and correct information
should the only thing that the writer should use to make the report believable and to avoid
misinformation. Opinions or information without basis can make the reader confused and might
result to more mistake.

2. Explain in your own words the following concepts:

a. Report writers who write without thinking

 These are writers who don’t do research, they are the one who just put things without second

b. Report writers who write and think at the same time

 In these the writer inquires and researches but the information that been gathered were just
put without proper format and resulting to a messy report.

c. Report writers who think first and writer afterwards

 These are the type of writer who do research, think if the information is correct and follow
proper format. They are writers who re-check their work to find errors and to correct them.

d. Among the 3 types of writers mentioned, which do you think is the type that could best describe you

as a writer? Explain.

 Among the three types of writers, I can say that I’m the writer who write and think at the same
time especially if I procrastinate. But most of the time I’m the last type which think first and
writes afterwards, because as a writer I want my report to be free of error therefor I do
researches to support the topic or idea of the report.

Skills Practice #2

Correct each sentences below by applying all the concepts of the six qualities of a good report discussed.
Make sure to maintain the grammar and rewrite the sentence.

1.The police maintain surveillance over the property for two months.

- The police observed the property for two months.

2. An altercation ensued between the two gangs.

- There was a misunderstanding between the two gangs.

3. The suspect verbalized that he did not commit the crime.

- The suspect said that he’s innocent.

4. The police kept the warehouse under observation.

- The warehouse is under police observation.

5. I saw him alighted from the stolen vehicle.

- I saw him coming out from the stolen vehicle.

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