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Era 0 in this lore is known in your civilization as the Speed of

The Great Artifact Light (“c”) Era. “Before the c Era” (“BcE”) refers to how many
eras in the past those events occurred.

Unofficial Solo Campaign by Propsero These artifacts will be created (in that order) as special
for R. Winder’s “Deep Future” Game game cards over the duration of your campaign.
Artifacts are always in one of three states: lost, found,
Version 0.5
or recovered. When an artifact is created, it begins in
Many eras ago, a legendary Xeno artifact, now known only as a lost state. Over your campaign, it may be found and
“The Great Artifact”, was destroyed. Its fragments were taken to then recovered (and potentially lost again!).
the far reaches of the galaxy by rival civilizations who attempted
to harness their power. The Great Artifact is won by recovering all four
artifacts in a single game and transporting them to the
Over the ages, the pieces of The Great Artifact were re-forged into
black hole at the galaxy’s center. This will typically
mighty but less-powerful artifacts of their own. One by one, they
were lost as the civilizations who held them fell victim to their own
take many eras to achieve (at least 5, but potentially
greed or hubris. many more than that).

Legend tells of four such artifacts scattered throughout the galaxy. 2 Campaign Setup
Your civilization desires, above all others, to possess these and re-
assemble them into The Great Artifact to face the Xeno as equals. At the beginning of your campaign, perform the
normal Deep Future Campaign Setup.
The Great Artifact is a solo campaign for Deep Future. It
is a replayable, winnable quest that spans many eras. The star charts were known to be incomplete, but we had to start
our search somewhere.
This campaign is recommended to be played with all
rules in Propsero’s Bleak Future expansion for the most 2.1 Create an Artifact
challenging experience. It is compatible with the base
rules, or any subset of the Bleak Future rules. After normal Campaign Setup, create a single new
artifact card for artifact 1 (The Five-Thousand Year
This is the first episode in The Great Artifact series by Energy Source). Artifact cards are special cards that
Propsero, and contains non-canonical lore. The never enter the deck. All artifact cards will eventually
second episode in the series, The Great Insurrection, is be created using the below method.
playable immediately after you win this campaign.
Write Artifact N on the card, where “N” is the number
1 Goal of the artifact (1-4), and the name of the artifact.
Artifact cards do not have a normal suit and value
The goal of the campaign is to unify the galaxy by because they never enter the deck; however, each
finding, recovering, and re-assembling the remnants artifact has a unique artifact suit. To generate an
of The Great Artifact. artifact suit, discard cards from the deck until you
The Great Artifact was shattered into 4 pieces which over the years discard a suit not already used on any artifact in the
were forged into separate, less-powerful artifacts which changed game. (For the first artifact, you will only discard one
the galactic balance of power: card.) Write that artifact suit on the artifact card
below its name.
(1) The Five-Thousand Year Energy Source, lost during an
ambushed attempt to purchase the entire Ikengan fleet in 616 BcE; This artifact is now in the campaign, but is lost until
(2) The One Eto Mind, which controlled the planetary AI of the you find it. Note the artifact in your log and that it is
Etonian empire for millennia until the Ninth Great War of 612 currently lost.

(3) The Heart of Amli, which powered the dying star of the
Amlivians until it was lost in the Solar War of 387 BcE; and

(4) The Sceptre of N'Dor, rumored to have been passed down for
generations among the Warrior Tribes of N'Dor, but which has
not been seen since the War of Many Moons in 42 BcE.

A world that currently contains a found artifact is
known as an artifact world. Artifacts may move from
world to world as they get lost and found – artifact
worlds are not a permanent designation and their
status should not be noted on their game cards.

The day we found that first legendary object was celebrated for
Example Artifact Card with a skull artifact icon.
3.2 Game Setup for Artifact Worlds
Throughout the campaign, keep lost and found
artifact cards on the table near the neutral worlds line. Whenever you begin a game in the campaign, check
When you recover a found artifact, it will be added to your log for any artifacts currently in found status and
your tableau. their artifact world locations.
The artifact exuded a mysterious energy. It excited and scared us. During homeworld selection in Game Setup, if you
draw an artifact world, discard it as if it were a non-
3 Rules world card.

