Week 1 Day 2

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Lesson Exemplar for Grade V English

Week 1 – Day 2

I. Objective:

Infer meaning of idiomatic expressions using - context clues


II. Subject Matter

Topic: Inferring meaning of idiomatic expressions using - context clues


Materials: paragraphs, pictures, charts, flashcards

Reference: http://www.smart-words.org/quotes-sayings/idioms-meaning.html

Focused Skill: Inferring meaning of idiomatic expressions using - context clues

Value: What you sow is what you reap.

III. Learning Activities

A. Setting the Stage

1. Drill

2. Review
(Review on synonyms and antonyms.)

What are synonyms?

What are antonyms?

Directions: Clap twice if the pair of words are synonyms. Stomp your feet twice if
the pair of words are antonyms.

start - finish victory -

odd - even rare -
create - proud -
destroy humble
search - log - record
tear - rend clear -
3. Motivation
(Group game. Each group will be provided with an envelope and strips of paper inside.)

Directions: Match the phrases with their meanings.


add insult to injury to worsen an unfavorable situation

costs an arm and a leg something is very expensive

beat around the bush avoiding the main topic

once in a blue moon happens very rarely

your guess is as good as mine to have no idea

B. Explaining the Students What to Do

At the end of today’s lesson you will be able to infer the meaning of some idioms
through context clues. Knowing this is important to enhance your vocabulary and to be able
to clearly express yourself in conversations.

C. Modeling

The teacher uses the answers of the children in motivation.


add insult to injury to worsen an unfavorable situation

costs an arm and a leg something is very expensive

beat around the bush avoiding the main topic

once in a blue moon happens very rarely

your guess is as good as mine to have no idea

The phrases above are called idiomatic expressions. Idioms are expressions, words,
or phrases that have figurative meanings conventionally understood by native speakers. The
meanings are different from the literal meanings of the idiom's individual elements. In other
words, idioms don't mean exactly what the words say. They have, however, hidden

The meanings of idioms can be inferred using context clues like their synonyms,
antonyms, or by how they are used in sentences.
D. Guided Practice

Directions: Infer the meaning of the idioms in sentences using context clues. The idioms
are written on boxes, while the idiomatic expressions are written on the balls.
Place the balls to their corresponding boxes.

missed the all the very rarely

easy or simple final problem
chance advantages

Liza has the

The president The last straw Solving math He cannot best of both
missed the boat problems is a always visit the worlds, she is
in five problems
of peace when piece of cake for farm but only pretty and
is very easy to math wizards, intelligent and has
he declared once in a blue
solve. they do not find almost
martial law. moon. everything.
it hard.

E. Independent Practice
(This is a group activity.)

Directions: Infer the meaning of idiomatic expressions in the sentences using context clues.

1. Despite of the difficulties pressing you down, remember that every cloud has a silver
lining so always be optimistic.
2. When faced with difficult choices just cross the bridge when you get there and not
3. Many people just sit on the fence when they do not want to make decisions.

F. Closure

What are idiomatic expressions?

How do we infer the meaning of idioms?

IV. Evaluation

Directions: Infer the meaning of idiomatic expressions used in the sentences.

1. Children are taught in school not to add insult to injury to avoid disagreements. Add insult
to injury means _______________________________________.

a. say good b. worsen the c. give solution d. connect the

things situation to problems dots
2. The chance of winning in the lotto comes once in a blue moon chance and not every day.
Once in a blue moon means _______________________________________.

a. very rarely b. always c. every two d. once a

weeks moth
3. Reading was a difficult skill at first, but now t’s just a piece of cake. Piece of cake means

a. hard b. practice c. difficult d. easy

4. The friends decide to cross the bridge of choosing the school for college education when
they get there. Cross the bridge when you get there means dealing the problem
a. immediately b. later c. when d. when
necessary ready
5. Old maids missed the boat of marriage for they had let it pass without even staring. Missed
the boat means you missed the _______________________________________.

a. chance b. groom c. trip d. beauty


V. Agreement

Directions: Look for the meaning of the idiomatic expressions and used them in sentences.

1. make a long story short

2. see eye to eye
3. not playing with a full deck
4. blessing in disguise
5. barking up the wrong tree

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