3.1 Finding Lost Artifacts At the end of each Game Setup, add 1 neutral cube to
the sector of each artifact world (to a max of 5 total
During the first era of the Campaign, the first artifact
cubes per hex) if that sector contains no player cubes.
is in the campaign but is lost – it is a lost artifact. In
This happens regardless of whether the artifact world
later eras, there may or may not be lost artifacts in the
is in the neutral worlds line or in the deck.
campaign. To find lost artifacts, you must first win a
game via normal victory conditions. The primitive residents of the planet did not understand the power
of what they had, but they wouldn’t give it up without a fight.
Immediately after winning a game in the campaign, as
a reward, if there are any lost artifacts in the game, 3.3 Recovering Found Artifacts
and no found artifacts (i.e. all found artifacts were
recovered during that game), you may search for one You can recover a found artifact by using the Settle
of the lost artifacts. action on its artifact world. The artifact world card
may be settled from your hand or the neutral worlds
The citizens supported our civilization’s victorious era by combing line. (World cards created via the Settle action will not
the galaxy for the Great Artifact. be artifact worlds at the time they are created.)
If your game currently has more than one lost artifact, Recovering an artifact occurs automatically when you
pick which lost artifact to search for. settle an artifact world, in addition to the normal
effects of the Settle action.
Discard two cards from the deck to generate a sector
number. If there is no found artifact already in that Once you recover an artifact, you now possess that
sector, look through the deck. If you find a named artifact via the occupation of the world it was
world card of that sector, you have found the artifact recovered on. Add the artifact card to your tableau.
on that world! In a future game, if you settle that You may want to place the recovered artifact card
world, you will recover the artifact and add it to your near the card of the artifact world it was recovered
tableau. from. If you lose that world, you will lose that artifact!
(The named world card requirement is designed for If it wasn’t for the ancient monolith we discovered and what lay
use with the optional Discovered Worlds rule in Bleak inside, we may not have bothered with the planet at all.
After recovering an artifact, if no lost or found
If you found an artifact, note the world and sector of artifacts remain in the campaign, and less than 4
that artifact in your log. This artifact is now a found artifact cards exist, you have awakened the next
artifact and can be recovered by settling on that artifact! Create the next artifact card (see 1 for creation
specific world in a future game. order and 2.1 for creation process) and place it near
the neutral worlds line. The new artifact is lost but

may be found if you win the current game or a future
game. Note the awakening of the artifact and its lost
status in your log.

As soon as we found that first artifact, it was rare for any of us to

have a peaceful night’s sleep. We restlessly dreamed of another
mysterious object that we had never seen, yet somehow suddenly
knew existed.

3.4 Recovered Artifact Challenges

Example scoring tracks after four artifact invocations.
During each Payment Phase, add 1 card to the Here, the Xeno Relations score cannot exceed 2.

challenge pile for each recovered artifact in your

3.6 Losing Artifacts

By the end of the campaign, the challenge pile will have at After an artifact has been recovered, it will remain in
least 5 challenge cards per turn. Specialized technologies your tableau as long as its artifact world remains in
and/or invoking your artifacts may be necessary to increase your tableau.
your chances of endgame survival.
If you lose that artifact world for any reason (by
As if by psychic force, our galactic neighbors grew jealous of us intentionally discarding it, or losing control over its
from the moment we touched the shimmering object. sector), you will immediately lose the artifact.

3.5 Invoking Recovered Artifacts Place the lost artifact back near the neutral worlds line,
and note in your log that it is now lost.
Each artifact can be invoked when it is in your
tableau. An invocation lasts from the time the You will need to find the artifact again by winning the
recovered artifact is invoked until the end of that turn. current game or a future game (see 3.1).

It took little time for our scientists to discover its astounding Every world it touched became a stronghold… and a target.
capability. What they couldn’t understand was how it violated our
understanding of the laws of physics. 3.7 Losing a Game

Invoking artifacts angers the Xeno. Every time you If you lose a game, any artifacts that are currently lost
invoke an artifact, decrease the Xeno Relations track or found remain in that state for the next game.
by 2 and permanently destroy (cross out) the
Any artifacts that you recovered during that game
topmost non-destroyed square of the Xeno Relations
become lost again. Note this in your log.
track. After invoking any artifact in the campaign, you
will no longer be able to win a game in this campaign What began long ago as an ambitious quest to reunite the galaxy
via the Xeno Relations victory condition. ended in the destruction of everything we ever knew.

That first invocation will forever be known in our history as The 3.8 Winning a Game with 1-3 Artifacts
Great Awakening, both for us and for the dark animosity it
aroused in our former allies. If you win a game with one, two, or three recovered
artifacts, congratulations! Your civilization achieved a
After you invoke an artifact, it will act as an infinite
level of greatness and power not seen for millennia.
source of its artifact suit until the end of that turn. It
may be used to perform the action associated with Unfortunately, you were not great enough to recover
that suit, any upkeep payments of that suit, or any all 4 of the artifacts and re-assemble The Great Artifact
challenge costs of that suit without discarding a card to unite the galaxy. The campaign will continue until
or upkeep token. All other game rules still apply – an you do. Note the victory in your log along with the
invoked artifact simply acts as the equivalent of artifacts you recovered.
discarding a card of its artifact suit any number of
times. Write the artifact suits of all recovered artifacts on the
civilization card you create. In future games, that
We feared its dark power, but there was more than once in our civilization card may be discarded from your hand
history where we were desperate enough to use it… even though
we knew what it had done to past generations.
for one of its artifact suits instead of its primary card The black hole’s sector was home to the Penrose Forge, an ancient
suit. mysterious structure that had lay dark for all of known history.
Suddenly, we knew what it did – and how to activate it.
Any artifacts that are currently lost or found remain
in that state for the next game. An artifact is transported by moving a designated
cube from its artifact world to the black hole, using
Any artifacts that you recovered become found and one or more instances of the Expand action (or other
remain on their artifact world for the next game. movement effects).
Memories of our era have faded. We achieved greatness, but The requirement to leave 1 cube behind when
perhaps not the level of greatness we once believed possible.
performing Expand does not apply if every cube
being moved is transporting an artifact.
3.9 Finding the Final Artifact: Galactic War
A unit transporting an artifact will still be destroyed
When you recover an artifact during a game, if you
(and its artifact lost) if it remains on the black hole hex
now hold 3 artifacts in your tableau and the
between turns – to win the campaign, you must bring
remaining artifact is currently found, a Galactic War
all four artifacts to the black hole in the same turn.
begins immediately.
We thought the Penrose Forge was a myth. We never expected it
Decrease the Xeno Relations track by 3. Destroy the to be the most important device in our civilization’s history.
topmost non-destroyed square on the Xeno
Relations track. You can no longer win a game in this If you lose a unit transporting an artifact, that artifact
campaign via the Xeno Relations victory condition will become lost – you may now win this game via
(this may have already been the case, if you had normal victory conditions again, but you will not be
previously invoked an artifact during this campaign). able to win the campaign during this game.

After the first Galactic War, the Xeno never offered another treaty. Coming so close to greatness and failing to achieve it became the
defining feature of our civilization.
Add 1 neutral cube to each sector adjacent to the
black hole (or remove 1 of your cubes, if present). 3.10 Winning the Campaign

Add 5 neutral cubes to the sector containing the final Once you have transported all four recovered artifacts
artifact (to a max of 5), and 1 neutral cube to every to the black hole in the same turn, congratulations!
sector adjacent to it (and/or remove a corresponding
You successfully recovered and re-forged The Great
number of your cubes, if present).
Artifact. This unified the galaxy and achieved
Example: if you had 2 cubes in the sector of the final artifact seemingly perpetual peace under your rule. You have
at the outbreak of Galactic War, you would remove those 2 won the campaign. Will your civilization break the
cubes and replace them with 3 neutral cubes.
rule that “all civilizations must fade”, and after
Note the outbreak of Galactic War in your log. You millennia still be recognized as the rightful galactic
must fight through the neutral forces and settle the rulers?
final artifact world to recover the artifact.
You may end the campaign, or continue by playing
Once Galactic War breaks out, you cannot win the The Great Insurrection (the next episode in this series).
current game via normal victory conditions. We did it. Our children don’t understand what we went through,
The rest of the galaxy united with the Xeno to oppose us. We but we did it for them. I can die happy.
weren’t about to give up now. And yet something stirs near the black hole…

3.10 Forging the Great Artifact

After (and not before) you have recovered the final

artifact and hold all four artifacts in your tableau, you
may transport each artifact from its artifact world to
the black hole at the center of the map.

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